Osaka village resort - changing from city water to well water - safe??

It's rumored that the Osaka village management is changing its water supply from city water to well water. Is this something to be concerned about. If well water is used for cooking in the resturant is it safe. Wonder why they would make such a change.

Hello Chicop and congrats on your first post on the forum of!  :top:

Hope that some members will be able to inform you soon. But generally water from wells those that are bottled and sold in most part of the world without any treatment, since it is better than the tap water you usually get from the city.

Hope that in Osaka too the well water is better than the city water.

Kenjee Team

Thank you for replying to my question. My biggest concern is my daughter . I guess we will just keep bottled water for drinking and cooking.

Chances are it's money. If you've seen Da Lat you will know one of it's features are small hills all over town, and it takes a lot of electricity to move that water around.

Water pumping is very common - it's why HCM is sinking in places by 15-20 centimetres annually.

They might also be splitting supplies so cheaper water (pumped) can be used for toilets, cleaning, etc. Even if it is the sole supply, don't worry, water quality testing is very good round VN.

My wife's hotel in Cam Ranh Bay has two water feeds - one we call 'brackish'. Brackish water (aka briny water) is water with higher salinity than fresh water, but not as much as seawater.

The other is 'fresh'.

All manner of purifier types are available in VN. Choice is determined by capacity and cost.

I use well water in my BMT home as well as the office. Each month we take two samples from different taps and shoot it off for analysis in HCM. Most well users do this and I am sure the Osaka Village Resort will, too.

That was very helpful. Thank you for your response.