
Citizens Advice - unpaid invoice


Hello all,

I am posting this on behalf of a friend who has recently been on the receiving end of some foul play by a company located here in barcelona.

She has worked with said company now for approximately a year doing freelance graphic deign work. Unfortunately for her it seems that the last project she completed appears to be the last piece of work they require as the invoice that she sent has been ignored. Several follow up emails and calls have also been ignored by various people in the company and it is now clear they are intent on not paying.

What is the process for following this up now? I know in the UK she would probably tend to go to the citizens advice bureau for support, is there something similar out here?

She's quite timid and all the work was done remotely, therefore she is not keen on heeding my advice and turning up at the company office and demanding a payment.

Any advice for a situation such as this would be most welcome.


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I would first seek for a "technical" opinion to the British consulate of Barcelona and the British chamber of commerce in Spain.

They will at least tell you if you have leverage or not. I assume that she signed something with them, so if it is signed, it is due. I guess you might have to sue them (or at least threaten to do so)


Ok thanks. Not sure on the specifics regarding paperwork but seeing as she's completed previous work for them she must have a case somewhere.

Unfortunately as she's a part time student, paying legal fees aren't really an option!


Hello, she have to send a burofax to the company attaching again the invocice "factura" and kindly telling them that if they do not pay in 15 days a court procedure will be followed (Burofax will cost around 30 euros).

After three weeks she should start a "Procedimiento Monitorio" in Court.. since the company is in Barcelona, she has to go to the Court in there.

Any other option (consulate, goverment offices, etc..) is a lost of time.

If the amount of the bill is less that 2.000 euros she will no need any "Procurador" neither "Abogado" an CAN DO EVERYTHING FOR FREE, if she is smart enough... If it is more than 2.000 euros, she will not needed in the start but she will have to get those two professionals in the event they still do not want to pay once the court send then a first advice to pay. She should counts around a year to get any result from the Court.

Obviously, if she is not living in Spain the question is probably not possible due to the expenses in trips, etc. but in case there is no trial (beacuse the company does not oppose the bill) she can do everything without comming here (providing someone goes to Barcelona Court to stamp the legal writting). If she is only an student and cannot provide with a legal invoce (with VAT number and so on..) forget about the case. :(
