Life and love in the Philippines
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The Philippines can be a difficult place for a foreigner to live, I have been here for over ten years and am still not used to it. I arrived here by accident and stayed, now I will never leave. I am married to a filipina and have two children. I could not find a better wife anywhere, she is caring, loving and a good person, many filipinas are not. They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good. When you take one as a wife or girlfriend you are taking her whole family, they will bleed you dry, they will take from you until you have nothing left, your filipina will tell you she is a virgin but she has a filipino husband and children, he will encourage her to continue her relationship with you until she has all of your money. She will not be happy until you take her to live overseas in your country, when she has been there two years and has permanent residency she may leave you for someone else because she doesn’t need you any more. I may be painting a bleak picture but this all comes from my experience of seeing friends who have had their lives ruined and their savings whittled away by filipinas. I have friends who are on their 3rd or 4th filipina, they take them to their country and after two years she will leave him and he will come back here to find another one, there are plenty to chose from,beautiful girls who’s only ambition is to leave the Philippines for a life overseas, they don’t care what you look like, how old or fat or ugly you are, the older the better, they don’t have to wait so long for their inheritance.
I am lucky, I have an amazing wife who is beautiful, loyal and trustworthy, yes I took her from poverty and gave her a good life and I will always take care of her, she knows that but all around me I see the debris of shattered relationships, sad foreigners looking for love with a filipina, they just have to be selective and find the right one.
Having said all that, this can be a wonderful place to live, the lack of any kind of rules is appealing to me. You can live your life carefree with the knowledge that you can drive your car without any kind of regulations if you are silly enough you can drink as much as you want and drive your car but if you have an accident it will be expensive, there are no social rules, there are laws but they are never adhered to or policed in any way. This has not led to anarchy, people live happily together with very little crime.
It is a cheap place to live and a foreign pension goes a long way. The people are difficult for me to get used to, the rudeness is unpleasant but only because we are used to different standards, for them it is normal to urinate anywhere without a care of who can see them or push to the front of a queue. I would not want to live anywhere else.
i agree many things what you said.........rule 1 foringers should themself understand first what is philippines and what is their family culture.......rule 2 do not take female with you to your own country if you are not ready to understand perhaps you will loose her rule 3 do not coming to philippines without understanding what is pilipina mind setting rule 4 if you know those 3 first rules your life here can really be wonderful and you will find your dream fife.......rule 5 if you can not tolerate philippines its better you go to airport

I concur with everything you just warned about. I'm a single American man (pensioners) as they call me.
I am a resident here and because I have no desire to return to the USA many of the women here aren't interested in me. If I said I was going back to the US in a few months to live and that I wanted a wife every woman within earshot of me would be selling her soul to me.
It must be understood that they don't like us foreigners. Make no mistake about it. They won't befriend you in a way that you are used to in the west. Friendship here is based on your financial willingness to give as they take. They will interrogate you about you but, will offer no information about theirself. If you try and engage them in a conversation they will show disinterest and part your company.
The women by and large would rather be poor in the US than wealthy in the Philippines. I told a few of my Pinoy friends this and they thought I was lying until they asked some Pinay women in front of me and all the women chose the USA as a poor working girl rather than a wealthy Pinay married to a foreign man. It's just that simple. So don't be dillusional.
Many of you guys who have a wife and are living here are lucky to have found a woman who is comfortable with life here. Your chances of having a successful marriage is very high. As for me its very difficult to even meet a nice woman because I'm considered a millionaire. Most women are married or separated, but living with someone else husband. So finding an available woman is hard. Many will say they are available but you better know they have a man at home. I had one go so far as to meet me at her mom's house pretending she lived there. Her husband and kids were around the corner at their house. Watching me come and go... I found out by one of the neighbors got jealous and told me what was going on... I'm so happy the relationship never got physical. So be wise and be warned.
I can't comment about Phil, but I've seen so many total disaster marriages between Brits and Thais.
