Heeeeeeellllo everybody

My name is Doha from Morocco. I'm 22years old. I will go to china 29 JUNE 2012 just for 1month for an internship and after i will come back for seeing what i can do after

hablas español

sofia bello wrote:

hablas español

hi sofia how are you

si hablo espagnol. de donde eres?

catty3979 wrote:

Hello you.
Good for your trip luck.

thank you im so exited specially that i will go alone :p

Hi and welcome to Expat.com Doha !

Your post has been moved to the China forum for better visibility.


Armand wrote:

Hi and welcome to Expat.com Doha !

Your post has been moved to the China forum for better visibility.


u know im new memeber here so thats why i dont know how to use it