Whole family moving


I have an offer to teach in Izmir next Jan 2010. My family will come with me to Izmir including my wife and my son.

I taught in fashion design for years in Hong Kong and took a career break last summer 2008 and pursued a Master Degree in Design Management at Northumbria University, UK.
I finished the course and prepare to attend a graduation ceremony in Dec 09.

I would like to know if my wife holds a dependent visa upon arrival to Izmir, can she allow to work? And can she change her visa status after arriving to Izmir?

Besides, as we can only speak English, I think my son can only study an international school. What school can you recommend? Please kindly reply and thanks.

Best regards


Hi David. Your wife cannot work in Turkey without a Work Permit. If caught doing so then she will run the risk of being deported and not allowed back into the country for 5 years.

Regarding your son, I don't know what age he is but there are lots of foreign children attending government state schools (including mine), and they all seem to pick up the language very quickly. Sending him to a state school with perhaps a private language tutor in the evenings or the weekends (for you all) may be a better idea.

Hi David,

Ally is right, many expats send their kids to state schools, mine included and she is thriving!
It would be impossible to give you a recommendation for a school as Izmir is massive! Do a net search on the area you will be located to and then a search for schools in that area. Nearly all schools have their own webistes and many of them are in English as well as Turkish.