
Belize vs USA - Cost of Living

Last activity 19 November 2013 by msdeb51

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I've read articles stating the cost of living in Belize is essentially the same as living in the USA.  For those who have taken the plunge and made the move, can you give the rest of us an idea of what it takes to live there.  I'm not looking necessarily for the cost of your house/apartment/castle/what-have-you, but more on the costs of groceries, utilities, gasoline, clothing, other words, the stuff that gets you through an average day.



This will teach me.  I see there is a heading under Topic Categories called "Cost of Living."  So thanks to all who have asked this question before me.


Hello...we on Caye Caulker and some things are more expensive as it has to be barged in from the mainland...but some things can be cheaper.  On the mainland, things are the cheapest, and on Ambergris Caye they are the most expensive. milk here is $5.25us a 1/2 gal, but bread is $1.25us...and some things are really hard to find, like dill pickles! electric last month was $90us, but this month $150us!  internet is costing us $100us per month...and trash pick up is $4us per pick up(3 x a week)...and eatting out isn't really cheap either. It's not super expensive, but it can add up.  I hope I gave you a good idea


I just noticed this topic " Cost of living for Belize " I have a Canadian magazine called Money Sense that describes the cost of living in Belize , I scanned it but dont know how to send it . It says for a couple blue collar types $1,555 per mo or $18,660 should do it . Thay bought about an acre for$21,000 and are part of an eco-development  in San Ignacio in Cayo District. The house will cost them $60,000 more to build.Two bedroom apts . average around $200.00 per month.
The same article shows Costa Rica to be around $1,200 per month. Ive never been to either and this is just an article showing 10 best places for retirees. I subscribe for the investment advise on Stocks etc. These articles on where to live are not advertisements as they are selling nothing nor are they mentioning anyplace to enquire for more info etc. If  anyone wants the page sent ,send me a pm whith an asddress to email it to and I'll be happy to .. Its just a short little half page piece.


you know, we researched Belize for a year before we moved down here. All the sites and books we looked at and read, didn't 100% prepare us for EVERYTHING...about the prices, they only list the very lowest areas and the very cheapest ways to do things.  I am really glad that we are where we are on Caye Caulker, but it is not the cheapest area and there are no eco farms, and if you want to do anything, you need your own boat unless you want to continually pay someone else, and the housing isn't the cheapest.

little canadian family

I have a question I am hoping people can answer.... When we are packing to move to belize besides clothes what should we bring? Should I pack our sheets and blankets or our pots and pans are these things readily available? If any one has any insights that would be great thanks Mel smile.png


What program are going to use , Sep or resident

little canadian family

we are to young to retire we have 2 kids they will be 13 and 14. So we are hoping to be able to be residents after a year

little canadian family

we are looking into the San Ignacio area... We would prefer the jungle area over the beach area....


I would bring sheets and some towels but everything else you need to stock a house like toasters,coffeemakers,blenders and so on are readily available in the cayo district.the menonite
town of spanish lookout is just 10 miles or so from san ignacio and they have everything amaginable


I would bring sheets and some towels but everything else you need to stock a house like toasters,coffeemakers,blenders and so on are readily available in the cayo district.the menonite
town of spanish lookout is just 10 miles or so from san ignacio and they have everything imaginable

little canadian family

Thanks for the info! Want to pack as light as possible


I have been in Belize for 10 years and here is what i have found. Gas is more expensive/ $6 USD per gallon, but there are far fewer places to drive to so you do less driving. If you get into a village like Hopkins, you have all day to day needs right in  the village and if you so choose, you just ride bikes or walk. You can even opt for the local buses to get you around pother places.

Groceries are such that if you like your imported items like Doritos, Campbell soup, Jack Daniels you will pay 30% more than in the states. if you can live on locally produced fruits and veggies, great chicken and pork and now even some decent beef as well as fish from the local fishermen, you will pay about 30% less than in the states.

Deals can be found on clothing by shopping the local open air markets where people buy bulk clothing from the states by the pound and resell it. It is name brand good stuff and you have to dig, but you can usually find a Tommy Bahama shirt, Columbia, Old Navy stuff for $5-$8 each.

Auto insurance is much cheaper. It also depends on where you are in Belize. San Ignacio and Orange walk areas are usually cheaper than the Southern parts, but not really by that much. Resort areas of course will be a little more. You can buy lunch at local places of BBQ chicken quarter with rice and beans for $3-6 or you can go to a nice International style restaurant (of which I happen to own one)  and pay around $15-20 for a nice dinner and a drink.

