Au pair in Argelès-sur-Mer looking to meet other people this summer!

Hi! I'm working as an au pair in Argèles-sur-Mer for 3 months this summer and just arrived 5 days ago. The family is lovely and the little girl adorable but I would really like to meet others in a similar situation! If anyone is in the area and would like to go for a drink/visit around the town please let me know :)

Hello chloerosa21,

Welcome to! :)

Hi Chloe,

Where about are you from ?
I live not that far away -45 mins - and often in or around Perpignan for work or weekends.


Hi Kevin,

I'm from Kilkenny and originally Australia :) Hoping to move to France eventually so au pairing seemed like a good idea. You've lived here for a long time?

Hi Chloe, I was born in Dublin but I grew up in France so I'm more or less a local now - Irish Father, French mother.
How do you like it over here ?
Big change Kilkenny from Australia !!

Oh that's really cool :) It must be so handy to be fluent in both languages.
Yeah, it's been good so far but a little difficult getting fully involved language-wise. I'm just settling in now so I'm sure it can only get better!
Do you go back to Ireland often?

Oh yes it is very handy, especially here where very little people speak English !
Ah sure it can only get better, how long are staying for ?
I go back to Ireland every 2/3 months, quite cheap now with Ryanair.
Are you on facebook ? Maybe it would be easier to communication on facebook coz I'm not on this website often.

3 months (Till the beginning of Sept hopefully). Ah, good ol Ryanair...a staple in any Irish person's life.
Yup, I do. I'll pm you the link to my page.

Hi I'm an au pair in Cannes but I'm staying in carcasonne near enough in the next few weeks!
Did you use an au pair agency cause they can get you in contact with other au pairs that's what I did last year.
Also has anyone been to gorge du verdon lac de st croix is it good etc?

Hello! I'm a 21 years old spanish girl and I also will stay at Argéles-sur-mer this summer (from 15th July to 31st August). I really would like visit Argelès and others places around during my stay there. Have you got email?