Is 52000 HKD p.m enough for a single person moving to Hong Kong?

Hi, I am an Indian software professional working with a reputed tier one investment bank. My total experience is 3.5 years and my current salary in India is INR 1,350,000 p.a (around INR 100,000/month). I am currently evaluating another job offer from Hong Kong and the number they are quoting is 630,000 HKD which comes down to around 52,000 HKD a month. Health insurance would be provided additionally.

Does that sound like a decent salary for a single person to live by in Hong Kong?

I am not an extravagant spender but I would certainly like to maintain a decent lifestyle.

And when i say decent, I mean

a neat,comfortable apartment
Healthy food
occasional dining out. (once a week?)
A girl has got to shop!
Some margin for rainy days

Doable in this income?

That sounds reasonable. Does this amount include a housing allowance?

Well, this amount will have to take care of the housing as well..

However, they are not really breaking down the salary structure to distinguish between base salary and Housing allowance.

So the whole amount really goes down as "base" salary
There will be an additional yearly bonus of course
Health insurance on top of this
and some gratuity amount as well

Are there any tax benefits in having Housing allowance spread out separately?

This is a good firm(investment bank) and an interesting role. Just not sure if it would be smart enough to move on this package..

I think is a good salary, all depends is how are your personal habits, where do u like to live and how do you like to live. I have friends living in HK with half your salary.
HK is expensive, but expensive comes to how do you live.

Yes there are tax benefits to get a part of your salary (up to 40%) paid as allowance.
I am actually surprised that an IB wouldn't offer you that by default.
HK is expensive but your salary is quite comfortable for a single person.

Thanks andruca! Well, I would like to think that I am not an extravagant person.
However, I understand that "extravagant"  means different things to different people.

So for me I guess,

I would like to afford a neat, comfortable apartment. (not necessarily in Central). Wouldn't mind travelling a bit in trade off.

Good food. Not much of a cocktail person though! (once in a  while with friends)

Not a shopaholic but still don't like wearing rags to office ;)

Would like to have some financial security at hand i.e Should be able to save at least some fraction

In short, I think I am not high maintenance but yet would like to afford a decent lifestyle

Thanks mars2012hk! If that is the case then I will definitely try negotiating the housing allowance part. I find myself 70:30 in favour of moving to HK already. Just a few apprehensions!

should be no problem at all to you.