Favourite Movies

2 days later, i am still cracking up hysterically after watching THE DICTATOR...its the funniest most useless movie i've seen to date but brightens up any day and i can watch it over and over again..

which are your favorite movies to date?


"Up in Smoke" & "Dude where is my car"  - old Movies but really uproarious still :):D
@ Almasi will gonna check "The Dictator" for sure Lol!

Rohit.Eleazer wrote:

"Up in Smoke" & "Dude where is my car"  - old Movies but really uproarious still :):D
@ Almasi will gonna check "The Dictator" for sure Lol!

:D havent watched either of those but since you mention it *activate download :P

The good, the bad, an the ugly. A classic movie that tells a story like no other.

@ Filip thnx for suggestion, will download today itself

Filip737 wrote:

The good, the bad, an the ugly. A classic movie that tells a story like no other.

@ Rohit

You're welcome, I hope you enjoy it :D

hehehehe....nice pick Rohit, i just watched "Dude where is my car" :D

May i also suggest Airplane (1980) yeah i know, old film but well worth your time :lol::lol: