Really need your help, it's about moving to Egypt.
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Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.
I hope everyone is doing great. I've just recently found this website, in need of honest help.
I would like to start by saying that i honestly love Egypt, in the full sense of the word. Ever since i was just a kid, everything about Egypt just seems extremely interesting to me. It's a place that i really care about, even though i've never been there.
I'm from Venezuela, a south-american country. My native language is spanish, of course, but i speak fluent english. I also have, officially, italian and spanish nationalities (and passports too), because of my parents (my father is italian, and my mother is from Spain). I understand italian too, though i'm not fluent at it. Recently, i started learning arabic, which was one of the languages i've always wanted to learn. I started just a few weeks ago, and i'm doing it mostly as a hobby. I'm learning classical arabic. After that, i want to learn the egyptian dialect, which personally i think is it the most important of all the dialects, and the most insteresting one, at least in my opinion.
I apologize if it sounds like i'm talking too much about myself, but it is necessary.
The reason why i'm writting this topic, it's because i need your help, your personal advices. I'm thinking about moving to Egypt.
I know, i know. Egypt is going through a very tough situation right now, i'm very aware of that. I've read tons of news, from different sources and websites, to get a full perspective of the things going on there. But, i still think moving to Egypt would be a good idea, at least for me.
I'm going to be very honest with you, as i always am: my life feels like a zoo right now. I'm not going to explain my personal reasons, i don't think anyone wants to hear them or would find them interesting either. But i can tell you this: the current situation in my country, Venezuela, is extremely horrible.
15 years ago, a new goverment took the lead in Venezuela, with promises of making the lives of venezuelans much better...but it turned out to be the most corrupt goverment in the history of the country. If you see the news in Venezuela, you could think it is a wonderful place to live, but it's not, believe me. The goverment has the control of all of the media, and that's the reason many people outside do not know that we are going through hell right now. They are have been slowly transforming our country into something like Cuba.
I could gave you all of the details, if you like, but i'm going to make this very resumed:
• Venezuela has the second highest inflation in the world. I think only Syria has a highest inflation rate, because they are at war. Venezuela is a country that has oil, tons of it, and many other resources. And yet, we have a ridiculous amount of inflation, which makes life impossible. Inflation goes up every week, and i'm not joking. Only this month (December), we had over 40%...40% in one month. Now, imagine 15 years of it.
• Venezuela is the most insecure and violent country in the american continent. Caracas, capital of Venezuela, which is my home city, is the third most violent city in the world. My best friend was murderer two years ago. A month ago, i was working at a store, and got robbed when i was arrived to open it. Only this year, i've been robbed 3 times, in different places. It is honestly horrible. You don't only risk your life, but you also lose eveything you're working so hard to get. You cannot go anywhere at night. If you're not home at 9 PM, you're in trouble. And what’s worse is the fact that the law does not work at all, for anything. Every murder, every robbery, every crime commited, is not punished. Maybe one out of 500 cases are solved. The police and the military are extremely corrupt, to the point that they work alongside the criminals in many cases. Please believe me when i tell you this.
• Over the years, the people over here became very rude and uneducated, they throw garbage everywhere, everythings is always filthy, no one respects anyone's personal space, nor do they have consideration for their neighboors. It's difficult to explain in detail, but it's just not a nice place to be. You just want to get home and rest.
• Minimum wage is useless. Minimum wage in Venezuela is 3000 BSF ("BSF" is our currency). When you go to the market, assuming you're just one person, you spent around 1.800 BSF (if you are clever and know how to save some money) in just one visit to the market, and you have to visit the market AT LEAST 2 times a month. A car, a regular car, i'm not talking about anything fancy, costs around 380.000 BSF, which means you need at least 120 minimum wages (assuming you don't spent any of that money), and the interest fees are up to 22% in each quote. I don't even want to mention houses and apartment prices, but just so you can get an idea of it, a regular apartmente costs around 3.200.000 BSF. Just impossible to buy, even if you're a professional with very high income. The only people that are able to buy houses or things like that it's because they sold an old apartment they had, or that was left to them by someone who died. You can verify all of this information if you want.
Bottom line is, i don't want to be here anymore. I'm young, i´m 23 years old, i have the desire to work, and i want to make a life for myself. Right now, living in Venezuela is not living at all, is more like...surviving. It's really a shame, Venezuela has the potential to be the greatest and richest country of the world, but the people here have become too corrupt and uneducated. It's not even a third-world country anymore, i would put it much, much lower than that. People like to be poor over here, they don't expect great things out of themselves. Mediocrity is Venezuela's flag ever since this goverment began. I'm not going to be like that, and i will not do bad things or sell myself to corruption.