Belize is the cheapest of the Caribbean Countries to live in by far, and the most expensive of the Central American countries.

For really cheap living, most people check out Panama or Nicaragua. I don't think it is as expensive as living in the States, probably about 25% cheaper here overall for the average person, again , depending on lifestyle.


You can buy almost anything in Belize. You might want to bring any high-end electronics but household stuff should be easy to find.


We just bought in an eco community
I recommend it if you want the higher altitude, lower cost of living.
In general, I found most things to cost about the same as Canada, but hotels and eating out was much cheaper in the less touristy areas than near the beach.
Restaurant meals in San Ignacio were about half of what we pay in Canada.


Hi,  We lived in Belize for 3 years total and in Chetumal Mexico for 7 years.  Cost of living is really what you want to spend.  We live in a 2 bedroom home.  We live on $1,200. U.S. Social security a month.  We live as good if not better than we did in Florida with both of us working.  I get over $500 a month which we do not include in our cost of living.  Save most of it and go on little trips too. So the people who say it costs as much as the U.S.  are certanly overpaying or living high on the hog.  LOL


I totally agree with Love Belize's comments. The natural beauty of Belize is great free entertainment. Hiking, biking , birdwatching kayaking, fishing, are ll there for low budget entertainment daily.


hi folks, Do US folks pay US income tax on their soc sec and investment income when living in Belize?

terriznp wrote:

hi folks, Do US folks pay US income tax on their soc sec and investment income when living in Belize?

Your US income tax obligations are the same no matter where you live in the world.  There are some exclusions if you reside in another country and earn that income from a foreign employer. But generally speaking, the tax obligations are unchanged.  If anything, state taxes are what you can legally avoid, but even then, you have to follow certain rules depending on which state you reside in immediately prior to moving.


Thank you for the valuable information.

tonymarsico wrote:

I totally agree with Love Belize's comments. The natural beauty of Belize is great free entertainment. Hiking, biking , birdwatching kayaking, fishing, are ll there for low budget entertainment daily.

Just curious....are they places to purchase bikes and kayaks down there, or should those items be brought from the States?


We paid tax on our SS when we were working that is why there is no tax on it now.  If you have other income you have to pay tax to the U.S.


There are biks brought in for sale at the local chinese bike shops.  I have never seen a kayak.  Does anyone know if they have them in Belize City?


from what im getting the cost of 1/2gal of milk on caye caulkner is $5.25 thats,$10.50 per gallon,its currently $3.97 a gal in upstate new york,gas right now is $3.73 a gallon,in belise its $5.39 a gallon u.s. thats $10.78 blz.anything on the islands is way out of touch with reality due to tourists and being isolated on an island making it more difficult to bring things in.belize is beautifull,but unless you plan on living a very low key lifestyle,internet,electricity,gas,all cost more than what you are paying in the u.s.i went to honduras last year and the same applies there,rent is cheap,labor is cheap,land is still cheap,dont drink the water,and dont go out at night.local vegetables are cheap,you wont get doritos,and if you do you may have to make another trip to the bank brand things you are used to back home forget it,you have to live low key and eat local.i almost bought land to build on ambergrise caye,but being an island i would have went nuts in one yr after the novelty and beauty wore off,i need to move around have my peace and quiet and also like to be close at some shops and currently looking at the playa del carmen area where you can go to 5th ave for shops and activity and your 45min away from cancun or cosumel,lots of people speak english there and everything is half the price of belize,and some of the best beaches in the carribean.just do your homework and make sure you`ll be happy.


FYI We were just in Placencia looked in the grocery store and found Hawaiian tropic sun tan oil there for $8-9 US. I live in Alberta and I think at the end of the season sale I maybe found it for $9-10. a bottle..


you cant compare alberta to many places elsewhere.alberta other than toronto or vancover is the most expensive place in canada to live.most people go to belise because of the language barrier elsewhere,its english.its a known fact belise is the most expensive of the central countries to live.i dont see any major condo projects or resorts going up like mexico,cuba,dominican,in belise,yes belise has beautifull country,mountains,ruins,jungle,but there is nothing there.


What did you think of Belize ? you can probaly give us a lot of info from a visitors point of view ..


