ERD town
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Dear friends,
If somebody lives in ERD and may give us advice which district is preferable
to buy house in?
I’ll very appreciate if you share your experience.
Thanks in advance.
Erd? My in-laws were one of the first to buy land and build in Erd in the 1960's.They bought 3 lots of land.
It was their dream to have a small working farm, retired there from Budapest and had their dream come true.
My bro and sis in law and 2 nieces still live in Erd.
We lived in Erd for around 18 months straight when we were selling my MIL's home after she died 8 years ago.
One of my nieces has allot of money and built a nice house in Erd with an indoor swimming pool. The rest have your normal basic homes there.
My husband and I hate Erd, it is so red neck and country. I did go to a few better then average for Hungary health clubs in Erd. Women only style gyms that were run by the owners. Except for those, the whole town is backwards to us.
Not sure if they have even finally opened up the huge new swimming pool built in Erd. They built a wonderful pool but never even opened it up for business. That's Erd for you.
Most of the side roads are still just paved dirt roads that have major pot holes and have to be refilled by either the home owners or you can wait forever for the city to bring a truck around and toss in some gravel.
It's not a cheap place but no real roads on the side streets where homes are, they collect taxes but don't do anything much for the residents.Nice beautiful homes with a dirty, dusty ,pot holed ridden road outside.
Good luck,I would say all of Erd is a horrible place to live.
My mistake, my mother in law bought her land in the 1950's in Erd. She had two lots for her and her husband and bought another for her kids to have when they grew up.My husband let his bro and sis have the land, not interested in living there for a moment.
Not a whole heck of allot has changed there since my first first in 1978, still a boring nothing to do town. No nice park,no place really for kids to have fun. They built the new swimming pool and sports complex there a few years back, finished it up but never opened it to the public,looks like it is just sitting there waiting for a new buyer.
I personally would have a problem living there, boring is the word that comes to mind.
I agree with Marilyn. Why Erd? Erd has nothing to offer other than low cost housing and that's why it's low cost. Diosd is the same. Both are too far away from the city. Better to live in Budapest.
If you really want to live in the country then I would suggest looking around more for a cute village that offers more then Erd does.
For me it would be a place that had trees and access to water, a nice park and bike trails would be a bonus.
Seriously Erd is a drag unless you like sitting around the house because that's about all there is to do there.
We used to drive out of Erd daily for some action, either to Budapest or to a lake for the day.
I was going insane living there for 18 months in a row, if not for the quality health clubs I found there I would of been in bad mental shape. Got snowed in there one winter, was never so happy as when we finally found a buyer for my MIL's house and we moved out of Erd.
I have heard that in the N. parts of Hungary there are more foreigners living and working.
To me Erd reminded me too much of where I grew up in S. Calif. close to the action of LA but too far away to enjoy it all the time. Like looking out a window as a child when your sick and seeing all the other kids outside playing. I did notice when we lived in Erd that many foreign religious groups seems to live there,that was also a bit strange to me, so close to fellow westerners but so far away mentally.
I have also heard that in the Erd district they have started charging property taxes like in the US. I am sure that will be the next thing country wide. In the summer it is a dust bowl when cars go through the side streets at high speed, dogs are always barking in Erd and whenever I tried to take a nice summer evenings walk around the block stray dogs would bark and scare the cr** out of me, not a nice place at all.
Marilyn Tassy wrote:.... dogs are always barking in Erd and whenever I tried to take a nice summer evenings walk around the block stray dogs would bark and scare the cr** out of me, not a nice place at all.
That's a security thing everywhere here.
One can sometimes track the direction someone is walking by the dogs being triggered as the person(s) walk along a road.
Dog's are great for security but in Erd, they were loose and walking the streets without any owners around, like a pack of wild dogs. No tags, no lead, no owners around just out on the prowl.
dog bite at any time without knowing who the dog belongs to. in some ways I suppose it was better then the many dogs I saw there tied up on 5 foot chains with no water to be seen.
like I said, Erd is sort of a redneck town.
Once we were driving down a side st. in Erd and I made my husband back up because I couldn't believe my eyes.
5 or 6 young boys were holding a kitten in a old beat the heck up bathtub in a back yard. They were drowning it!
There was a group of a half dozen adult males near by drinking beer.
I got out of the car and screamed in Hungarian and English to let the kitten go.
