How good are the job prospects after German apprenticeship?

I have been selected in dual study and work vocational training in Germany. I will be doing training in I.T sector. Most probable position will be I.T Technician/I.T Engineer. I will be arriving Germany in November from India for the very first time. My post is about asking all the expats in Germany to let me know more of this opportunity that i have received. I will be receiving monthly stipend of about 650 Euros(additionally free accommodation at company's reserved apartment for apprentices, 3 times food, bills, travel allowance, medical & health insurance for 3 months). I would like to know how good are the job prospects after completion of Training in Germany. Cheers!!

IT is generally a good area for finding employment - BUT: People with an existing right to work in the EU (mostly EU citizens) have to be hired first, so a company wanting to hire a foreigner would have to prove they cannot find anybody suitable in the EU (which will be difficult).
Check whether completing your training programme gives you a right to work here (I know local university degrees do, but not sure about vocational training)!