
EU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info.

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however ,despite these more onerous conditions (eg see the bank statement one), in the few months this has been in place, I've not heard of anyone having issues, so maybe it isnt being enforced in reality


Thanks George, I have checked and my link is still valid and the information and update are on that page.


I think thats where Rob got it from, as his post contains the same spelling error of "least" instead of "lease" :-)




georgeingozo wrote:

I think thats where Rob got it from, as his post contains the same spelling error of "least" instead of "lease" :-)

yes sorry i just cut and pasted  as they are important things to note


To this person that calls himself REDMIC instead of REDICK how dare you and your other members say those silly negative comments because I am trying to find out some info re anyone driving to Malta if they could take my daughter and her dog! There is NO dark side to this only someone who loves her daughter enough to ask a few questions. Its that simple!!!! nothing hidden, that just tells me what sort of people would think the worse of everyone. If you and your pals have nothing positive to say there best say nothing ok.


leeanne81 wrote:

To this person that calls himself REDMIC instead of REDICK how dare you and your other members say those silly negative comments because I am trying to find out some info re anyone driving to Malta if they could take my daughter and her dog! There is NO dark side to this only someone who loves her daughter enough to ask a few questions. Its that simple!!!! nothing hidden, that just tells me what sort of people would think the worse of everyone. If you and your pals have nothing positive to say there best say nothing ok.

This isn't related to the thread about e-residency .
It is understandable that people would be wary of someone who posts on a forum  asking such a request
1.because you can never be 100% sure of what is really being transported
2. if your genuine then i would think you should be careful of posting such a request because the last thing you want is your daughter to end up in a situation where she isn't safe.

I gave you a suggestion of a website to try and i really don't think you need to be rude because someone is concerned about your request ..i have sent you a PM check the envelope at the top of screen


I am sorry that you think I am being rude but i just asked a few simple questions that turned into someone big !!! Can you not understand where i am coming from ? And yes i do understand there may be others that have a negative reason to ask someone to drive her there.but how else could i have asked this question? It would be more postive if others were to ask me things and then it would not have got out of hand.
I did get an email from you but could not get the message open for some reason so i dont know what it said.
Many Thanks


robpw2 wrote:
georgeingozo wrote:

I think thats where Rob got it from, as his post contains the same spelling error of "least" instead of "lease" :-)

yes sorry i just cut and pasted  as they are important things to note

apologies, wasnt denigrating your post, more pointing it it came from an official source :-)


Hi, thanks for this information topic.
Just a notice : i don't think a valid passport is absolutely necessary for a EU citizen if one's ID card is, as I could read on the malta government sites. Redmik, you had different informations?


It's not an ID card, it's an Eresidence card for non Maltese citizens.


Yes i meant before you apply to get the eresidence card, you can show your id card ant not your passport.


You may have an ID card but British do not, so in your case, assuming you are a French citizen, you are correct as your French ID card is valid.


Also, your France ID card is a valid travel document as is Maltese ID card for Maltese citizens within the Schengen area and for the French, in some other countries.
British cannot/should not travel without a passport.
It is the only way a British citizen can prove their nationality.
Without valid proof of nationality one runs the risk of being treated as an 'illegal' in most countries, not just Malta.

I will have the valid passport information removed from the article, until such time as I can find a reference for what I was informed of.


Here's a fun one... I am a UK citizen ( ie I hold a UK passport because my parents were English). I was not born there neither have lived or worked in Britain. I/we have lived in Germany now for ca. 20 years. Married to an Italian, our child has duel nationality German-Italian. What can we apply for under EU  health insurance, if we move to Malta? Do I apply for a UK citizen one?


the RHA is based on holding a UK passport, so you can apply for that. your child as a dependent of you can also apply, but your husband needs to make other arrangements

however, if either of you works here, you are all then covered through social security contributions


Quick and informative! Thanks so much  georgeingozo. Very helpful.


leeanne81 wrote:

To this person that calls himself REDMIC instead of REDICK how dare you and your other members say those silly negative comments because I am trying to find out some info re anyone driving to Malta if they could take my daughter and her dog! There is NO dark side to this only someone who loves her daughter enough to ask a few questions. Its that simple!!!! nothing hidden, that just tells me what sort of people would think the worse of everyone. If you and your pals have nothing positive to say there best say nothing ok.

