
Making the big move tomorrow....

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I just want to thank everyone this forum in particular James for all your help. My anxiety was sky high before, and truthfully it still is but I feel a lot better. I also have a better idea of what to expect.

Tomorrow I embark on a new chapter of my life and making a move I never thought I would ever make. I will be in Manaus for a couple months and then relocate to a larger more technically savvy city, probably Sao Paulo or Rio.

Thank you again everyone.



Hi Matt,

Thanks so very much for your kind words of appreciation. I'm sure that you know exactly how much they really mean to me.

I wish you and your partner all the success in the world with your new life. We both know it's not going to be easy, but I've come to know you and I'm sure that you're up to the task.

Have a safe trip, on landing whisper a silent message to Manaus for me, tell the city how very much I miss it and it's wonderful residents who made me feel so welcome when I arrived in Brazil over eleven years ago now.

I truly hope that we will soon have the chance to meet in person, that the three of us can find time for a nice cold beer (or whatever) and a great chat. Please don't forget to keep in touch. All the best!  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Hi Matt,

As I write this, I expect and hope you are already at your destination and embarking on that new life in Brazil and by your partner's side, as it should be.

I was so overjoyed for you last night when I read that you were finally doing it today, and, now, as I write these words of sincere and heartfelt well wishes for you and your partner, I find myself even tearing up some, because my own trip and my own comencement of my new life by my beatiful Barzilian partner's side still seems light years away for me and for many reasons. But in YOUR success I find some renewed confidence that, no matter how hard the Brazilian government makes it for those of us who want to emigrate there, and no matter how many OTHER obstacles we find along the way to that beautiful day, and, TRUST ME, my partner and I have had MANY and I'm sure we'll find many more before we're finally together, DREAMS DO BECOME REALITY.

BEST WISHES again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And though we all know you'll be busy with your partner and new life you've so long dreamed about and planned for, don't be a stranger and let us know how things are going for you. :)


(aka, Dalia)


Daila and James,

I am not going to disappear. I will continue to turn to this blog for advice and to give advice. Last night I slept maybe, oh, 2 hours? Big decision, lots of second guessing but I just got to have faith because love conquers all. The hard is part about all this is I am giving up all the perks and amenities I have come to know and love here for what I constantly consider a step down.  I know from others, Manaus is not the most developed city in Brazil and am told I will be happier elsewhere (south).

Anyways, I have not left yet, 9:30PM tonight my flight leaves.

I'll let you know when I arrive.

Thanks again,



That's good to know that you'll still be in touch.

A friend of mine asked me one day not long ago when I was talking about Ana Livia and moving to Fortaleza, etcetera, if I was going to be scared when that day finally came. I wasn't quite sure if she meant scared about leaving all I've known behind for my relationship, or scared about moving to a foreign country or scared about finally being together and living the dream and maybe being smacked with a harsh reality. Or maybe she meant something else. And I never asked her what she meant by that because one thing I DO know, and I've already seen YOU say it more than once, and it IS that LOVE CONQUERS ALL, and when the love is true and MEANT TO BE it does not ELIMINATE the bad, but the bad certainly pales in comparison to NOT BEING WITH THAT PERSON. So, as long as you two are together, THAT is the first step and the most important part. Meanwhile, you can always move elsewhere in Brazil, like you said. After all, as I always say to her, NO ONE is perfect, and NO SITUATION is perfect, but LOVE IS PERFECT. And when THAT is true, everything else will be ok.

Have a safe flight, my friend.



Make no mistake about it. Leaving the United States for Brazil will be a complete culture shock. The reality won't hit until you actually do it, or hours before you do it.

I have no regrets about moving but nothing you say, read, or do can fully prepare you for the reality of what you are in for.

I am happy I moved but obviously nervous at the same time. My biggest issues so far (and I knew what to expect before I permanently moved) is the lack of infrastructure.

Currently the water is off in my neighborhood, Friday we lost electricity, and the Internet is more unreliable then Iraq's.

I am however extremely happy that I am officially married (no electricity during the ceremony just candles and cell phone lights and my sweat) and couldn't be happier.



Hi Matt,

Welcome to the brutal reality of Brazil! Congratulations on the wedding to both of you. Once you get settled please keep in touch. I know that the next few months are going to be very busy and you're going to have your hands full with getting things organized in your new life. Don't forget your friends. OK?  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Hey, Matt!

Thanks first of all for letting us know you arrived safely. Secondly, congratulations and much happiness to you and your partner.

I knew already about the unreliablility of the internet. When my partner and I met on the internet and during our first two years it was NOWHERE near that bad. I have no idea what's happened or is happening with that "service" nor do I understand how companies can survive and continue on providing a NONservice! All I know is if that this past year and  especially since last September it has been ATROCIOUS, sometimes DAYS going by without service and sometimes only coming back long enough to allow ONE email. If the signal constantly failing had happened during our first year especially we never would have been able to cultivate any type of relationship, much less the one we have.

Thanks for the warning though about the whole culturally shocking experience though, not just in regards to internet service.

Please check in every so often to let us know how you are and how things are going.

Best wishes in EVERYTHING!!!!


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