Now that you've read that, i would like to hear advice from you. I'm aware of many things about Egypt, because i like to be very well informed. But of course, i'm sure there are many, many things i do not know, and that's why i need your help on the subject.
I'm a high-school graduated, i never went to college here because our education level is very bad, and universities are very expensive. So i started working right away, as soon as i graduated i started looking for a job. Simple jobs, mostly. I'm willing to do any type of job, as long as it is legal, and as long as i recieve the propper instruction. And i am also looking to get a college degree, itÂ’ not that i donÂ’t want one, itÂ’s just that i do not want to obtain it here.
I don't spend a lot of money, i just spend on important and necessary things. Luxeries can wait, specially if i'm moving to Egypt to start a new life.
I like to earn my money, i don't want anything just given to me. But, i'm not a fool either. I'm not going to sacrifice my health for nothing, that means i just want my rights as a worker to be respected.
I'm a simple person, really. Not problematic at all, i don't even drink or smoke. In my free time i like to do sports, or if i am on vacations, i like to travel. IÂ’m not the typical party-lover, like most westerns are. IÂ’m just a bit different in that sense.
So, knowing all of that, what do you think? What's your personal opinion about Egypt? Is it a good place to live? Can a person earn a good amount of money without selling their soul? Does the law work? How much do you normally spent on food and stuff like that? How much does a car cost? An apartment? How does the people over there treat you? Is the language barrier too much of a problem? How do relationships work over there? Is it complicated because of traditions o religions? How are the insecurity levels there? Can you walk along the streets without being too afraid of getting robbed (or worse)? Etc.
I need as much advice and information as you can give me, as much detailed as you can, if you have the time, of course. Numbers, salaries, religion, lifestyle, costs, etc, all you can tell me. It would be very much appreciated, believe me. Everything, everything you think that could help me, please let me know. And, if i can help you in any way, or there is something you want to ask, about myself, my country, language, or any other thing, let me know too, i will gladly answer or help you.
On a final note, i would like to say this: yes, i know there are other countries which could be MAYBE better options. Most people like to think about living in USA, or Europe. I'm aware of that. It's just that everything in me, every cell in my body feels like i should try living in Egypt. Hard to explain, and kind of dumb, i know, but, it's just like that.
Thank you, to everyone who has taken the time to read this. And specially, thanks on advance to those who may be willing to aid me. It would mean a lot to me, honestly.
Again, thanks!
Have a good day/night, i really hope i get to talk with some of you!
I feel what you say. This is a very (comparatively) brief response:
Do re-consider Egypt as a destination. I'd also be brash to propose: besides using the economic filter in your search for a new home, please do add another sieve: deteriorating environment, and its capacity to feed millions of new guests.
While human-migration pressures increase globally - please include this key variable in your relocation search filters: global environmental changes. This single factor holds the potential to wrap up the human stain - much sooner than our collective-consciousness is ready to accept. (re: the Anthropocene age).
I would suggest interest in Permaculture - and strive for sustainability and self-reliance. #Up:tothebasics
I know it's expensive, and am not sure it's even possible for you, but would you be able to come over to Egypt (whereabouts do you want to live?) for at least a few weeks to see what it's like? It will be very difficult for you to get a job over here, but with your language skills, you may just possibly be able to get something in one of the hotels. The priority is always to give Egyptians jobs and there is a lot of poverty here. I wouldn't come over here without a job first (assuming that you don't have enough money to support yourself without working), so if you could come over and try your luck job-wise round the hotels for a few weeks to see how feasible it is, that might be the best approach. Unfortunately, with tourism plummeting due to the troubles here, many hotels are also finding it hard to survive.
Arumat, (1st you are a male or female? any family members too? what about savings? )
Venezuela is similar to Egypt (at least for the time being), except for high crime rates its not that hard here.
I knew Chavez and probably that "humble" Bus driver you guys had after him were Anti American imperialism and just corrupt as many 3rd world countries ? i had a conversation with some guy from Venezuela he was exactly having the same views of venzuela.
I`ll try to give you my own answers as an Egyptian born and raised.
