Paraguay Temp residency - how many visits needed in Asuncion?


I am a US citizen and in the process of kick starting my Paraguayan Temp residency application. Currently collecting the documents that are needed.

Have been told by different sources that the initial visit to submit the application does not require my physical presence in Asuncion, visit is only needed to pick up the cedula once approved.

Can someone vouch for the accuracy of this information?

Hello, immigration attorney here. You DO need to visit to apply for temporary residence, and then come back once again to apply for the cedula. Please do not believe people that tell you yo do not need to visit to apply for temporary residence, I know first hand that there are "attorneys" scamming people like that because they pay for everything and then the attorneys just disappear. Temporary residence cannot be requested by someone else through a PoA, the applicant needs to apply in person. 

@micksmalley wrong way around. You have to be present for the applications, both for residence and for cedula. You can give power of attorney for somebody to collect your cedula.