
Registering UK car in Austria

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Hi there,

I am moving with my partner to Austria in two months and wondered if anyone has experience of transfering UK car number plates to Austrian number plates?

From what I can gather, once registered with the local police as a resident, you have a month to change your number plates.

I am looking to find out:

1) Where do you register you car - are there local offices in most towns?
2) Do you need to secure an insurance offer first?

We are moving to Flachau and the nearest large town is St Johann in Pongau.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


See also

Driving in AustriaCar insurance AustriaBringing a recent electric car from France to AustriaLease car online in Austria?selling car

Hi Collette

Do you still need any help ref registering your car here in Austria?  I see it's a couple of months since you posted the question, so presume you must have done it by now.

If not, let us know and we can give you a few guidelines from our own experience.


David & Kate


Hi David and Kate,

If you have any advice and guidance that would be much appreciated. We're looking at buying an Austrian car over the next couple of months but would like to compare this with the option of registering a UK car in Austria and putting it on Austrian plates

Many Thanks


Hi Collette

We bought a car from the Left hand drive place in Basingstoke, because we needed a way to get here with the dogs and thought we might as well buy in England. The car was considerably more expensive than the equivent model right hand drive, but that is the norm. When we arrived we first had to register the car which involved paying €200 or so, we were also required to present a full service history, then we had to mot the car. Naturally it failed and we were presented with a quotation for €600 for the 'repairs' the car had add new brakes discs and a full service just before we left. Then we had to pay import tax based on a 10% value of the car plus an omissions tax, that was €500. Next is insurance, because our English insurance company were not prepare to give us a letter quoting our no claims years, we had never claim, we had to pay full no claims insurance, €1200 per year third party fire and theft. Road tax is included in the insurance price.
The number plates are then issued by the insurance company. When the insurance company register a new owner, they charge €117 not sure what for but they do.
So would we do it again, yes on a brand new car, because you can still save quite a lot of money. Absolutely no on an old car, because you save nothing by the time you've paid a rash of random taxes and you add volumes to your stress levels.


Collette dont bother in fact next week I am driving my Freelander back to the uk to sell, with all the taxes etc. in Austria where we have just moved to, it was going to cost in the region of 5.500eur. to keep the car here so if you havn't already registered don't


Any advice on car insurance in Austria, we have just bought a fairly new 1600cc Mazda and have been quoted 1300euro, we are both over 60,me +8 her+? with full 60% no claims which doesn't seem to count for much


Hey Jim,

I am in the same boat. I am undecided to drive back to the UK re MOT or sell and fly home and save for a car here.
What year was your Freelander?  Mine is 2002 TD4. Perfect for here just a shame it seems so expensive. I am hoping I can register for less than €2k and I think I will do it.
Thoughts anyone?


Mrbren, I hope you can for 2000euro it cost us 1300 just to insure our new one, the Freelander was a V6 engine with 30,000 on the clock it may have been for the high emissions one of the reasons for the high cost, together with the fact right hand drive no.plates and needing a test winter tyers etc. as it happened with the weather we have had we wish we had kept it, plus the fact I don't like the Mazda, Never mind!!!


Wow seems like unexpected costs are the problem.

Well now I am getting worried about the car I brought with me.

Here is my situation and lets see if anyone can tell me if I am thinking in a naive manner.

I was last year in england for about a year and bought a 2001 BMW Z3 1.9. I brought it over here last May but have yet to register is. Is there some kind of time limit for being able to register it here?, the way I see it is I have to pay an emission tax of about 1000 euros and a tax rate of 10% based on a Austrian sale value of 10k euros. So as I see it I should be able to register the car here for about 2300 euros, does that sound realistic?

