Article 148 regulates the naturalization figure. As you can see in Nº 02, you need at least 03 years of Permanent Residency in PY. Some people have been asking me about naturalization and passport before those 03 years: In light of what Paraguayan Constitution establishes, it is impossible to get naturalization before those 03 years.
Please bear in mind that Our legal system is based on the Kellsen pyramid where the National Constitution stands up on top, and theres no law, presidential or supreme court decision that can be contrary to our Constitution. So in case someone is offering a pretty easy fast passport with naturalization, please be careful
Los extranjeros podrán obtener la nacionalidad paraguaya por naturalización si reúnen los siguientes requisitos:
1) mayoría de edad;
2) radicación mínima de tres años en territorio nacional;
3) ejercicio regular en el país de alguna profesión, oficio, ciencia, arte o industria; y
4) buena conducta, definida en la Ley.