Kindergarten in Quatre Bornes/Phoenix - La Cabane des Apprentis Sages

Hi everyone

I am looking for a kindergarten in Quatre Bornes / Phoenix or closeby. Can anyone give me some advice on this?

I have already visited 'La Cabane des Apprentis Sages' in Phoenix, it looks ok but I find it a bit crowded considering the small size of the place. And it's on two levels with a staircase, which I don't find very convenient for kids that age. Does anyone know anything about that place? Is it any good? Would you recommend it?

Thank you.

Hi !
You can check out a new one in Quatre Bornes - KidsCool which seems to be a very nice place.
Contact Number 5757 3007.

Moderated by : Priscilla
Reason           : No free ads on the forum please + register in the business directory

My wifes mother owns a realy nice kindergarden in quatre borne!!
Do you have facebook?
Her name is Rosemay Romain

Directrice at Ecole Maternelle Friendship B

With my best regards, guido

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : no free ads here please + register in the business directory
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