Moving back to sydney..need help!!!!!!!!!

Hi, I will be moving back to sydney by the end of this year 2010...I really need to know if there someone knows a good freight company in riyadh to sned my furniture and appliances to sydney....

Camel Movers are supposed to be the best in town as I hear

thanks mate, do you know how can contact them? telephone number or website address...i have googled their name but came up with nothing...thanks

Sorry about MusicMan...he's our resident wit

His suggestion for 'Camel Movers' is a joke

I don't know of any other Aussies who have gone back home as yet,
and my company flew over our gear as unaccompanied baggage.

I'll keep looking around for you

thanks loanna....and thanks musicman also...just for the joke :)

I think these are good, but don't let your guard down.

Four Winds

well, i have surfed their website and they seem ok..will ocntact them and take it from there...thanks guys really appreciate it...

your very welcome. ;)


Namma Cargo assisted us on this end when we moved in.  We had no issues.  You could always give them a call and see what they have to offer!  I've included their contact info.


Saudi Arabia
Telephone: +966(1)4654200
Facsimile: +966(1)4657641

thanks CAF, did they get your gear to riyadh or send it back to australia?

Salman's suggestion was a good one.  It's the company that my organization uses.

They just delivered our stuff to us here in Riyadh.  But the group was very professional and careful with everything that we had.