Visa info for Ireland

HI there all,

I wonder if anynone can help me.  I would like to move to Ireland.  With regard to the visa would it be easier to go as a tourist and once I am there change to a work visa.  I will get a job before I leave.  I am on a South African passport.  If this is not a good idea, does anyone have any tips on visas.  I am looking into getting the green card permit then the applying for the employment visa. 

Look forward to advise.


Hi Donovan,
I would really research what kind of visa you are eligible for before coming on a  tourist visa. There are many visas that require you to apply for before you arrive in the country. If you begin work while on a tourist visa you are at risk being deported and not being allowed back.

It's hard to sift through, but worth going through the website at the Department of Justice & Citizens Information:

hi i'm eileen and i need information regarding getting my boyfirend a tourist visa to visit me in ireland in july..we have all the documents required.but have come across a stumbling block here. we need to know does he have to submit his original passport for the visa as he was told his passport would not be able to leave algeria to go to the irish embassy in egypt for the visa..please help as soon as possible thank you e-mail me

Hi Eileen,
I couldn't gather much info from your post. Is your boyfriend Algerian? If there is no local Embassy or Consulate in his country he probably does need to post his passport to the embassy which handle his country's visas and wait until his passport is returned before ha can leave... You're correct in assuming he can't leave his country without a passport. I had a similar experience in the US when waiting on a work visa. While in the Sates I applied through my local consulate which was actually around 300 miles away. I posted my application along with my passport and had to wait until it was posted back to me before I could travel out of the country.

However, if he is able to travel to the Irish Embassy in Egypt himself that would probably be best as he probably won't be without his passport for long.

Honestly though, I'm not an expert and you really are best off ringing, emailing or visiting someone in the Department of Foreign Affairs yourself for full information.

Hope that helps

Hi Joven,
You may find all relevent information regarding visas on the website of the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You have to file your visa application on line. Just follow all instructions and click on the right links!