
Belize vs USA - Cost of Living

Last activity 19 November 2013 by msdeb51

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Met a lot of people like you they come they go.  Giving advice to people when you don't live in Belize borders on the ?   
Not pissy just like to be down to earth on what is going on and what you can expect in Belize.  Listen to the people that live there and take their advice.  My first visit to Belize was in 1959.  I was 16 and it was not called Belize then.  I love adventure. But I am careful about what I do and where I go and the time of day.  Be aware of what is around you.  This is everywhere now days. Belize is still a third world country. Go across the border to Mexico and it is like night to day.  Even Guatemala has more going for it than Belize as far as goods, shops, roads, infastructure etc. Some one said on one list they were going to Belize because you can drink the water from the tap.  Well if they had seen what I had they would not drink from the tap.  Even in Florida on your water bill it says not to drink tap water.  Even if you boil it you will see all the sediment on the sides of the pot.  You don't want that in your kidneys.


LoveBelize... Yep, do NOT drink the water from the tap. That's just smart thinking. THIS is why there are so many 5 gallon water bottles for sale. sheesh. It's cheaper to pay $2.50 BZ, to get it refilled, with purified water, than, drink the RIVER water! wow... sheesh, some people just don't know anything. They're city slickers with no common sense, at all. Always be aware of your surroundings, is another common sense thing. Young people come here & party. It's all okay, if you know where you are & who you are with. It's that way ANYwhere in the world. When did you move to Belize, forever? jettz


It's a must to lock up in Belize.  The sheer number of homes with burglar bars on the windows should be an indication of the risk of theft and the quality of police protection. Remember, it's a poor country.

Not trying to be negative...just realistic.  It's always smart to take care of your belongings if you want to keep 'em!


Lovebelize: Some one said on one list they were going to Belize because you can drink the water from the tap.
sheesh, some people just don't know anything. They're city slickers with no common sense, at all.

Augh..That would be me that said that... We were told by many people in Placencia we were OK to drink the water from the tap. We all did and were fine. This was not our first trip any where we have traveled a lot.  Jettz I am totally offended by your remarks about me not knowing anything and I am a city slicker with no common sense.. You do not know me or anything about me. I joined this group to learn things about the country I am going to be spending some time in not to get belittled and called stupid..


this is encouraging,the sheer number of bars on the windows,this reminds me of honduras,i still leave the keys in my truck here at home,just the last couple of years ive started locking the doors when i go to work.and this is paradise?why do people go to places where the crime is higher,the humidity is unbearable,you can see the walls of concrete houses sweating,they dont understand the rainy season,and theres no roads.and its because they cant stand the winters in canada or the pace of the city?i have waterfront property on the 1000 islands i just bought here on the american side,as i live in canada.its beautifull and known world wide.the summers are 30 degrees,there are no sand fleas,no white sand beaches, people jump in not knowing the full culture shock or costs,they book a cruise or trip and head to the carribean,oh i love it i want to live here.then realize they made a mistake and dont have the funds and just have to grin and bear it now.not all of us have the accounts to just buy waterfront and put up a summer house in belize,or bahamas,if someone asks me about living here im straight up,no bull,we are taxed up the ass here in canada but its been picked as the best country to live looking to get a retirement condo either in playa del carmen,or spain and wish the negative propoganda and cost of living with regards to other countrys was straight,do not move somewhere just because the language,i can go anywhere and flash a $100 and they begin to speak good english,and that includes quebec right here in canada.when someone has their whole life savings on the line and is planning a major life change,just because you might like it in panama or ecudor or belize,tell them like it is.


If you dislike Belize so much why are you on this forum?


Ladytrougher... I did not mean to "offend" anyone. WE are city slickers & WE didn't know ANYthing about Belize, until we actually, MOVED here. We thought we knew a lot... ANYone can research their hearts out & still not know Belize. BELIEVE me!! I AM sorry that I offended you. Not the intention. It seems, that most people go outside of their little world, to a country, that IS still 3rd world & think it will be pretty much the same as they have where they were. NOT going to happen. & Please don't try to change this country. Most people coming here are looking exactly the way it is now. We love Belize. We love Belizeans. We have met SO many people, from so many different countries, & they will all tell you the same thing. Belize IS beautiful. jettz

Cruisin Camper

Just FYI - there was Pepsi in Belize at one time and they were ejected (or so I read)because of failure to pay taxes..... not that makes any difference now of course.  Spirited conversation -I am enjoying some of these posts (but not all neutral.png).

The Cruisin Camper

Cruisin Camper

Sadly every board has its Trolls......