Good post Popeye, I have spent lots of time around Playa Del Carmen ,and Belize , as a visitor , and sure do love those beaches . I even was wondeing about the Merrida area . Its not far from a beach ,about 20 miles north is the town of Profresso I think its called. Plus Mexico has such great bus service .
Its been a long while since I was there and Im sure everythings changed . Playaed to be a grungy little town. horrible bus terminal and a kinda ok main street with all the shops on it ( priced very high for the tourists)


Anything that is imported is going to be more expensive because of the high duty.  So you live Belizean Style.  Milk is high because not many people buy it because they do not have ref. to keep it.  They buy the boxed milk as I do.  I do not buy sunscreen.  I wear a hat, sunglasses, and clothing.  lol Loose clothing so you do not get heat stroke.  Sit in the shade.  My mamma did not raise up a stupid girl.  lol  I lived in Belize for a lot of years.  But I moved to Chetumal because my husband had 2 strokes and I needed him closer to the Dr. that was caring for him.  There are a lot of people on the east coast all the way to Cancun that speak English  If you are polite and try to speak a little Spanish they respond to you in a very friendly way.  I get along find with limited Spanish here.  Kids in grade school are taught English.  Cost of living in my opinion is what you want to spend.  There are a lot of things to do around here that are free.  I have never got tired of the beauty, weather, area, and people.  Still love it.  It takes an adventurer to walk away from the life you grew up in to be an expat and love it.


Xcaret : We loved Belize. Firstly the fact that it is English. For myself... I would love total Spanish Emersion.. My husband not at all.. We can drink the water out of the tap a biggie for us ..We loved the weather..... The US currency is easy for us to get..
We were in Placencia so Close to markets and stores.. restaurants and bars...  we can walk or bike ..close to the airport
For us it is easy to get to via Houston..  We leave home at 6 AM in Placencia at 4 ish..   and back home by 9:30 PM..  Most other places from Edmonton we would have to go through Toronto so would have to stay over night or red eye.. 

Ever place we ate was fantastic. We love the warm Caribbean water,  the weather, the People, lots to do... Cheaper then here for most things if not the same price say for frosted flakes is the same as we pay here in  Leduc Alberta. Some places  are more expensive then Leduc.

We did not like the fact that in Mexico you don't have title  unless inland..

A "fideicomiso" is a trust agreement created for the benefit of a foreign buyer, executed between a Mexican bank and the seller of property in the restricted zone. Foreign buyers cannot own real estate in the restricted zone due to Constitutional restrictions. The bank acts on behalf of the foreign buyer, taking title to real property. The bank, as trustee, buys the property for the foreigner, then has a fiduciary obligation to follow instructions given by the foreigner who is the trust beneficiary. The trust beneficiary retains and enjoys all the rights of ownership while the bank holds title to the property. The foreigner is entitled to use, enjoy, and even sell the property that is held in trust at its market value to any eligible buyer.

We liked it so much after our first visit we bought a lot right in Placencia ( for much less the we would pay for a lot here and we are no where near the Caribbean )  We are 3 lots from the Caribbean.. our land tax is $15.00 US a year.

What more could you want?  A house.. Yes we also have looked into a house .. not quite ready yet but we seen a couple of beautiful homes and the cost was $70,000. US for one of them. It was small but beautiful. At home they would be $150,000 to build it here.

Thats why we chose Belize


Popeye1.. in response to your  post. Sorry this is off topic of the Cost of Living in Belize ...

"  i dont see any major condo projects or resorts going up like mexico,cuba,dominican,in belise,yes belise has beautifull country,mountains,ruins,jungle,but there is nothing there. "

That is another reason we loved Belize is that is not there..  In Punta Cana we had to out at the beach at 6:30 AM to get a spot under a palapa in a resort..  In Placencia we were the only ones on the beach  at pretty much, any time of the day except for Easter week end even then where we were  there was only a few people.     (we were there for Spring break )

