Move in Alicarnasso in Bodrum

Can  i  learn  what  papers  must  have  someone  from  Greece  so  she  can  move  permanently  in  Turkey ?

Hi Nice Alicarnasso Bodrum,

Welcome to :)

Regarding your query, I invite you to get in touch with the embassy of Turkey in Athens on the +30 210 726 30 00.

Please feel free to come back on the forum to share any information received.

Do you have any other questions?

Have a nice day,


Thank  you  for  your  answer,  do  you  know  and  a  e-mail  of  embassy  in  Athens ?
Of  embassy  in  Turkey ?

Hello Nice Alicarnasso Bodrum,

Here are the contacts of the Turkish embassy in Athens :

Address:     Vassileos Gheorgiou B'8
                10674 Athens

Phone    local: (0210) 726.3000
international: +30.210.726.3000
Fax    local: (0210) 722.9597
international: +30.210.722.9597


Web site

Priscilla  :cheers: