JKS female clothes

Hi all! Will be working at JKS in August and would like to know what work clothes I need to buy?
Is it cover ankles and wrists or knees and shoulders? Also can women wear trousers?
Thank you

Knees and shoulders, no way.

Yes, ankles and at least elbows, but you need to confirm if it is wrists.  Trousers allowed in some female workplaces, not in others.

Isn't it best to ask your employer?

Thank you, I triedbut they're not replying. That in itself doesn't sound good does it.


Am chatting now with a friend who is working there,  so I asked her for you ( I know that we both should be working and not whatsapping  :D )...

Trousers are ok as long as top or jacket coves bottom
Long skirts worn also
Elbows Should be covered

Ha ha ha, thank you so much : ) Does she work in the primary by any chance?

No idea  :/  ..

Just wondered if you could put me in contact with her so I can discuss the school?

Starting from home to school, you have to wear the Abaya over whatever you are wearing. In the school, you can wear whatever clothes you like, but not so fancy! The situation with international schools is a lot more liberal than government or private schools.
Wish you success

In the school, you can wear whatever clothes you like

Oh really?

It is important not to give false or misleading advice.  No, female teachers/professors can not wear whatever clothes they like in schools and universities here.  They have to be covered till their ankles and elbows in loose clothes.

So are full length skirts and dresses the best bet?

Trapezius wrote:

In the school, you can wear whatever clothes you like

Oh really?

It is important not to give false or misleading advice.  No, female teachers/professors can not wear whatever clothes they like in schools and universities here.  They have to be covered till their ankles and elbows in loose clothes.

Clearly you've never been to the continental school in Jeddah then lol. Teachers wear what they want, although most wear respectable clothing according to the school regulations.

So full length is the best bet and buy stuff out there if I find any different. That's great,  thank you : ) I'm so excited!

I'm glad you asked this question since I'm getting ready to head over and have been wondering about it, too. Let the shopping begin!  ;)

Jonex wrote:

Clearly you've never been to the continental school in Jeddah then lol. Teachers wear what they want, although most wear respectable clothing according to the school regulations.

Sorry, I should have stated explicitly that I was talking about saudi schools and universities, but it was implied in my post as the OP is going to be teaching in a saudi school.

The handful of Western-run schools are clearly an exception as they do not have to follow the country's laws regarding segregation to begin with, so dress is obviously a lot more liberal, relatively speaking.

I have been inside the 3 major western schools in Jeddah countless number of times; I have taught at 2 of them, and my wife was a teacher at the third one :cool: