
part time jobs

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santhu deva

hi i want to do masters in germany,
can any one say about part time jobs for students.:)


Hello anthu deva.

Welcome to! :)

Can you please introduce yourself and give more details of what you are looking for?

Thank you,

santhu deva

thanks for your reply.
iam santhosh pursuing final year of btech in india.
i want to do masters in germany.
iam planning in this fall.
for surviving my self in germany during my studies so whether i can get part time jobs over there,what type of jobs.
please give me the information regarding this.
thank u..


there are many part time jobs for students. besides the usual part time jobs like waiter you can also work at the university. I worked as a programmer and teaching assistant at my university. but you need to check the visa rules. there are restrictions on how much you can work on a student visa. but you have to show that you have the money for the whole first year for your visa anyways, getting the money for the second year with part time work should not be too hard.

santhu deva

thank you.
can u give information about the living expensives.

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