Hi Ebony, thankyou so much for your reply.
I will explain further,
My husband and I are very much together and we have been together for 3 years and married for 2 of them (even though we currently live in different countries!). My husband has been to the UK to visit, but does not want to live here, I have been to Ghana many times before I got pregnant and we decided that when my baby is about 3yrs we will both move to Ghana to live.
My husband is a poor man in Ghana, he started a NGO foundation and I have spent the last two years sending money to support him (pay his rent, bills etc) and funding the foundation.
This is my problem:
I am not in the same financial situation anymore to send money to support my husband and the foundation has not made any money to support itself. My baby has a chronic lung infection and I do not believe that Ghana will have the same hospital care as the UK and even if it did we would not have any money to pay the private costs. We would also not be able to send my child to school!
I have no objection whatsoever about taking my daughter to visit Ghana, even for a few months, I really want her to meet her lovely Ghanaian family and I do love the country, but as you can see from the above it would be impossible for us to live there unless my husbands financial situation improved dramatically!
My concern is this: if I tell my husband I dont want to live in Ghana and he doesnt want to live here in the UK, he may want my daughter to live there and if I say no he may just try and take her anyway!
Now you may think I am being paranoid but the only reason this thought is in my head in the first place is because my husband said "you can have her whilst she is a baby and I will take her when she is older"
He said he was joking, but I believe the saying that "ever a true word is said in jest" and I cant help believing that this may be his intention for the future.