
Introduce yourself HERE!

Last activity 25 January 2015 by Bob K

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Thank you and I'm open to any advise anyone would like to give this is all a new experience for me.


Come down to see if you like it here first!  Some businesses do well here, others not so much!  Make sure you do your homework!


I've been to the Dominican republic about 10 times and mexico 3 times as a tourist but I know living and working there will be completely different. I'm actually not looking to relocate I'd rather start a business with a partner that resides there so I don't have to move there.


Joanne, Hello: I am currently also gathering information on a business.  We should talk as we have common ideas...perhaps email me privately... cheers.

The best bet is to know the Dominican culture and to work for yourself in the DR, as employments lead to low pay and slave-like conditions in a lot of cases.  Yes you'll be lucky if you make $400/month.  They work 6 days a week and the Labour Laws are never followed.  There is no vacation picture in that picture.


Yes reality of living here is different.... it is paradise for some and not so much for others!!!

Bob K

It is certainly not for everyone. That is why we constantly say come and spend a few months here not on a resort but living here and see if the DR "fits" you. It truly is a "glass slipper" for some and not a fit for others.

Bob K


Hello? Is this thing on?  smile.png I would like to introduce myself to the forum/blog. I've skimmed some of the threads and read others quite intently and greatly appreciate the many points of view.

Phoenix resident since '97, I am originally from Milwaukee. In the IT biz (but unfortunately not the Silicon-Valley-type-guy-who-cashed-in), I am a non-traditional student (old), writer and mixed-media artist/photographer.

Bob K

Michael welcome to the forum. However I have asked that this post be moved to the general forum   as this particular one is based on the Dominican Republic.

Bob K


Ugh, my apologies... I could've/should've been more attentive and specific- no excuse but I was typing on a dinky iPad mini while sitting outside. If it is any consolation, I have ticket in hand for RT to DR in June, I am very interested in the advice & opinions on the thread re: marrying someone from the Domincan.


No worries Michael, welcome to the forums anyway.... you are always welcome to visit the Dominican republic, here we can answer those know the meaning of life......  big_smile.png


Thanks! I've already gleaned a ton of inisght from you, Bob K and many others, but it would be great to get a more personalized palm reading  smile.png So from here I will jump to those DR threads which are especially important to me.


Read read read honey then ask questions. Or send us a private message if you prefer...

Bob K

Feel free to ask away.
Where in the DR will you be visiting in June.  If you are staying at a resort do get off the  reservation and explore some. It is a great place.

Bob K


Good morning everyone!  My name is Debra and I live just outside of Calgary, Alberta.  I've been reading posts here for a couple weeks and thought I'd finally jump in.  Bob, we have chatted before on Tripadviser forum.  I finally made it to Monkey Jungle this January and my daughter (20 yrs) is quite excited that she was offered to work for them next year. She is thinking about it but its a pretty big leap!

I have visited the DR many times and twice have landed in Punta Cana and bussed it Puerto Plata with stops along the way.  I have friends in the north and the south so is great way to see the island.  My niece married a DR fellow (same age) a few years ago and they reside in Edmonton with their new daughter, but winter in their new home they just finished this year in Santiago.  Lucky lifestyle for such a young couple!  Theirs is one of the few success stories of love in the DR. He was not a resort worker or in the tourist industry etc and she was very smart young woman and they fell in love slowly and naturally.

I have spent time in Punta Cana, Juan Dolio, Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata and Sosua over the past few years.  My goal is to be wintering in one of these locations in the next 4 years. Just not sure which one.  My plan is to divide my house here in Alberta and put in a basement suite, which I've started already.   I will have income from the rental of my home giving me the ability to winter in DR.  I own a trailer and land in an RV park in Alberta where I will spend summers and pick up work at my local hospital, to keep up some income, as I am still many years away from retiring.  All looks great on paper! 

Anyway, after this long introduction I had better get things done here.  Thank-you to many of you who put your time in here to help and welcome us all. Have a great day and for heavens sake....please send warm winds and sunshine this way!



Welcome Debra, sounds like you are well on your way!!! We are here to help, so read the other threads and then ask any questions you have!


Hello Everyone!

I joined this webpage some time ago, but i havent really been that active. So ill introduce myself again.

My name is Gabriela, but everyone calls me Gaby. Im a born and raised dominican. Ive lived in Spain for two periods of my life doing my masters degree, first in Barcelona and then in Madrid. I have a deep love for the spanish culture, i had a blast living over seas, and Europe is one of my favorite places to visit.

I currently run a private school (preschool, primary school and highschool), its a huge responsability but the fact that i can run my own buissiness and change the world a tiny little way makes it all worth while. Im super passionate about the NGO sector. I often make donations rally or colaborate with foundations giving Emotional Education seminars as a volunteer.