1- Security, Females tend to be more targeted (Egyptians and forgeiners) by Thugs on bikes but they will mostly cut-steal your handbag or so. thats common here our secretary "Egyptian female" was stolen that way... but its not everywhere or every year.
2-Law : Since Egypt is a touristic country if you are into problems Police will favor you. police here is corrupt but not to that extent you mentioned of Venezuela! specially they would be afraid of a Recognized country passport holder (such as Spanish and Italian.) Robberies here aren`t as much as Venezuela.
Well, both of the above i rarely see though.... excepect some harassment if you are a European looking female.
Car robberies are common but dumb ppl keep getting the korean insecure cars (i.e : no coded key) even a Driving Wheel lock or wheel lock is so secure.
2-Socially , well, Egyptians like any foreigner and many would be warm treating you. young men your age you will obviously find plenty of surrounding you if you liked. you can find males or females who would get along easily with you (provided you red about customs etc..) you can Easily make friends here.
Please just note don`t be fooled by that fact and get along with any complete stranger.
your normal limits + extra limits for being in a new place are enough to judge people.
The typical thinking of many poor minded will tend to to get tips/ more money somehow from a foreigner you just need to get used to ignore or tip regularly with small amounts.
3- Cost of living, you are 23 without Luxuries a Rented apartment in a Rural spot some 90 m2 for one person (you can go less if you want ) Basically furnished will cost you 300-400 USD Monthly some will tell you 500$+ but i put in mind that you are young and might forgo luxuries.
But REMEMBER this tip, Always you are better off with an Egyptian friend Trustworthy helping out! it will save you much and get you mainstream prices! and by Trustworthy i mean a Gentleman.
Cars here cost much because of the insane customs added on cars, to give you an example:
A small Japanese Sedan like Toyota Yaris = 130, 000 L.E ~ 19,000 USD
your best bet will be a used car. a VW Golf 2000 for example will be around 8000 USD.
most cars here are 1.6 Litre Engines Petrol cost is around 25 Cents/Litre for 92 Octane
But.. Good luck with Egyptian traffic its a hardcore driving school that needs more than your bare hands and legs with some concentration. .) (traffic is really tough but your home /work choice might change that completely to Cairo suburbs etc.)
Plz refer to this little guide i posted about finding a job in Alex (actually its identical to Cairo) i mentioned many types that might need a foreigner.
Spiritstallion wrote:For Expats,
Chances for them to find an Engineering job is almost impossible due to the very low salaries and the abundant reserves of Engineers.
Your best bet is Language/ Cultural Institutes there many of them who would recruit a foreigner (and maybe without certificates if he is a native of a specific language) salaries in this case might be lower than international standards but would be better by far than their Egyptian counterparts.
Also MANY language schools will recruit teachers but i think it will be more of a fixed job not a free lance or temporary one like private language institutes , and those pay well.
Last will be a Public relations sector, i believe a cheap advertisement in al-waseet or al-souq with Egyptian friend`s help "to not be fooled etc." offering services is a very fast way of getting a job and reach many audience.
Some International bodies needs native speakers.
last thing might be a call center advanced ones aren`t that much in Alex though.
Also for your safety, Legal services in Egypt are VERY cheap...
If you have an Egyptian friend let him get you a lawyer to make sure of whatsoever you are doing in Egypt like checking the contract or speaking with the people involved in the job/activity to check for a probable fraud.
in this case such a lawyer won`t get more than 30 Euros/ 35 Dollars or so.
SPECAILLY for younger females/ladies!
At last i would say as Movinghome just said.
just come here rent an apartment.. but with plans to go Italy or Spain or Greece after(very cheap tickets i bet those are short flights) ... cause Tickets to Venezuela are expensive i guess .
P.S: the Political condition should be over soon its just a fight between the army (corrupt) and the Brotherhood (Hypocrites) soon there is elections the political atmosphere will remain tense i believe, but bombings or violent riots are soon to disappear.. people here think the brotherhood`s Hypocrisy is by far a threat to Egyptian nationalism rather than having some army generals with ambitions .
Please let me know if you have any more questions or worries.
But by the way, i was curious, why do you have that passion for Egypt?
what do you expect at least when you come here, what you had imagined in your mind?
I say this as a matter of curiosity + to have a rational thinking of what you might go through.
If you as well mention what talents you got since you have only High school. Language knowledge? Jobs you worked at.