First of all it's Redmik and not any of your variations and I dare!
I make no apology for stating my suspicions. Why? Because in this day and age there is every reason to be suspicious. Do you not read of cases where innocent parties are duped into transporting drugs?
Or they and their vehicles used for other purposes?
It is also suspicious when someone posts a phone number, which they state is not their own, on a very public forum seen by anyone world wide on the internet and the person who posted it is logged on in a different name to that which they signed off.
Also, where there is no indication that the person to who the post relates and the telephone number posted, have given their consent!!!
Third party requests should never be trusted!!
Also, how the hell do you trust someone that you do not know, have never met, nor likely to, with your daughter (who I assume is an adult so old enough to ask for herself etc), to travel through various countries, staying in various accommodation?
That, I would argue, is hardly being responsible is it?
I would also argue that it is not for others to ask the questions but the person posting to make available all necessary information via Private Messaging in response to anyone who may come forward, after the original poster, makes a general but not specific request and invites the exchange of information privately.
So, yes I dared; for very correct reasons and many agreed with me, including the owner of this site.


Wow it sounds like Mr perfect ,have you never made mistakes ? you sound very judgmental , Well thanks once again for your HELP in this matter! And just to let you know there are also people that told me that your abit of a know it all!! surely not!!!!
Anyway you have made it clear,and I hope that we can put this now behind us and move on,unless you have anything else to say on this matter???


Just older, wiser, very experienced and qualified. You would be surprised. Sahha. :cool:


Hi guys and girls
I am refraining from asking the same question over and over on here. I only registered now but have been looking around for a while. Just wondering if there is any updates to the e-residence process, I will be applying based on self-sufficiency as an EU national. Just wondering if anyone has done it recently, or is doing it right now? Any tips, things I should know before I start? I know all the standard information of applying so looking for someone who has just done it recently and has anything I should be aware of, as we all know, there can always be surprises :)
If you had any, what were they?
Thanks a lot!


Hello everybody :)
I'll be moving to Malta this summer because I got accepted into an exchange program. My partner and my son are coming with me, now I'm wondering if there is a special requirement on how many hours he has to work a week to apply for a e-residence due to employment? He would only be able to work while our son is at school, so that wouldn't be enough hours for a full time job.
We are coming from Germany by the way :)

New Horizonz

Hi RaspberrySwirl

His options depend on if he is an EU citizen or not. Also how long he will be staying in Malta.


He is German as well, so he is an EU citizen and we plan on staying for about 11 months.

New Horizonz

In that case he doesn't need to worry about number of hours worked because:
1. He can have e-residency as your dependant
2. He can stay for up to 3 months without any registration or e-residency (it's a right for all EU citizens), leave and come back and stay another 3 months....
3. He can register with ETC as a jobseeker and have up to 6 month to find a job
4. This point I am not sure, but I think there is no minimum hours of work stipulated anywhere. To be eligible, he just has to work (full-time or part-time) and pay the social security costs.  Many people here are far better informed and will no doubt tell you.


(moderated: inappropriate)

Best wishes


Okay I didn't realize that my answer was inappropriate, thanks for clarifying.
And thank you for the information given.


Hi RaspberrySwirl,

your answer was not inappropriate ! JUst not exact enough to give a definite answer -)))

I myself came from Germany to Malta ( I moved ) but I'm not German . It can make a big difference.

Make sure that you all have health insurance when you apply for residency in Malta . Are you covered on the exhange programm and does that include your partner and son ?



Hi Ricky,

My son and me will be covered by our German health insurance. I'm not exactly sure how my partner will be covered, he will probably keep his German health insurance for now, since it covers medical care in Malta as well.
Would he be able to get Maltese health insurance if he found a job?

