
need suggestion

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hello everyone,
my child is 17 and is suffering frm leg pain which start frm lower and end with the pain in the leg , which stops only after a painkiller, thus she has been on painkillers since one year, one pain killer, sometimes two, we have done all the required tests in reputed hospitals in india and in KSa, STILL THE SITUATION IS THE SAME, need genuine suggestion. lots of best wishes and prayers fr the same.

See also

The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaMedical Sectors in KSACan I bring my medication with me ?

Hi and welcome to fatimali01 !

I hope the other members will be able to help you with this issue.



It could be a couple of things. More than likely you have a pinch nerve or a disc problem. i dralt with that for 20 years until finally the found the problem in my neck and it wa a herniated disc. I know you probably don't want to hear ghis but you should go to the USA and get checked. in fact go to Houston, Texas as it has a medical district with 12 top teir medical organzations. MD Anderson and etc are there and is the best place for heathcare in the US and probably the world. If you can't find the best neuro surgeron you can and get a closed MRI and not open MRI. Open sucks and missss a lot. that is what happened to me. The pain medicine is really fun to het off of if you been on that long lol.
Email me and i can answer more if needed

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