What about jobs in Ecuador? What is an estimated average salary?
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:DHi! few friends of mine are thinking about moving to Ecuador and was wondering:
1) Are jobs easier to find?
2) What can they expect to earn? monthly?
3) Is it safe?
Need everyone's help getting positives and negatives.
I don't feel like jobs are easy to find. You can find English teaching jobs, but if you don't speak Spanish, then that's about it, it seems. The minimum wage here is around $300 a month. (However, you can make more teaching English- it just depends where).
I feel safe here- it depends on where you live.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Amy! This tells me that I must speak Spanish in order to find a decent job? Is it possible to make around $3,000/month?
Doing what? A doctor maybe?
When I worked at a private International school (teaching English), I made $2,000 a month (which is a lot here)- then worked at a university for $1,000 a month- then I've had job offers now anywhere from $700 a month- $1,500 a month. I've been looking for a job since December.
This tells me that I have better chances teaching english then working for someone else for anything less then $1,000/mth. hmmm
You have been an excellent help.
alguien me podria informar sobre la posivilidad de encontrar trabajo en la constrccion en chile o peru
no tienen ni idea sobre eso. tratar de hacer una búsqueda en Chile o en el enlace de Perú
Hello paco san,
You should please write in English in this English speaking forum.
Thank you,
Expat.com team
Hi paco san !
Please note that you can use the Spanish speaking forum.
If your in IT you can work from anywhere for anyone. That's what I plan on doing. Maybe some journalism or something like that if you can find some one that likes your wor
Take what you make in the U.S. and divide by 5 = Ecuador.
Like many countries, in my opinion Ecuador is best for those that have earned and saved elsewhere and not those Westerners dependent on trying to earn a living here.
Okay, before everyone jumps on me, all you web designers, IT consultants and internet based businesses that are physically outside the U.S. but have their customers in the U.S. I am not talking to you. I am talking about the nurses, teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, electricians, welders, carpenters, etc. thinking that they can find a job in Ecuador that pays something close to what they make in Canada or the U.S.
Thanks Saw Man! for your valuable advise. I will definitely look into the options, but as for information that you have given is the same that I have gathered from other blogs as well.
Much appreciated.
I think Sawman put the needle on the record. I have been frequenting forums all over S. America and this sounds like the general consensus.
So, out of curiosity, how much would someone need to be able to live well, if they did not have an income from any source (ie. pension, social security, etc.).
If you had $250,000 in cash, I imagine you could buy a decent home and find odd jobs to make enough to pay for food, clothing, bills, etc, no?
Keep in mind when considering living in Ecuador and having to support yourself or family with a Job or continued career, you must consider what the difference in your current expenses will be.
Here is a great website where you can look up most of the major destinations in Ecuador and look at basic expenses.
http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/co … ry=Ecuador
You will need to weigh in on your own current situation (how much you have saved, the life style you want to live), then decide if the adjusted income here for your profession will meet your needs.
Ultimately speaking Spanish HELPS, but may not be necessary if you are Teaching English (with TESOL certification), in Travel and Tourism and catering to English speaking customers, or in a virtual environment (work from anywhere on the computer).
I personally prefer to learn and speak Spanish because I live in Ecuador, and that is the native language here. To me I feel rude trying to communicate with locals in English. I am in THEIR country. I would expect the same if they were in mine.
hi,,, can any one tell me what is per hour rate for a welder or pipefitter in ecuador? please help,,,
The average pay for a welder in Ecuador is $12,900. (jobmarket.advisor4u.com)
The MEDIAN pay for a "welder, solderer, braser" in the U.S. manufacturing sector is $44,000.
I would like to know the availability of work for first class steamfitter/pipefitter and welders in Ecuador. My wife and I are planning to move there when our home and business sells.
Ecuador is having a financial/budget crisis brought on by the big drop in oil prices.
This means, more than ever, that Ecuadorian businesses will follow the line and give first shot on any jobs to Ecuadorian nationals.
Speaking fluent Spanish is a routine requirement to find work in Ecuador, and your specialties are no exceptions.
Ecuador welcomes retiree/investors, pensioners and certain Expats with skills in highest demand, such as medical professionals with Spanish language skills.
How's your español?
cccmedia in Quito
sherinfrancis88 wrote:Am a male nurse from india , and plan to relocated to Ecuador... Is it possible to get rn easily?
Expats arriving here with no contacts and less-than-fluent Spanish have little chance, even though Ecuador needs doctors and nurses.
Ecuador welcomes retirees with money to spend, 25K for investing, and diplomas on the acceptable university list who actually plan to work.
However, the policy is to give preference to Spanish-language native speakers and Ecuadorian nationals over Expats.
cccmedia in Quito
Hi good morning my name is Rajesh and I'm from India I have been looking for a job opportunity in Ecuador but I couldn't find it can you please find any other way to get into job and PR holder.
Thank you
Rajesh marineni wrote:my name is Rajesh and I'm from India.... can you please find any other way to get into job and PR holder.
Please re-read Report 22 above.
If you have no fluency or skills -- and you certainly didn’t mention any in this post -- Ecuador will not be a good fit for you as a job-seeker.
The economy has been rough for a couple of years and they’re not looking to give jobs to unskilled foreigners.
cccmedia in Quito
I would like to volunteer in EC. I am a retired teacher.
Can I work in the schools (for free) and help teach students English while they help me with my Spanish? I could meet more people and learn more about the culture, too.
Also I worked with students that had special needs. I would be happy to help them when I could or as they want me to do so.