From what I understand I have to do these steps:

1. Go to BMW and get a paper giving all the cars details, weight, CO2 emissions, etc

2. Go to the ATU in Graz with this piece of paper and the car and get it registered 50€.

3. Pay the tax against the Austrian car value to the finanzamt 1000€.

4. Pay the tax agains the emissions, approx 950€.

5. Get a pickerl, saftey test etc €30 if nothing is wrong.

6. Get insurance and car plate 850€ per year + plate €120.

Is this correct?

Please let me know


I think the emissions tax is a bit high but then again its 2001 model, I was recently at Audi with my 2009 A6 tdi avant and they told me that I would not have a problem with the emissions, also the insurance quoted was not to horrific , it is more expensive in Austria to own a car but if like me you love the car then just pay it all, remember you have to pay all the expenses only once then its the same every year for the insurance and MOT, go to BMW and ask them , they like Audi might be able to help..;)


Hi, friends am need of a car just a simple car for going to church and do the Lords ministries, Kindly bless me with one! God Bless You More


Hi gombe,

You should post an advert in the Cars for sale in Austria section please :)

Thank you



I drive a Latvian registered Range Rover in Austria (I spend half the winter there, at my holiday flat.) In Latvia there is no road tax, the annual technical inspection costs about 100 Euro and insurance for a year (third party) is about 250 Euros. The round trip to Latvia costs around 900 Euros in fuel and hotel bills. So that's 1250 Euros per annum all-in (before non-scheduled maintenance and normal routine fuel costs.)

I also have a Greek registered Suzuki Grand Vitara which I might bring over for the winter (just to keep it from standing still for 6 months.) Road tax is 265 Euro per annum, 3rd party insurance 250 Euro and annual technical inspection is around 100 Euros. The round trip ferry to Trieste is around 600 Euro (depending on the cabin option) and fuel for the driving part around 140 Euros, so that's a total of 1355 Euros.

Both of these options are far more attractive than the apparent costs of registering a car in Austria, or even of buying it there and paying the local running costs. And if you look at countries closer to Austria (e.g. Poland or Czech Republic) it might be cheaper still, given the shorter distance to drive for the MOT each year.


Judd500 wrote:

Both of these options are far more attractive than the apparent costs of registering a car in Austria, or even of buying it there and paying the local running costs. And if you look at countries closer to Austria (e.g. Poland or Czech Republic) it might be cheaper still, given the shorter distance to drive for the MOT each year.


I am French and I do have the same problem. I drived to Austria with an old car and now I have a residence here, I must change the plate... but the cost for everything is too high, especially the insurrance.

I am not sure I understand everything in the way you keep those two vehicules. "MOT" is technical controls ? How do you do with insurrance ?

Best regards,



Hi, could you advise... 

I would like to buy a car from a garage in Austria and bring back to UK?
Will I have to pay any tax?? I have copy and pasted part of the advert below. The export price seems less.

I assume I will have to buy some insurance in Austria or are cars automatically insured on the car registration for anyone to drive?? Can this be done quickly at the garage if I fly over from UK or do I need a few days to sort?? Where do you go and who do you ring (Austria) Bruck-Waasen? Is it like DVLA

export price        16.900,- EUR
        13.263,- GBP*
price in Austria        17.900,- EUR
        14.048,- GBP*
first registration        June 1993
mileage        250000 km
fuel        petrol
performance        320 HP / 235 kw
cubic capacity        4973 cm2

Thank you,


Hey guys i'm in a similar boat. I arrived in Vienna last week and I have my car with me! Am starting the process of looking into how to register my car in Vienna over the weekend and will action this hopefully on Monday.

"Collette dont bother in fact next week I am driving my Freelander back to the uk to sell, with all the taxes etc. in Austria where we have just moved to, it was going to cost in the region of 5.500eur. to keep the car here so if you havn't already registered don't"

@jimbarman how did you get the rough figure of 5.5k Euro? I would like to get a rough estimate of how much it would cost for everything in order to be registered and then decide if its worth it or as you suggested drive the car back to the UK and sell it !

Thanks in advance


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