Cheers from Egypt
Hello my friend! Thank you very much for your help, i really appreciate this
As i said, i'm very aware of the current situation that Egypt is going through. Yet, i am still willing to try my luck in that country. However, what you say is completely true, and that's why i'm looking for help on this forum.
I'm not the kind of person that just rushes into things without thinking. Having said that, my plans at the moment are all based in the idea of making a life in Egypt. I want to get a college degree, but i have no intentions on getting one in my country, due to the fact that education here is very, VERY expensive, and public education is a joke. Literally, a joke.
I'm planning on doing what you just said: i'll probably visit Egypt, as a tourist, in 2014. I'll try to stay there enough time so i can get an idea about how is life over there. I need to know the costs of everything, salaries, etc. But still, a bit of previous help before going there would not be a bad idea either.
Some egiptians have already helped me. Egiptians, must i say, have been more than kind to me, it is really conforting to know that there are many people willing to help me in this situation (specially a western like me). Unfortunetly, i still have a couple of questions that they weren't able to answer, and that's what i'm trying to find out.
My plans are simple: move to a new country, get a job over there, and get a college degree. I intend to study and work at the same time.
You bring out a very fair point: because of the fact that i don't yet speak arabic. I do not have any prefference towards any city just yet. Many people say that Cairo is a great city, but very troublesome. Others said that places like Alexandria or Sharm el-Sheikh would be very good for me, because it is a more relaxed enviromente, with better job opportunities for inmigrants in my situation. It is very likely that i will have to find a job in the touristic field, taking advantage of the fact that at least i know who to speak fluent english, and of course spanish. But that's fine with me.
To me, the problem is not the city, or the job. I'm willing to do whatever i have to do, just as long as it is legal. I only have two fears:
[1] Inflation, and similar (or worst) economy to that of my own country.
[2] Insecurity.
As i said in the original post, we have at least 30% inflation every month, it is absolutely ridiculous and impossible to make a living like that. Most countries have like...3-7% inflation annualy, and they say that is a disaster. We've been having 25-30% every month...for the last 15 years.
And insecurity is also horrible, as i also described in the post. Countries with "high" criminalistic rate, have around 12-18% crime rate. Whereas Venezuela has 63%...yes, 63%, and it is getting worse every month.
Bottom line: i'm willing to do whatever it takes, as long as it is legal and possible, to start a new life in Egypt. I want to work, i want to study, and be able to enjoy life a bit. I can't do any of those things in my country, and i'm really tired of dealing with this situation everyday. (Check this out, so you can get and idea,
So, what's your particular opinion? How do you see my chances?
Hi there, friend!
I would like to start be saying that i'm speechless, i read everything you wrote, and it's been very useful. You have no idea of how much! Thank you so much! And by the way, i'm a male, and i intend to go there on my own. No one else.
As for Chavez and Maduro, yes. To make a long story short, many people initially voted for Chavez because he had so many amazing ideas, and he seemed like a decent person who really knew what the people needed. He turned out to be the worst president ever, who manipulated all of the powers to stay in charge, fixed elections, etc. He always used to speak about anti-imperialism and all of that kinds of stuff, but the fact of the matter is that, Venezuela depends on USA more than ever. We are relying on oil sales to the United States to sustain our economy. So basically, if USA decides to stop buying our oil...well...that's it! It's over for us. And of course, they "hate" the USA, but then you see pictures of them riding expensive cars bought with dirty money in Miami. They are turning us into Cuba, that's their intention.
I don't have anything against USA, nobody in Venezuela does, and i absolutely love that country. Personally, i just sometimes hate the fact that their politicians seem to forget about their fellow partnets in other countries, and they are only interested in money. The United States and the United Nations are often seen like the "world's police". So, i think they should act like it. They (the UN) should not wait for tragedy to occur in other countries to finally lend them a hand. But that's my point of view, we can discuss more about this if you want. I can tell you more things about Venezuela also.