Thanks in advance :)


Hey Ricky, 
I think I will still be covered since I will still be registered at my home university. Also the information I found on my insurances internet page, was that I should be covered in Malta because I have some kind of "European health insurance card".But I'll definitely call them to make sure and to gather more information.
Thank you for your detailed answer :)
Concerning the other issue, misunderstandings through written messages happen all the time, but all I wanted to give was a short clarification on the citizen status of my partner. No hidden condescending message implied. I'm sorry if it came across as such. Sincerely


Hi RaspberrySwirl,

your Ehic card is only valid for tourists and up to 3 months in a foreign country.

If your child is going to go to school in Malta you both will have to register as residents ! Check that out ! For residency the EHIC card is not accepted as proof of health insurance.

Your partner has to register on his own terms .



Hi everybody,

Just to inform you all that some inappropriate and off topic posts have been removed.


Priscilla  :cheers:


yesterday I saw a post I think it was by Ricky about german health insurance being a problem? I cant find it now and my german buddy in marsascalla is getting the run around from the german government for his S1. anyone remember the post ?


Information I found concerning Health insurance, on the homepage of the University of Malta:
"Students from EU/ EEA member countries are exempt from undertaking the medical health test.  In accordance with the provisions of the EC Regulation 1407/71, dealing with the provision of health care in another EU/EEA Member State, students have direct access to Malta’s state funded health care services, upon presentation of an original European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) together with an identification document providing proof of their EU/ EEA nationality.  For details on the subject one may refer to the Ministry of Energy and Health website"

And I checked with my health insurance and they told me, they are 99% sure I can stay and study in Malta using the EHIC. They told me it would be as if I'm insured in Malta.

It's different for my partner, so we will see how that goes. If I recieve any additional information from the University of Malta, I'll post it here for future references.
Ricky I'm not saying you were wrong, because I don't know if you were, I just hope you are. Would be easier for me ;) But we will see, and I'll let you know how it all plays out :)

@redders_61 what is the S1?


S1 is for those of state retirement age to get medical cover in EU countries outside of their own


as I don't have enough time I didn't have the opportunity to read all the comments on this page.I apologize if my question has already being asked but I have to ask for myself.
I am an EU citizen and my international pasport has expired.Is there an option to travel to Malta and live in Malta with just my ID?If it is possible what do I have to do to stay for more than 3 months in Malta as I have heard that I can stay for up to 3 months with just my ID card from Bulgaria.
Also how many years do I need to live in Malta to be able to try to get maltese citizenship?



Hi George,

if your Bulgarian ID card is a valid travel document you can travel to Malta with the card. Otherwise no.

Unless you marry a Maltese girl you cannot get Maltese citizenship and why would you even want it ? What is wrong with the Bulgarian ?



Gosho1991 wrote:

Also how many years do I need to live in Malta to be able to try to get maltese citizenship?

5 years to be able to apply, but they wont give it to you - they will, however, sell it to you right away, for € 1,000,000 or so


ricky wrote:

Hi George,

if your Bulgarian ID card is a valid travel document you can travel to Malta with the card. Otherwise no.

Unless you marry a Maltese girl you cannot get Maltese citizenship and why would you even want it ? What is wrong with the Bulgarian ?


yes, the bulgarian ID is a valid travel document but I don't think I can live in Malta forever with only my ID card, right?I need a pasport for that, am I wrong?
Are you sure I can't get maltese citizenship?I remember my mother's second husband was trying to get bulgarian citizenship(he is from France) and they told him he needs to pass some tests(writting and speaking in bulgarian) and they can grant him bulgarian citizenship, ain't that the same with maltese citizenship?Also I remember you had to live in the country for some time to be able to participate in this test.


georgeingozo wrote:
Gosho1991 wrote:

Also how many years do I need to live in Malta to be able to try to get maltese citizenship?

5 years to be able to apply, but they wont give it to you - they will, however, sell it to you right away, for € 1,000,000 or so

Ok, enough with my desire to get maltese citizenship.  :(

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