Thanks for your Expat Forum reply giving me your alternative email address Caroline
I will try and make contact with you later today
I lost my original email to you in my system
Just a brief note:
I am a documentary cameraman who intends to live in Sri Lanka later this year
I am the process of completing a house in the suburbs of Colombo at a placed called Ratmalana quite close to the Mount Lavina
In the meantime you can do some background research on yours truly by searching google,
Ron Collins Recollection by Terence Gallacher
Ron Collins BFI
Ron Collins Escape to Victory
British University Film and Video Council
look under section of Newsreel Cameramen/British Movietonews and type in my name Ron E Collins
The bufvc is an organisation that supplys media university students with a tool to access and research nearly every subject connected with film & some video since early 1900
They have listed over 500 films I shot during my stay at
British Movietonews
BUFVC can be found Wells Street London W1
Regards Ron Collins
Kind R