Each one of us is different and are looking for different things. We have travelled around a lot and are now looking forward to settling down and spending our winters somewhere. When we went back to Placencia this past Spring Break we  thought " We are home.. "


xcaret,i have not been to merida,but its old mexico style,cobble streets,like old quebec city in canada in areas.west of merida they have a place called celestun,its protected and they have thousands of migrating flamingo`s there .like (love belise) stated,she lived in mexico for years because of the hospitals and health care,i would live in belise no questions asked,but during retirement in your 60`s or older i would not gamble on the healthcare if i needed serious care.the doctors are trained in u.s standards,but the quality is just not there.belise is a tax haven,you pay no capital gains if you sell your house,land is cheap,labor is cheap,same as honduras,and if you do it right you can open an offshore account and pay no tax at all.the roads are terrible,i like to lay back and relax but im not gonna walk or take a bike to where i want to go,during my retirement,i want to be pampered a little.its all lifestyle.i love to stay in canada and live at the lake,i like atving here and boating,the smell of the woods,cottage life,but the wife wants warmer climate,and she loves stores,nick nack shops,diners,fancy restaurants,you just dont get that activity in belise,its too laid back like living on prince edward island on the east coast.i lived in new brunswick for 15yrs bin there done that.


Its Belize, not belise.


It is good that you are not coming to Belize.  You definitely would not like it.  The first time I was in Belize I was 16 and our family and my Uncles family sailed down on his boat.  We love it then and now. I am 70 now.


Well Popeye , you might no know how to spell Belise lol. but you sure do bring up some interesting points ,you are very informative . I was aware of the flamingos ,I had just forgotten them. When I used to visit Cancun,I had a pocket translator ,plus had gone to school to learn spanish  ( well a little bit of spanish) and I tried talking to all the local folks,they told me where the reef was 10 feet off shore and to take a loaf of bread to feed the fish ,wow they were jumping out of the water ,it was fun,( I didnt catch them just fed them) There are ruins that tourist dont know about etc. The local people told me about the flamingos. Also some ruins up that way that you go way deep underground to a sream,sounded kinda scarry.
  Has anyone heard of a swimming spot ( a cenote I think )in Belize that you swim along then if you want you can dive 15 feet down and swimm horizontally for 10 feet or so and come up in a cave that has sunshining through the openning in the ceiling? I was told about it but that was years ago and I cant seem to find out anything on it .


Hello, hello xcaret smile.png
Thank you for your information about Cost of Living smile.png
please send me the article from Money...

p.s I live in Poland now and planning to move to Belize smile.png


Oh God, it was good to hear that Belize is not as expensive ad the  US.  I current reside in California most of the time, and really want to move to Belize.  My income is not great, due to the Recession but I don't' have to live high on the hog.  I really want to live modest but in a safe area and to have some cultural outings.  If it is possible I would like to find a little part time job.  My background is in Marketing, Customer Service, Entrepreneur, Barista, Sales, and Interior Design.

All replies would be helpful.



Hi, I currently have Social Security via my Late Husband.  So I would have to pay Tax on it?



Hello Charlene -> Could you please start a new thread with your questions on the Belize forum?

Thank you,

popeye1 wrote:

you cant compare alberta to many places elsewhere.alberta other than toronto or vancover is the most expensive place in canada to live.most people go to belise because of the language barrier elsewhere,its english.its a known fact belise is the most expensive of the central countries to live.i dont see any major condo projects or resorts going up like mexico,cuba,dominican,in belise,yes belise has beautifull country,mountains,ruins,jungle,but there is nothing there.

@popeye1 - Greetings,
Based on my research there are a few development projects going on in the San Ignacio, Belize area. I've been to visit two of them about 2 years ago. The development project I would have invested in, (if I did not find a stand alone home closer to town, which I did), is called Carmelita Gardens. This development is designed as "off the grid/sustainable independence" meaning that you can use the solar panels instead of electricity and so on. 

Phil Hahn is the Founder/President of Carmelita Gardens.  He is the man with the vision.  Here is a link to their website if you'd like to check it out:  Carmelita Gardens

If you were to ask around, I'd bet you would find out there are other gated/non-gated communities going up in other parts of Belize as well. Perhaps do a Google search, or go to a Real Estate company in Belize.

I bought my home on mountain to the north of Cahel Pech. I hired Rainforest Reality - Macarena Rose to help me purchase my Belizean home.  She is awesome.  Plus she is an "International Real Estate Broker" so I felt very safe with her helping me with my purchase.  After my purchase, Macarena's company has been my property managers and the do a wonderful job!!

I've spent a long period of time in Placencia and loved every minute of it. I do believe that it floods in specific areas of Placencia every winter, but I am not sure how intense it is. The locals are used to it, but some of the locals have another home in the Rainforest where they'll go during the flooding time of the year.

I hope this helps. Good luck to everyone!!!
Warm Regards,

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