As for the points you explained:
[1] Security and Law - What you described happens in many countries. As long as Egypt doesn't have the high criminalistic rate we have, as long as you can go out without fear of getting robbed of murdered every single time, then i'm fine with it. Insecurity is the most horrible things in Venezuela, along with our economy (they go hand to hand, as the economy gets worse, the crime rate goes up even higher, check this out
[2] Social aspect - I'm very aware of egiptians (and mostly arabic) traditions. For both islamic and non-islamic egiptians. My best friends over here are from syrian heritage. So i know a lot about arabic people. They always said that i even look arabic, they think i was born in the wrong side of the world, lol! I'm a very respectful person, i'm not problematic in any sense. That's probably due to the fact that i like to learn as much as i can, about everything, and everyone. I'm a bit quiet to, perhaps that's the reason i writte so much
[3] Cost of living - The prices, though they might seem a bit off for many egiptians, i think they are somewhat accesible. But that's probably because in my country everything is "un-buyable", and yet here i am! So, if i can survive here, then you can be sure that it won't be as hard for me once i get there. I always try to look at the bright sides of things. The only good thing i can say about our current situation, is the fact that since things have become so hard, then i guess living in another country would probably be very easy for any person with intentions to work and actually make a life. By the way, Caracas's traffic is just as bad...or perhaps even worse, i dare to say, than Egypt's traffic Just, trust me.
I read your practical guides for travellers, and i think it suits me very well. I don't have any intentions of studyin anithyng related to numbers. Mostly be honest, numbers and i don't get along. I really like literature and languages. I'm pretty good at learning languages. I bet i could learn to speak fluent arabic in a bit over 2 years, if i had someone to practice with face to face. I need to hear it, so i can get used to it. In fact, i never studied english once in my life. I learn by listening, playing videogames when i was a very little kid, and started translating with the help of a dictionary. I did that everyday, got used to it, and all of the sudden, there i am, speking and understanding english.
I would not mind to study a language-realated career. It is something that i actually like, and you say is a good choice. Another egyptian friend said the exact same thing. So i'm starting to like that idea a lot.
I'll try to visit Egypt next year, as a tourist, and see what it is like. I really took to heart the advice you said, about having a trustworthy egiptian friend. Problem is, i do not know many egiptians yet. All of this idea of moving to Egypt came up just about 3 weeks ago. That's why i'm trying to do as much as i can, and to speak as much as i can with other egiptians. To my most pleasant surprise, egiptians have turnd out to be even more friendly and caring than i could have ever expected.
I really hope i can get to speak with you at least a bit more.
Now, as for myself. I have particular talents at languages and literature. I love reading, and i've always been mermerized by the way people can express themselves in so many forms. Arabic is a language that always interested me, but it is not only the language. There is something about the arabic world that has always caught my attention. I don't know what it is, exactly. All i know is that i love the typical arabic weather, i like the arabic arquitecture, the forms and shapes they have in their buildings, everything! My favorite Disney movie growing up was Aladdin. Everytime is watch the movie "The Mummy", i watch it just so i can see Egypt.
Even in the smallest of things i've always been fascinated about the arabic world. I don't believe in stereotypes. I'm tired to hear people telling me that arabs are always at war, that arabs are terrorists, etc. That is the most stupid and irritating thing a person can say, in my opinion. That is the way of thinking that has the world upside down. People used to make fun of me when i was a kid for stuff like that. They make fun of conservative muslim arabic women because they cover their entire bodies, and i tried to defend them, by saying they do that because their beauty is to big for the eye of the average men...and of course they laughed at me, but i didn't care. I will always defend what i think it's right.
Egypt is a place y really care about. The country itself, the landscape, the pyramids, it's hystory, the ancient mythology (i'm in love with mythology of any kind, but i am mostly an expert on greek mythology). The truth is, i don't really know exactly what to expect from Egypt. I know that it will be something much better than my current life here, of that i'm 100% sure. I don't have an exact goal, but sometimes, when i'm not feeling very well, i like to picture myself in a place like Egypt
A place near the cost would be nice, full of those arabian palmtrees. A place with sunny days and cold nights where you can hear the wind blowing. As for a lifestyle, i'm a simple person. I love to play and watch sports, of any kind. I like to go out, have nice conversations, grab something to eat, whatever is entertaining. I just don't really like to go to parties, i don't even drink or smoke, and sadly, that's what most venezuelans like to do. That's just not my idea of having a good time.
If i were to move to Egypt tomorrow, i would like to start working as soon as i can, and as much as i can, and study as well, of course. I'm aware that i will have to sacrifice much of my time, but i'm also sure that it will be worth it. Then, eventually, move to a place similar to the one i described before. As for friends and relationships, i honestly don't know what to expect. I'm not exactly a very friendly type of person, i'm very quiet and reserved. But i believe it could be because i never had anything in common with the people i'm usually surrounded with.
Nevertheless, egiptians have been really kind to me. Never in my life, in any of the countries i've visited (except for Italy, italians are very nice too) have i found people so willing to lend a hand to someone like me, who really needs it. So i guess that, what i'm trying to say is, egiptians seem to be my kind of people.