Agreed. Just wish he would 'troll' somewhere else.


i never said i disliked belize?belize is beautifull and has everything in one package,mountains,ruins,climate,forest,beaches,the blue hole,diving,you name it,what im concered about is the people going on the forum and getting bad information on the costs of things there,the availability of things there,theres even people on the forum that moved there and said if they new they would never have went,with concerns over water,electricity,crime,some of the people on any forum are looking for a piece of paradice and they only have a little money,most people love any place in the carribean when they vacation but when it comes to actually moving there be it mexico,italy,panama,it is a major just asking some of the people to be honest with their costs of belize,beacuse its not cheap there and these people need to know this.


There is no doubt whatsoever that relocating to another country is a massive step in anyone's life. Could not agree more that before doing so that person (or people) should have as much information as is possible about what they are moving to eg climate, availability of staple goods, luxury goods, medical care, cost of living, etc.

Before making such a move they should visit the country. Find out which area (areas) best suit them (facilities, infrastructure, climate, costs, etc). Research -including seeking information from people that live in the area - also plays an important part.

I sensed from your posts (I may be wrong of course) that you have not lived here and -if this is so- I question how you are in a position to advocate that people should not move here.


We are moving to Belize next week.  We have rented a small house.  Our household goods are in storage.  We will spend the next year determining if we want to stay permanently.

We have visited Belize. 

We also have lived in other parts of the Carribean.  I do not expect Belize to be the USA, which I believe may be the key attitude. I do not consider Belize to be a third world country.


Good luck with your stay. May it give you all of the information and experiences to help you make a decision.



There are two ways to get enough.
One is to continue to
accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less.
Compliments of the San Pedro Daily


This is my personal answer to Belize. Our purpose for going is to have less- as crazy as that sounds. These are the things I have already started giving up in prep for moving there.... home phone, cell phone, red meat, a vehicle, and most boxed and prepared dinners AND we can add eating out at restaurants several times per week and regular chiropractor appointments.

You see, we do not want to have America in a nicer climate. We want to embrace the "third world" aspects of the country we have chosen. Though I take a little offense to the term third world where Belize is concerned. They are a developing nation and deserve a lot of credit for how far they have come in the country's young life.

Its funny and some of you will understand this. When I think of Americans moving to Belize, I think of the old sitcom Green Acres. Some people move there with silver spoons (of sorts) and when they can't find the goods they expect, they become disillusioned. Others go there looking for simple things. Stars at night cost nothing, a dip in the ocean or a cool cenote, free, watching kids play in the streets with little worry, free. We want to volunteer some time with schools, animal causes, and conservation-- all mostly free. And of those things the money we give will be better utilized that us owning 5 vehicles for 2 people or a house with 4 bedrooms that are rarely used.

Giving is a very selfish thing. We are willing to give up a lot to have the privileged of giving more. It may be a little off of the traditional retirement plan. But we expect that it will make us much richer in the long run.


I believe our purpose in moving to Belize is similar and would like to meet with you when & if it is possible.  We will be in Corozal town.


You are a few months ahead of us in getting there and we are not sure where we are going to land. But we would love to buy you some coffee or a drink sometime. We expect that we will arrive sometime around the end of the year and what is available to rent will determine where we live. We are considering Corozal, San Pedro, and San Ignacio; maybe Caye Caulker but not really in that order.

Good luck on your move and take notes. I will have lots of questions once you get there.


John Henry good advice. Keep it up.   I have lived here for 10 years.  Seen it all.  Still love it that is why I am still here. Everyone says I should write a book.  But I don't think anyone in the US or Canada would believe all the things that has happened.  LOL  It is just not like going back in time for 60 years. The U.S. was never like Belize even when I was young. Belize is not the same as 60 years ago.  Advice from long time expats is good if the newbies listen and apply.  The vacationers don't really see the real Belize.  I have many friends who garden, milk goats, and live off their land.  They love it and I love the goats milk.  smile.png  I bake my own bread but I grew up doing that and cooking from scratch.  I do have my own container garden as I can't bend down and get back up anymore. I don't live on the out islands because it is too much for me to take the boat into Belize city to shop.  I know there are shops there but they are small.  I love to take a few days every year and go out to Caye Caulker and enjoy the water, sand, fish, birds etc. Again I will say Belize is a great place.  Love it here and wouldn't go back to the U.S.  for anything.


Hello LoveBelize, It's very good idea to write a book about Belize. I will buy your book, so you have one already sold smile.png.
I can even help you to translate it into Polish language.
Your book called ''Love Belize'' with nice pictures will be bestseller!