I love music, cant imagine my life without it, dont really like bachata or regeton. I like to meet new people, practice my english, go out for a quiet dinner or drinks.

If anyone of you needs any help undersating how the DR Works, or needs any advice, feel free to ask! I dont know if youve planned a get together, but expats get togethers are always supe fun!

Have a lovely day!!



Welcome back Gaby!!!

Bob K

Debra welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have a plan and it sounds like a pretty good one to me.  Fell free to ask any questions you have on the DR.  There are lots of us about here to help.

Bob K

Bob K

Welcome back Gaby. We look  forward to your contributions to the forum.

Bob K


Gabriela como estas ud te saluta. Soy Nicholas.
Welcome to the forum, again. Sounds like you and I have similar interests as u like to practice your english (I speak it prefect) I need to practice my Spanish, if it even can be called that anymore jaja. I also love to meet new people. Im half Dominican half St Thomanian and these days have a strong desire to more of my Dominican culture/ heritage, which is one of the reasons I desired to become an expat, and how I got on the forum.
An expat party does sound super fun! Gotta keep me posted on that one  wink.png


Hi I'm close to quitting my job but don't want to stop working. If I move  anywhere in the world I plan to do my sewing or gardening an raising chickens for fun and profit. cool weather conditions will be great. That's why I choose Constanza. for my future residence. Thanks


Welcome to the forums!  Like you I can't imagine doing nothing! If you haven't already, read the forums and let us know if you have questions!

Bob K

xochiti, Welcome to the forum.  Planner is right doing nothing is hard.  There are lots of nice folks here with some great information. Feel free to ask an questions you may have.

Again welcome

Bob K


Im interested in Constanza . Because of the temperate wether.I would like to meet expats residing there or close by.Thanks

Bob K

Sorry I don't know anyone in that area.

Bob K

Tomas Cabrera

Hi Planner!
How far from the UASD (the big University)
do you live?


About 3 km honey.

Bob K

Harry, welcome to the forum.  How about some information about you?  It is nice to know that you do have connections for dental work here.  How much longer till she completes here studies?  Why did she go to school here rather in than in the US?  How long have you lived here?

Anyway again welcome to the forum.

Bob K

Bob K

Thanks for the info and good luck to your wife

Bob K


Welcome to the board. I for one would like the information on the dentist!  Does he also do other work besides implants?



My name is Tony and my wife, Joan, and I are here in Santiago serving God as Christian Evangelical missionaries. We have only been in country for about 3 months and are still learning a lot about the country, the culture, and the people. I will monitoring some of the forum threads for any useful information. Thanks...

Bob K

Tonyvega welcome to the forum.  There are lots of nice folks on the board here.

What kind of work are  you doing.  We have a lot of  missionary folks who rent our Cabarete condo for mini escapes all the time..

Bob K


A big welcome to Tony and his wife!!!!  If we can do anything to help or you have questions, don't hesitate to ask us!


Hey all,
I am from Nova Scotia Canada, and married to a Brit now Canadian. We retire in 8 years and are looking at Cabarete, Samana as a future full time home. So we are self informing and educating ourselves as much as possible.  Looking to start a Spanish course in order to communicate though obviously the Dominican Spanish will have differences. Thanks for sharing your experiences and we are reading them with rapt attention.

Bob K

Mnnkim  Welcome to the forum. There are lots of nice folks here with lots of information for you. Please do not hesitate to ask.  Many of us live here so can give you our experiences.  My wife and I "retired" here 8 years ago to the north coast (Sosua/Cabarete area>

We look forward to your participation in the forum.  Again Welcome!

Bob K

Canadian Sig

Hello all. My name is Toby and I've been lurking and reading a fair bit and decided to sign up and join in. I'm a military member up here in Canada and was hurt overseas and am likely looking at a medical retirement in the next 24 to 36 months and my wife (also a military member) and I are trying to decide where to retire at.

Our thoughts (so far) have us looking at the DR, Ecuador and a few others. Basically we are done with snow and need to find a place we can afford to live and indulge our love of mother ocean and maybe make use of our professional diving credentials.

Thanks for having us.



Hey Toby, we will be watching your adventures in retirement from military and relocation closely, as both hubby and I are Canadian Air force and are planning for our retirement in 7-8 years. Good luck.

Canadian Sig

Always good to "meet" other CF folks.  big_smile.png

Bob K

Canadian Sig  Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of good folks and good info here. Have you visited the DR before? If so where?
My wife and I retired here full time 8years ago and have no looked back for a second.

Bob K


Welcome Toby! Read everything you can here, then come back with your questions and concerns. We will help all we can. Life is an adventure every single day.....


Articles to help you in your expat project in Dominican Republic

All of the Dominican Republic's guide articles