I will be moving to AD in May. I would really like to bring my pets with me. I have seen villas/apartments that are pet friendly but only allow 1 pet. Well I have and a dog. Looking for anyone that has experience with multiple pets and landlords. Communities that allow pets. Vets. Any and all information would be very helpful to us.



I have bad experince with pets...
Most of Area councils, land lords, and admins wont allow pets in their buildings...which is in most of the modern clean buildings...
specials dogs, cheetahs, monkeys are strickly not allowed in most of buildings...
My neighbour is a british girl..she is suffering coz she always wake up toooo early to walk the dogs so that she can return before 7:00AM and no body would notice her...

just make sure and reconfirm million of times in ur contract that pets are allowed....coz i saw people here leaving their houses because their dogs bark or their cats wonder around the house :)