I love to read advices from you and from this forum.
Unfortunately, my plans have changed and I can not come to Belize, now. I'm stuck in Europe. I will see what will happen
after July 20 th.
Your THOUGHT OF THE DAY is the very essence of what I want to do it!

To everyone,  be happy and enjoy your stay on Belize smile.png


Popeye: I know of a couple  who bought a time share in Mexico they went down there and found out that they did not own it anymore. They had it for years and years. My sister and my sister in law both know people who bought in Mexico and lost their properties as well. We feel secure having bought in Belize. Yes I know there is lots of people who have bought in Mexico and have not had a problem. But in Belize it is MY name on the title not the banks.  Where is your ideal place to live?


I dont know who you have been talking to, but I would not put much faith in their advice. Many thousands of foreigners own property in Mexico and are very happy. I suggest you read my book, Live Better South of the Border or somebody elses book to understand the process.

The bank does not own the property. It administers the trust. It is all very straightforward.


I note that you have now amended your Profile. Less disingenuous than the initial Profile. Still disingenuous though.


Popeye 1
I posted this on April 21?? Why comment on it now?? Bored and need to  try to rattle some feathers??  I don't get it..

I have held my tongue but your last post was toward me so here goes..   ... 

It is for you to choose where you buy and were you feel comfortable buying. For us it was not Mexico. And for you obviously not Belize.

  "dont know who you have been talking to, but I would not put much faith in their advice."

Are you kidding me?? This-is my sisters friend and my sister In laws friends who lost their places in Mexico. And a good friend of ours parents who lost their time shares.  . I put more faith in what they say then what you do.

" The trust beneficiary" I do not want to argue the point on this one as you are right and I do not understand .. But it does say..

The trust beneficiary retains and enjoys all the rights of ownership while the BANK HOLDS TITLE TO THE PROPERTY .   I never said that the bank owns it  I said it is not MY name on the title in Mexico.  If not inland. 

And Me read your book??  I don't even want to read your posts.. 

I do not understand why you are still posting on here and on old posts to boot..Maybe you should be on the Mexican one.


this quote is from an expat who has been in mexico simce 1968 and the carribean,he wrote the book,and i am just trying to inform some canadians who are getting bad information about the costs and the availability of services and supplies coming from this forum.his name is (mexico mike)google it, and i encourage everyone to research before moving,because i would not take advice from some of these forums,sorry to offend anyone,just be honest.


But what relevance does someone who has lived in and written about Mexico have to someone in Canada (or anywhere else for that matter) have to someone who is considering moving to Belize?
There are a few people who have relocated to Belize and written about their experiences. Surely these are the books to read. Not books about Mexico.


he has been in belize and all over the carribean,i trust someones insight who has not got tunnel vision over a particular place and has travelled all over and written numerous books than someone who moves to a particular place just because they cant adjust to another language.this is a quote from an experienced traveller who has lived in belize.


Belize-lovers are usually Mexico-haters. I do not know why. To me, Belize is a third-world country, behind Mexico in everything. The English advantage is specious. Most of the population speaks Spanish first and pidgin English second. I have a very good friend who lives there(belize) and forget the medical care. But some people love living there and God bless them, I am glad they found their spot.


So, if you trust his judgement so implicitly why do you waste your time on a forum about Belize?


Popeye1---I have been researching moving to Belize for about 6 years. First thing to know is that everything you read or hear is relative. It is relative to the personal experiences of that person and it is relative to the time the incident (or lack of) took place. There are lots and lots of people with advice who have done it with no problem. There is also lots of advice from those who have heard rumors about bad experiences or had one themselves. Only you can decide the level of risk you a willing to take.

But keep in mind that if you walk across the same street in  your neighborhood enough times, you might get hit by a car. If you invest in a certain stock, it might go up or it might go down. The circumstances that dictate what is going to happen in any given situation literally change every second. EVERYTHING in life is a calculated risk; And very few things in life are 100%. So the only question is what do your calculations say and what risks are you willing to put forth? I found some of these sites helpful when we considered it. Don't give up on a dream after just a little research. Due diligence is the name of the game when you are making any major decision; especially one where you are unfamiliar with the basics. Research, research, research! … -property/ … financing/

Good luck and don't let pissy people ruin your dream!!


"I am just trying to inform some canadians who are getting bad information about the costs and the availability of services and supplies coming from this forum"

What bad information about costs and availability of services  are you talking about?
I have re read posts an found nothing said that mis represents Belize the costs etc.
I put on about the Hawaiian tropic tanning lotion cheaper then here .. It is true. Not  a lie .
But " you said that you can't compare Belize with Alberta... " Why not this is where I live.  What about the other Albertans I know there is a few there we don't count?  Where else should I compare it to Mexico??