I suspect our OP's warning is accurate all over Asia.
my opinion is as expact .......we expacts should share our knowledge and if we want to living here we need to know how it works ....i mean in philippines ....this is not most easy place to be but it is possible .....thats what i would like foringers thinkinking first ....before they falling in love and money is really same here .....its their culture ...we foringers can have quite nice life here but first need to understand how big difference it is western here .....we everyone have our experiences
Ccchapo wrote:They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good.
I find this condescending. The biggest export is not mail-order brides or internet-met girlfriends, but manpower, which run a gamut of skilled and unskilled trade . . . seamen, welders, installers, doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, domestic helpers, managers, chefs, etc.
actually i have most wonderful female who i ever met in my life .....she is my leyte girl and i give her all and she really can appriciate that ,3,5 years now and relationship just only getting better not here to blaming any pilipina female ,no way .....i just want expacts thinking twice who they happy with what i got

FilAmericanMom wrote:Ccchapo wrote:They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good.
I find this condescending. The biggest export is not mail-order brides, but manpower, which run a gamut of skilled and unskilled trade . . . seamen, welders, installers, doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, domestic helpers, managers, chefs, etc.
To help with clarity, he said the number one export is its girls. Truth be told its the women amd the largest majority is DH. Face it they pay upwards of 30k just to apply for those jobs. Many get scammed and ripped off. A lot of them arrive to their place of employment and get bent over the couch. If they complain they get reassigned to another who may do the same thing. Again she can complain but then she will be labeled hard to place and be sent back home. Because many are Catholic they don't use birth control. Guess whats next? If they get pregnant they are sent home and shamed, yet the rich Singaporean, Arab, or Chinese guy never has to pay support and most don't even acknowledge the women. This is a harsh reality. More family's are broken up by this than a little. Where I'm at we see on average 2 a week getting sent back and to ad insult to injury they are billed for breaking the contract and their return trip home.
I know because a lady friend of mine works with indegent families and this is what she sees on a daily basis. No way to fight it but just deal with it.
nice to meet expact who know that 'DARK SIDE UNDER TO SUN" i agree with you
Ccchapo wrote:I have friends who are on their 3rd or 4th filipina, they take them to their country and after two years she will leave him and he will come back here to find another one, there are plenty to chose from,beautiful girls who’s only ambition is to leave the Philippines for a life overseas, they don’t care what you look like, how old or fat or ugly you are, the older the better, they don’t have to wait so long for their inheritance.
Some men just never learn that if they want to find a young girlfriend / wife, yet they:
1. are old,
2. have money and
3. look like will die in a few years,
they will attract the wrong type of women from anywhere in the world, not just the Philippines. And if #3 does not happen in a few years, their women will jump ship for obvious reasons.
Good luck to you Ccchapo. Wishing that you and your wife will stay together beyond the point where you have lost control of bodily functions and she will have to wipe your behind.
experiences and illusions....why we not just facing a truth .....non of us are not same and we never will be either
sirrobcentral wrote:FilAmericanMom wrote:Ccchapo wrote:They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good.
I find this condescending. The biggest export is not mail-order brides, but manpower, which run a gamut of skilled and unskilled trade . . . seamen, welders, installers, doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, domestic helpers, managers, chefs, etc.
To help with clarity, he said the number one export is its girls. Truth be told its the women amd the largest majority is DH. Face it they pay upwards of 30k just to apply for those jobs.
Then he should have said women labor, not "girls."
Ccchapo wrote:When you take one as a wife or girlfriend you are taking her whole family, they will bleed you dry, they will take from you until you have nothing left, your filipina will tell you she is a virgin but she has a filipino husband and children, he will encourage her to continue her relationship with you until she has all of your money. She will not be happy until you take her to live overseas in your country, when she has been there two years and has permanent residency she may leave you for someone else because she doesn’t need you any more.
That makes it sound, as you say "very bleak". And IF it applied to all Filipinas then it would be.