Ana bahabbik ya Masri. Did i said that right?Â
Sorry for the couple of orthographic mistakes, i was writting really fast and didn't get to review what i wrote before sending it.
Arumat - you sound like a lovely guy and I wish you all the best! Come over and hunt around for jobs, if you can, and take it from there, perhaps.... inshallah
Movinghome - wow! That's really nice from you, thank you! And yes, that's exactly what i intend to do. Egypt is a very beautiful country, and i really believe it could be a good place for me, hopefully. I really appreciate your advice! Let me know if i can ever help you with something. If you ever plan to travel to south america, or the american continent in general and you need a bit of information, then i'm your guy! Happy new year, and my best wishes to you!
Hi Maria,
Yes, i have no doubt in my mind that it's a nice country. I know they are going through a rough time right now, but i have faith that everything will turn out well for them, and it will be over very soon.
I would love to hear a bit more about how your experience was (living in Egypt) sometime. Happy new year!
Happy new year all .)
Arumat. i`m very sorry wanted to replay today extensively but that's the problem "extensively" means without time i can`t send "half" a message.
i`ll speak to you in Skype if you wish and will replay here in detail for reference for the benefit of others.
Hi Arumat,
Happy New year! Feliz Navidad is it ?
So i understand you are passionate about Egypt, this point is over then you want to come, you have Good reasons. But i`ll give you more details (in fact if you need more or even if you need help here with contacts or so i have no problem.
Soccer here is similar to South America, but i can`t give you clues about such job as a soccer school specially since you lack the local language.
and in fact my own humble opinion is a Job in a touristic /Hotel/Language fields.
you can even find a Good Spanish teaching job in a center even if candidates will be lowin numbers, still this job is Free-lance style (secondary job) and an added income. you might even end up working in many language centers as a native you will get a better salary than the best Egyptian instructor for the Spanish language , Plus usually such candidates will be low/avg. language level so teaching will be very easy indeed.
The last job about Gaming consoles repair etc. is also good but this needs efforts to stay here in the 1st place and get such a job going.
Regarding Education well, Egypt doesn`t have world class elite education but in return its Generally cheap for Egyptians if its not Private.
You have 2 choices "language/Touristic studies" etc tend to be the cheapest:
1st Choice is applying for an Egyptian national University degrees as a foreigner and you will get your high school papers (or equivalent) assessed then they will accept you.
Costs for Egyptian national degrees for foreigners AFAIK are around 1500 USD /year (specific discounts can be made according to many factors, with the 1st year only being higher than the rest.
But notice with such education you might face hard difficulties since it will be in arabic and instructors might not even know English... unless its an English study or similar. or you inquired 1st and visited the academic staff before applying.
P.S : there is many "open Education freelance studies" degrees that needs minimal attendance but i don`t know about them or what are there costs.
2nd Choice is Private universities
Roughly (in avg) per year ( i don`t think they have any added fees for forgeiners since its a private Education)
2000-3000 USD some universities such as American university can go as far as 12 k USD but thats extremely expensive in Egyptian standards. actually no such a job can make up for the costs paid for such an education (a Half million Egyptian pounds).
such uinversities include but not limited to :
American university of Cairo
German university of Cairo
British University of Cairo
6th of October University
International University of Egypt
Egyptian university for Science and Technology.
Arab Academy for science and technology (Alexandria & they have something in Cairo AFAIK)i leave near to it and its good All-Round and quiet reputable outside Egypt.
Pharos University (Alexandria)
I can`t tell you to come or not, but Egyptian Inflation is high specially due to incdents going but surely not 15% a MONTH! (are you sure of this number lol?)
USD used to be 5.5 EGP for like 10 yrs until the revolution it jumped and stood at 6.9 (nothing catastrophic though)
also as i told you before no high crime rates here, but normal people in shops/ services sometimes charge extra if they knew you are a foreigner (legal stealing ?) specially beggars.
Public transportation is cheap some of it is out of discussion and hard to get used to , but the rest are good.
Normal Taxis charge 20 L.E /5Â km (3 USD for 5 kms) you have to get to know how to deal with them right.
there is also an on demand taxis that charge abit higher but are by far safer.
