New residence permit procedures in Turkey

I thought I would share this as many questions come up here on the forum regarding the procedure to get a Turkish residence permit. I don't know about work permits as my employer handled that.

Here is a link in English to the actual revised law (as of April 2014) … _5_son.pdf

For practical advice, see the Yabangee article below. They wrote it in June 2014. … nt-permit/

I also know someone who does consultations on the process for a small fee (100 lira) if you need help.

Hope this info is helpful!

P.S. I would like to point out that there are different procedures according to which country you come from. Group 'A', like European countries, America, Japan etc. have different procedures to what I think is called Group 'B' countries. Make sure and get correct information. Also speaking to other people who have obtained theirs successfully can be a great help.

Please dear can I have your mail address,

My mail address

Thank You Jenk, its very helpful.:) ..hope other members share their experiences in getting Turkish visa how hard or ease it is...

Thanks for the info