However, maybe I am just lucky, but with my first Filipina wife, her family did not try to bleed us dry, she did not leave after she got citizenship. And we stayed together 3 times longer than my first wife (British).
After that ended, I again looked at the Philippines. My next relationship, although only lasting 1 year, again no financial problems with family, and I was even repaid a loan that I did make. She also did not want to move to Australia, (even after a visit) and moved on to a man that is living, and staying, in the Philippines.
Not giving up, and after a year with another, she is OK with either staying here or moving to Australia, but tending to prefer Australia now. And again, no demands from family.
Three times lucky on the financial side and I have to disagree with statements that point ALL Filipinos in the bad light in Financial situations. I know it happens, but having many Filipina contacts in Australia, for many years, I also know it is not as widespread as some say.
If a person picks a girl from a wrong area or family, then yes, I know it will happen. I have chatted to many online in the past, who I know would be just like that.
i did give to my wife recidence permit to my homecountry .......i did do it thatswhy coz she is worth to have it .......most honest female who i have ever met........if she some day want to walk away from me ...i just give her a kiss and say good luck ......btw ....we do not living in same country......i do not want prevent her future .....she did give me all and still she do depens much how people want to have their relationship ......i did do like this

Ccchapo wrote:The Philippines can be a difficult place for a foreigner to live, I have been here for over ten years and am still not used to it. I arrived here by accident and stayed, now I will never leave. I am married to a filipina and have two children. I could not find a better wife anywhere, she is caring, loving and a good person, many filipinas are not. They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good. When you take one as a wife or girlfriend you are taking her whole family, they will bleed you dry, they will take from you until you have nothing left, your filipina will tell you she is a virgin but she has a filipino husband and children, he will encourage her to continue her relationship with you until she has all of your money. She will not be happy until you take her to live overseas in your country, when she has been there two years and has permanent residency she may leave you for someone else because she doesn’t need you any more. I may be painting a bleak picture but this all comes from my experience of seeing friends who have had their lives ruined and their savings whittled away by filipinas. I have friends who are on their 3rd or 4th filipina, they take them to their country and after two years she will leave him and he will come back here to find another one, there are plenty to chose from,beautiful girls who’s only ambition is to leave the Philippines for a life overseas, they don’t care what you look like, how old or fat or ugly you are, the older the better, they don’t have to wait so long for their inheritance.
I am lucky, I have an amazing wife who is beautiful, loyal and trustworthy, yes I took her from poverty and gave her a good life and I will always take care of her, she knows that but all around me I see the debris of shattered relationships, sad foreigners looking for love with a filipina, they just have to be selective and find the right one.
Having said all that, this can be a wonderful place to live, the lack of any kind of rules is appealing to me. You can live your life carefree with the knowledge that you can drive your car without any kind of regulations if you are silly enough you can drink as much as you want and drive your car but if you have an accident it will be expensive, there are no social rules, there are laws but they are never adhered to or policed in any way. This has not led to anarchy, people live happily together with very little crime.
It is a cheap place to live and a foreign pension goes a long way. The people are difficult for me to get used to, the rudeness is unpleasant but only because we are used to different standards, for them it is normal to urinate anywhere without a care of who can see them or push to the front of a queue. I would not want to live anywhere else.
How do you educate your children...I have children also and will not educate them in this ignorant society...I have been here for over 5 years...
i am agree with all, it is better non bring filippina in your own country for live but just like tourist it is okay
I see no problems in bringing a Filipina to a persons home country.
Many do, and many work out very well.
I did not, and would not want to give the impression that all filipinas are bad, you should read my post again, it was meant as an information sheet for anyone starting on the life journey in the Philippines. I did say they are not all good, as in any Nationality they are not all good, I do think anyone who is already on their third filipina needs to be a bit more selective and that is what I was saying. I too have friends with long term relationships with a filipina in Australia but I have many more who have walked as soon as they get their PR. As I said I love this country and I think the girls are beautiful but foreigners need to be aware of the possible problems. It is not always the girl that is the problem, I have heard horror stories of men taking their girl to their home country and treating them badly, using them as slaves and beating them severely, that should not be acceptable, but she often does not have the money to get home.