They were surprised and dropped the kitten, poor thing ran off so fast I couldn't tell where it went.
The adult men started to run over to me screaming in Hungarian so I jumped in the car and we took off fast.
I just hope the kitten didn't return to that house.
Marilyn Tassy wrote:Dog's are great for security but in Erd, they were loose and walking the streets without any owners around, like a pack of wild dogs. No tags, no lead, no owners around just out on the prowl.
dog bite at any time without knowing who the dog belongs to. in some ways I suppose it was better then the many dogs I saw there tied up on 5 foot chains with no water to be seen.
like I said, Erd is sort of a redneck town...... They were drowning it!
There was a group of a half dozen adult males near by drinking beer.
I got out of the car and screamed in Hungarian and English to let the kitten go.
There are people who let their dogs roam around the forest. They get into packs and stalk walkers. I'm sometimes chased by dogs in the forest when I'm on my bike. A good kick in the face is a useful deterrent and the ability to cycle faster than a dog can run. It's the owners I blame. In some countries stray dogs get a bullet in the head there and then if they are unlucky to get caught. People are really irresponsible. There's rabies in District II and III forests. Every so often you'll see the helicopter dropping vaccinated bait over there when they've found a fox or similar. If anyone gets bitten by a dog here - get straight to a hospital for vaccination - rabies vaccinations are free here (public health issue). 20 years ago I had cause to have the emergency anti-rabies vacccination when an escaped dog bit me at a bus stop in District III. I was even wearing gloves and it still managed to penetrate the skin. Scary stuff.
That kitten drowning thing is a typical nasty business here out in the countryside (Erd counts). Cats (and dogs) are objects, not pets. They are tools used to keep your place free of mice/rats and to also protect you and your property. Taking the cat to the vet is unheard of as it costs money. If it's sick, let it die, then get another one. Sterilisation is not common and kittens are inconvenient, hence a sack and a bucket of water. Really pretty bad and very ignorant.
Sorry about your rabies shots, painful stuff.
I used to get very upset about the treatment of animals here. I am a softy from Calif.
Animal rights used to be my big."pet" peeve.
My MIL had a couple of nice cats that were poisoned by a women that lived across the road from her.
Couldn't prove it of course but she just knew having lived close by the murderer for years.
I once saw the women on the st. and while everyone was saying hello to her, I called her a killer. Just really upset me.
I am not sure if I was lucky or she was since she didn't understand what I had said. Maybe she would of baked me a spiked cake!
My ex DIL told me her mother used to chop the heads off new born puppies and kittens, her way of keeping their population down!
So glad my son divorced from that crazy family!
My DIL was from here, many of the animals under her care died violent deaths. Her rabbit was eaten by her dog etc. Birds dying and cats hopping around on 3 legs, horrible stuff.
I MADE my 80 year old MIL in Erd get her cats spayed, made her pay for it too since she could never refuse to take in stays.
Actually I am working here and living in another town close to Budapest.
If you can buy house somewhere else, just not in Erd. It is a manufactural town, the air is not good.
I suggest Budaors-part of Buda.
Reconsider it if you can
Have a nice day!
I agree Budaors is closer to the city, cuter then Erd and cleaner looking, at least the side streets are paved and they have a cute shopping around on their main drag.
Marilyn Tassy wrote:I agree Budaors is closer to the city, cuter then Erd and cleaner looking, at least the side streets are paved and they have a cute shopping around on their main drag.
Budaors isn't up to much really. It's my closest/largest shopping area. It could become much better when the Metro 4 gets extended to Budaors. This was on the original plans. If that were the case, then Budaors could become much more desirable. Budaors is one of the richest areas in Hungary due to industrial development there. It's also the HQ for Tesco.
Mrs Fluffy says that my own village (Budakeszi) turned down a Metro 4 extension. Presumably the village would have had to pay (lots) for the privilege and it would not have been all centrally funded. We do have Budapest blue buses so that's not too bad - 20 minutes to Moscow Square but 2 tickets. The current annoyance for me is the dangerous road from Budakeszi to Budaors. Like many places here, there are no pavements (sidewalks in US parlance) and no cycle ways. It could easily be done. We were also expected to get a junction on the outer Budapest Ring Road (M0) but I don't see that happening anytime soon either.
Other than that, it's not too bad and we have nice views of the snowy hills and Erszebet tower (at Janoshegy).
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