I take what I read on here as a ideas not the law.  I have got good info  and starting points and contacts from here. This is the same as trip advisor. You read reviews and one loves a  resort wnd others hate it, the same place .. who do you believe? You don't, if you want to go you go and find out for your self.


There are quite a few Condo projects going up on Ambergris Caye right now. Personally, I wish there weren't any Condos there!! The last thing I want when I build my house and retire to AC is a bunch of Snow Birds and spoiled North Americans around trying to change things on AC.. The main reason I chose AC was for the laid back Island lifestyle. If I wanted to live the American lifestyle, I would just stay here in Texas!!


Right Texblondi2.  I left Florida because it changed so much and not for the better.  I dislike condos period.  You can live outside with just a palapas  most all year round.  I dislike the cement houses too.  Way to hot.  Love the wood ones.


Exactly!! I know the concrete houses are a lot more stable in the event of a hurricane or major tropical storm, but I really like the wood houses better for a home on AC.. I'm looking into building something in between wood and concrete on my lot. I'm thinking about using Concrete Fiberboard siding and elevating my house on stilts to take advantage of the breeze, prevent termites, and provide some extra security. There is one being built a few blocks from my lot on AC now and I talked with the man who is building it. He let me go up the ladder to check it out and it was amazing the difference in the breeze on the veranda.. I'm planning to use as much natural Belizean wood inside as possible and take advantage of the benefits and cost savings of the Concrete Fiberboard. The breeze will lower the need for A/C and I'm planning on Solar for most of my power needs. I still have 4-5 more years before I retire and start building so plenty of time to decide what I do..


I am interested in this article could you send to

Thanks so much!


after a week visiting and another 2 weeks living in Belize in Corozal,  I have come to a few conclusions.  Most importantly is that this is a sub-tropical climate that varies somewhat from area to area and distance from the coast.   but in ALL cases it remains humid and hot---  the basic definition of sub-tropical.  Theories regarding culture and housing are no substitute for actual ongoing experience.  I have learned more in several weeks of living here than during years of "research".  I am so gratful that my husband resisted when I wanted to buy a house right away.   We have a years lease on a little house in an area that I like.  Personal experience is the best teacher about Belize.  I am happy with our choice of Belize.  ty all who participate in this blog.


does anyonne who lives in Corozal know where & how to receive mail from the USA   I want to order a few small items from Amazon.  Amazon will ship to Belize but I can not tell them where to send it.   

also those of you who have someone come in to help with house cleaning, plz share what wage you are paying.   ty all


Do you live in Corozal Town?  If you do you should have a house number and street address.  Be sure they spell out Central America instead of abrevating CA  or it will go to California.  Your zip code is 00000 as Belize does not have a zip code.  If you live outside of the Town you can get a p.o. box or you can go to the p.o. and ask how is the best way to get your mail.  I have things sent all the time and I get them by using my home address.  I have a very good mayan girl come.  Her name is Cami and she knows how to clean.  Her phone number is:  630-1349.  Tell her that Ruby recommended her.  She can clean a house from 8:30 to 11;30.  She charges $15.00 bz.  for the morning.


Thank you.
I live in vista Layout, so I will need a PO box.  I will get that today.

I have a woman whom I am paying $25 belizan for working from 9am to 1pm, 2 days a week.   We will see.  she has little english & I have little spanish.  I do not think her husband is employed.

the garbage truck drove right by my barrel Sat.  I will have to remind the brother of my landlord.  He lives down the block.  the landlord lives in the USA.

do you attend the Corozal Womans Forum?  I plan to be there for the next mtg.



Cami speaks mayan and English, very little Spanish.  She is also honest and dependable.  I do not go to the womens forum.  I will be going to the friendship lunch on Tuesday at the purple tucan.  See you there.  Ruby


Tuesday the 11th of June.


Does the country allow auto, or even motorcycle (Harley) imports, or is it best to purchase a vehicle there?

Cost of living is of great interest, but I read article after article and never seem to find a consensus on costs.  So I'm more concerned with knowing if a 57 yr. old could live comfortably on a half million dollars?



Yes you can import a car and a Harley. The costs depends on the age of the car and the number of cylinders, 8 cylinders cost a lot more to bring in than a 4 cylinder does, older cars are cheaper than newer cars.

Cost of living varies a lot depending on where you live and the lifestyle you plan on living. It can run anywhere between $1500 to $5000 a month.

Read some good info here on monthly budget/cost of living: … elize.html

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