I did not say "the biggest export from the Philippines is the girls" I know this is not quite true. Again you should re-read my post. I said, "They say that the biggest export from the Philippines is it's girls. To put it another way that FilAmericanMom can understand. "It is a common expression here in the Philippines that the biggest export from the Philippines is the girls" As you say many are mail order or mostly internet brides some have never met their partners, many are domestic helpers and I know some, the ones I have met don't don't put up money in advance as you have suggested, the agency pays all the expenses to get them there and the girl works for the first six months with no pay, only one day off a months although in Singapore I believe this has recently changed to one day a week.I am also aware as you suggest that manpower is exported overseas, in your examples I would not consider a seaman to be a manpower export,he lives in the Philippines and works for 10 months a year on a ship, yes their are many, many trained nurses and teachers but most of them never leave the Philippine shores, they are working in Jollybee or Gaisano because there are too many of them. The only example where I would agree with you is not girls or women it is the men, world class welders or driller who work in the mines and oilfields of Australia and Kazakstan and countries like that and I have some of them and they are highly skilled and sought after because of their work ethic.
Someone asked how to educate their children here.
My answer is that you cannot educate your children to the standard of that in a developed country and I believe that one of the reasons is that the teachers have been trained to the Phillipine standard which is sub-standard.
I have two children 5 years and 10 years, there are three private schools in my town and we are on the third and final one. The focus of private schools is profit over teaching, making money, and as much as possible, comes first and education comes a very poor second.
The level of education is very poor, it may improve as the law has recently changed to make children stay at school until grade 12 (18 years old as in most developed countries.) Teachers can speak English of a sort but they can rarely understand the spoken English, I speak clear English but most teachers cannot understand me.There are International schools which I believe are better but they are few and far between and I don't have one in my area, It is the education system that is the problem, a school does not have the opportunity to excel as they have to stick rigidly to a system dictated by the education department, all schools must learn from the same books, they cannot deviate from what is in those books, I honestly believe that the public school system is the way to go as they are not interested in making money.
As a Filipina, I am in between the line with the statements provided. But it seems like there is a certain fixation on the "Filipinas being bad" thing and doesn't consider the possibility that an expat could physically abuse or do other harmful things to their Filipina partner. Even so, both parties should be skeptical in choosing a person you want to be in a relationship with.
After reading all these comments I must say I am having second thoughts about moving to the Philippines. I have visited 4 times to see 4 different ladies and obviously the first 3 relationships did not work out.
The first woman I met worked in a Pharmacy and we did visit her parents who were more interested in money than their daughters happiness and her friend came with us on the trip with her young daughter and was sponging off me. I do have to admit that some of the expenses I incurred could not have been foreseen, such as having to pay for a hotel when our journey was impossible to complete the same day due to a bad storm and downed tree blocking the road. When we got back to CDO I was wiser though, so when her friend asked me if I was hungry in the Mall, I heard me and my baby need food so I just said no.
The second woman I went to see told me she was single and after chatting for 4 or 5 months on Facebook I booked flights and a hotel. It was then single turned out to be, I have a boyfriend who turned into a husband a week or so later and he was working abroad. I found out when I was there that she also had kids but I went because I had already paid for flights and hotel.
The third lady I went to see, well that was a disaster, I got grilled by her family told we would be accompanied by a chaperone on dates so I walked away.
The lady I saw last time though was much different, much closer and she never mentions money. We just had a great time and we have a daughter (unplanned I admit) but she looks lovely and stands out because she is white. My girlfriend has no desire to move to England and has a small shop selling various essential food items. She also appreciates the value of money and has some savings and plans long term for financial issues like school fees for her other 2 kids. I have not been able to see her since Covid 19 but we chat every day and she send me pictures and short videos of her and our daughter so I think she is a keeper.