Hi sir/madam good evening My name is Rajesh and I am from India, I have been staying in Ecuador from the past 6months and I'm a PR holder of Ecuador. I have finished M.B.A holding with two years of experience and I'm looking for a job here and I would like to teach with your help because I do not know much Spanish if you find any school to teach can you please refer me.
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security
Good evening everyone my name is Rajesh and I have finished M.B.A, can I find any in Ecuador as I do not know Spanish.
RobinJoel wrote:I would like to volunteer in EC. I am a retired teacher.
Can I work in the schools (for free) and help teach students English while they help me with my Spanish?
Most of this is doable.
I meet Expat volunteer teachers here in Quito from time to time. This week at a gathering of Expats at the Marriott, I met a 'retired' English teacher from Tampa, Florida. She grew up in a bilingual family. She said she teaches young kids at a school in Quito as a volunteer.
Google: Ecuador volunteer teachers .. to get started.
You might start with one-way English teaching .. and as you get to know teachers, students and the culture of the school, seek some Spanish learning for yourself.
cccmedia in Quito
Hi I am a secondary school science teacher in the UK and am looking at working in Quito at an english speaking international school. Does anyone know what the average qualified teachers salary is in Quito? The job application just says competitive.
Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Lee.
‘Competitive’ is a euphemism meaning low by Western standards.
What subject are you looking to teach in Quito? If it’s science, you would be at a great disadvantage as a teaching applicant given your lack of español. The class would be taught in Spanish and a native Spanish speaker would normally be the teacher.
As to the question about an Expat community in Quito -- posted on another thread -- there is one.
I will send you via PM the contact information for an ‘outside group' that holds regular meetups and events.
Thank you cccmedia, the school that is advertising is in the British school, Quito so I'm guessing that they speak english?
Hi, Lee,
As I mentioned in response to your thread about teaching at international schools, see this link at Dave's eslcafe.com where those on the ground in Quito comment on the current inside scoop of teaching there:
Piping up late, here! This thread seems to have traveled over time! My boyfriend and I are looking to move to Ecuador in the coming months, and while he has savings/money to get a start, I do not. Since we are not married, I will be on my own to find a way to STAY in Ecuador once I get there. I am an aspiring author, and have just one children's story already online and published as an eBook. I would love to make a living writing, or doing other work via the internet from Ecuador. Any advice for me? Any and all is much appreciated
Ali tamizy wrote:Hi, i'm job seeker inecuador.
i am chemist.i have 17 years experienced in glass factories in chemistry Lab. I analysed raw materials & batches & products for control of glass formulation .and have researches on glass industrial.& oil industrial & NANO materials
If Ecuador had jobs it would be a perfect country, but it is simply not a country for employment. Many people are out of work and many are doing odd jobs, just look at the cities to understand my point. On one street alone it's normal to see 5 or 6 people selling doughnuts from basket, and. 5 or 6 more offering to shine shoes.
The economy because of low oil prices is down which is further complicating matters. And the jobs that are available go to Ecuadorians. The better paying jobs requires a "connection", in order to get that job, especially if it is a public sector job.
Compound that with the fact that being proficient in Spanish is a must and you'll understand why foreigners leave Ecuador. I have come across several foreigners who are living here on their savings or support from their families because they can't find jobs, eventually they decide to leave.
Really interesting to read all about job. I was looking for job in IT but seems none even bother to reply where ever I applied for Job. I have now almost 10 years working in IT. Still hoping to get something. Any help will appreciate.
Tata Consultancy Services from Ecuador are always looking for people with IT background.
Best regards.
me.raj.chaudhary wrote:I was looking for job in IT but seems none even bother to reply where ever I applied for Job.
As I understand it, you're still in India while looking for work in Ecuador.
It's extremely unlikely that employers in Ecuador will consider you a bona fide applicant when you are 10,000 miles away.
Even if you have Skype, your remote location and the lack of evidence that you speak the language .. put you at a disadvantage. The system's built-in preference for Ecuadorian applicants puts you at a severe disadvantage.
Premlog mentioned Tata Consulting Services. That might not be a bad place to start, since their home office is in India and they have an office in Quito (source: tcs.com).
Find out if they hire Indians in Ecuador .. and whether Spanish fluency is a requirement.
Hello RobinJoel,
I actually volunteered to teach English in a private school and was quite disappointed. The mentality of the people here regarding education is not the same as in the US. You also need to know Spanish in order to teach English. Good luck if you try!
Although it's not exact, you can get a rough idea of average salaries by comparing per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) .
Ecuador is about 1/5 or so of the US by this measure so you could expect average salaries for the same job to be about 1/5 of that job in the US. This will often be skewed, however, with high-demand, high-tech jobs requiring specialized education and knowledge paying relatively more, but also low-skilled ordinary labor jobs paying relatively less. This is because in comparison overall to most developed countries, Ecuador has lots of low-skilled and poorly educated people but not so many highly-skilled and highly educated people. The laws of supply and demand operate except where the government may favor one area or industry by paying more or less than what a free market rate would be - in Ecuador the salary for many jobs is determined and set by the government.
So for Ecuador in 2016 the GDP (PPP) was around $11,000 (#93 on the list) but for the US it was about $57,000 (#11 on the list):
This site strips out the (PPP) characters and everything after them in the link so if you search for
gdp ppp list countries
and scroll down the page you will see the Wikiwand page listed near the bottom of the first page or you can copy and paste the entire line for the link above.
It's not just about salary, get a copy of history books that regular schools here are teaching from. It's a joke and not true or accurate. How can you expect people to be open minded to western culture (or in fact actual truth), when they are taught a bunch of BS from an early age. I hate politics but I am now understanding more about socialism and oppression living here.
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