Take care.
you seem like a very nice guy. And have a good head on your shoulders. InshAllah you will find it easy here. Getting a job teaching English is the easiest way to get a job, more certificates more money with that said tho. I have been offered jobs with just a high school diploma on the fact I can speak English. Also if you know how to cook? smile......... might be a option too! If you have any questions let me know, but it seems you got a lot of good responses
Hey! Thanks, i really appreciate that very much!
Yes, i have received a lot of help indeed. I don't know if it is luck, or perhaps something else, but honestly, every single egiptian that i've talked to, has offered me a lot of help. That motivates me even more to make the move and stablish myself in Egypt. It may sound a bit over the top, or exaggerated, but to me, it is amazing to see so many nice people willing to help. I'm just speechless, i don't know how will i ever be able to repay them.
As for the job, i agree with you. Many friends in Egypt already said the same thing to me. Studying languages is something that i really enjoy, and i would not mind making a career based on that. It would be a very good way to have a nice money income, but most importantly, i would be able to help many egiptians to learn english, which would open many doors for them, in many areas, and in others countries too. It is the least i could do for them. As i said, Egypt is a place that i really care about, in many ways. I really want to help, and do everything within my power to give that country something in return for their kindness.
And by the way, actually i do know how to cook, but of course, the only food i know how to cook is western food. I would not mind learning how to make arabic dishes one day! I'm won't pass any options or opportunities that might be good ideas for myself.
As for right now, i'm concentrated on taking an english course given by a recognized institution in my country, it's called the "British Council". Their diploma is very useful, specially outside my country, and i can't hurt. I would not mind taking other english courses besides that. After all, moving to Egypt it's going to take a while, so why not?
I still have more questions about Egypt, more specific questions, mostly related to education. I would love to go to college in Egypt, it's something that i'm really looking foward to. But i'm not sure about the possibilities of that. Think you could help me out? Could i send you a message so we can speak a little bit more about that?
And again, thanks a lot! You have no idea how much this means to me!
I think so but I have no idea how I can help that in for. You just have to call them
Hi again mate,
i didn`t forget you but my mother is so sick and i`m really not that relaxed as earlier to send detailed posts, but plz if you like, ask direct questions i`ll try to answer them even maybe if phone calls are necessary i can do so simply (as for university costs etc.).
Hey! What's up bro? No problem, i understand!
I have a few questions yet, but they can wait a little bit. It's no good rushing into things.
For now, just wait until things get a bit easier for you, i don't want to put any addicional and unnecesary stress on any friend of mine!
And don't worry, i'm sure your mother will get well in no time! And that's what is important right now.
Just writte again when you have the time! I'm not leaving this forum anytime soon anyways!Â
May Allah make it ease on your mother amen
Hi Madmoud!
Yes, i'm aware of that. Don't worry, many egiptians friends on this forum have helped me and explained to me how the situation in Egypt currently is.
I'm looking for a job that is related to tourism or languages, or both.
Spanish is my native language, i also know how to speak english and i'm about to take an english course in a very awesome institution. Once i finish that course, they give me a diploma that certifies that i can speak fluent english. That diploma is recognized on an international level, so i know it will be very useful.
Also, and most importantly, i'm learning arabic, which is very important to me. And of course, it's neccesary if i'm going to live in Egypt. But i'm learning on my own, so my progress is going really slow, and i need more help with that. There are no decent arabic teachers on my country.
I have faith that i can make a life in Egypt. I know it's not going to be as easy as i could be in other countries, perhaps. But i bet it is a thousand times easier that living in my country.
Articles to help you in your expat project in Egypt
- Moving to Egypt
Relocation will be an important part of your expatriation project to Egypt. Here are some guidelines to help you.
- Opening a bank account in Egypt
Looking forward to open a bank account in Egypt? Find out how to proceed in this article.
- Leisure in Egypt
Wondering what you can do during your leisure time in Egypt? Movies, football, diving, culture and history... Feel ...
- Water Safety in Egypt
The government claims the tap water is safe; however, every recommends that you do NOT drink it. It is best to ...
- Transportation in El Rehab City
Transportation can seem limited when you live out in Rehab City. Here are a few things I figured out.
- Driving in Egypt
Are expatriates allowed to drive in Egypt? What are the relating conditions? Find out in this article.
- Traveling to Egypt with your pet
Can expatriates travel to Egypt with their pets? What are the relating conditions and formalities? Find out in ...
- Lifestyle in Egypt
Find, in this article, all that you need to know about the Egyptian lifestyle: traditions, cuisine, festivals, ...