She is so different to the other girls in her thinking and plans ahead.
4th time lucky and still with 2nd thoughts you say.
If so best to "tread lightly".
Ccchapo wrote:They say the biggest export from the Philippines is it’s girls and that may be true but ex-pats beware they are not all good.
I think some are just mis-representing this message, as someone local or not may find it insulting as the word in this sentence "girls" may be misunderstood as demeaning, eg, "prostitutes, gold diggers, etc". I'm sure you mean "workers" helpers, nurses, certain tradeskills via construction, the like.
Speaking from just personal experience.
It really depends where you meet these girls, if you met them on a dating site or worse, in a Bar and they was working there as a PR (public relations). What do you expect ? Not saying you won't meet that one off nice girl that is genuinely sincere in these places, just know that many of these girls has been burnt multiple times by men promising them the world and in the end, delivered nothing. They become hardened and if they figure that in these men eyes, they are only a pretty young piece of flesh, then at least they'll try to get something out of it and be a bit more comfortable.
during my period in HK, I have seen countless men from all places of the world offer money, Visa, Green Card, Take them abroad, take your pick. In the end, some are willing, some aren't, some say they aren't for sale and they are only there to serve drinks and keep them company. Rare to see some made it and are happy till this day, some return to their old ways after getting the long con, some disappear, some just never change.
I recall a girl told me one time, she must have been in her late 20's a most, her husband was at least 70. We got to know each other as acquaintances as we frequented the same bars. I asked her what she like about him, she flat out told me, "His Money, he's good to her and he sleeps no later than 11". It was a interesting conversation and I even bought this couple a few drinks.
and my favorite line. MEN: "Im married - but not happy, I'm happy with you", oh my oh my, how many times I heard a girl told me this.
I have heard countless stories where foreigner meet girl in a bar and they get brought thru the ringer, seen quite a few episodes on Tulfo, one thing in common - they all met them in a BAR. Ah Hell, I even see local men complaining to Tulfo about their other half and guess what ? Yup they met her in a BAR.
I met at least quite a few in bars and they all have a story to spin, some more convincing than others, in the end it was a business transaction. I was willing to give what I was willing and in return, you are my company until I find another one or just got tired of all the bitching as I wasn't giving enough.
I fell for this once, paid for her house to be build, hell I even proposed to her, engagement ring and all. All she did was ask for money repeatedly, first was the house, then she forgot the calculate the salary, then it was her business, then she needed speakers, chairs, karaoke machine repairs, license fees, then she asked for a bike with of all things, loaded with blue RGB (wtf), I asked her about it and she told me her area was dark and she wanted to make sure cars saw her. Gadgets, needed money for some huge ass fish tank for the house, wanted to quit the PR job and study photography, need Camera + Gear. It was always one story after another, All the while I was giving her money every month for her daughter. Later found out she had 3 and one was a NB around the time I met her
In the end, I found out the house I paid for is on her so called not legally married "husband" land, she took me thru the ringer, I was burnt. When she came back to the PH, I followed a few days later, long story short some shit happened and I just cut my losses, enough was enough. I walked away and told her to go f*** herself and wait for karma.
I went back home like a dog with tail tucked between my legs and .... well lets just say that's another story.
A normal girl isn't going to go to a bar purposely "sell drinks" to look for a husband, even tho that is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Men know this and most use it to take advantage, I respect those that are just at least willing to flat out pay for it and part ways afterwards.
The irony of this story, fast forward to today, I relocated to PH with my now missus, we have a child and we are very happy together. She contacted me thru my missus and returned the engagement ring I gave her. Maybe she did turn a new leaf, or maybe she's just worried I'll go to Tulfo, regardless I have let that go a long time ago and I guess it was a nice gesture on her behalf but I would not have anything to do with her.
My point and I'll just leave a quote, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results". and if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, don't go looking for your future wife in a club, bar or karaoke.
Stay Safe Everyone
Cherryann01 wrote:.......
There are plenty family that are very selfish and care only of themselves rather than the happiness of their daughter, unfortunately it really is up to the girl if she will be willing to fight for her own happiness and set boundaries with her parents/family, many are unwilling to as being loyal to family and blood is blood, "mom knows best" mentality, drive axes between any chance of future relationship. Hence the saying "if you marry a Filipina, you marry her whole family". which is eh, depending on situation.
Two brothers, one works far away but can't provide anything, the other brother doesn't work, one sister and her husband + 1 child don't work, another sister thats underage so cant work, the mother and father both dont work, all under the same roof, well should you move forward, take a step back or probably just get on a plane and leave. You see the big picture already, if you are still willing to dive in knowing, then that's on you.
and yea, if a girl is willing to let her family/friends sponge off you. Walk away, Fast. Imagine that guy above having to pay for that +1 Child diapers when going on a trip.
Unless under special circumstance or celebrating bday and I made the invitations, My missus don't play that shit, you pay for your own food. lol
Her father refuse to live with us, our life is our life, it's the beginning of our family and we just started. His daughter is happy now and has her own family, his job is done as he always says. We love to get together sometime and just grab a couple drinks or enjoy some foods.
stay vigilant on #4, if it was meant to be, it will be.
Kudos to you Sir
A science study found that many smart women end up being single not by choice but because many older men (not all) prefer less intelligent younger women.
So men being men keep going to pubs/bars/clubs/websites to seek their 'fortunes'....some do get fortunate but many don't & like someone says huge unemployed family members (fm less developed countries) whom remain in the background expect some returns fm their (not so educated) daughters 'sacrifice'...(not sure if i'd call it sacrifice)
Btw staying Single is also quite fashionable these days.
Stay safe everyone.
manwonder wrote:A science study found that many smart women end up being single not by choice but because many older men (not all) prefer less intelligent younger women.
So men being men keep going to pubs/bars/clubs/websites to seek their 'fortunes'....some do get fortunate but many don't & like someone says huge unemployed family members (fm less developed countries) whom remain in the background expect some returns fm their (not so educated) daughters 'sacrifice'...(not sure if i'd call it sacrifice)
Btw staying Single is also quite fashionable these days.
Stay safe everyone.
the study is about women who has spent years studying. because the smart one knows she has to catch the best man during her peak in her 20s.
And no man wants a bossy entitled arrogant woman, and we don't care about woman degree.
OlivierDeCavite wrote:manwonder wrote:A science study found that many smart women end up being single not by choice but because many older men (not all) prefer less intelligent younger women.
So men being men keep going to pubs/bars/clubs/websites to seek their 'fortunes'....some do get fortunate but many don't & like someone says huge unemployed family members (fm less developed countries) whom remain in the background expect some returns fm their (not so educated) daughters 'sacrifice'...(not sure if i'd call it sacrifice)
Btw staying Single is also quite fashionable these days.
Stay safe everyone.
the study is about women who has spent years studying. because the smart one knows she has to catch the best man during her peak in her 20s.
And no man wants a bossy entitled arrogant woman, and we don't care about woman degree.
I'd like to clarify i'm talking about woman (>20)..I think another science study needs to be carried out on why 60+ year old/older men would want to be with a 12-13 year old (though consensual relationship is still legal in the philippines) and which is beyond me.
manwonder wrote:Agreed..
I'd like to clarify i'm talking about woman (>20)..I think another science study needs to be carried out on why 60+ year old/older men would want to be with a 12-13 year old (though consensual relationship is still legal in the philippines) and which is beyond me.
I don't think a study needs to be carried out for this, we all already know why.
The thought that goes thru my head every time I see a older fellah walking around with a girl less than a third his age is... oh that's his daughter.
at least I hope it is. I don't Judge
I don't recall where I read it but they did do a study as to why pedophiles commit the acts that they do. The report stated that it has something to do with chemical imbalances in the brain, which is why they have a tailored concoction of prescription just for them.
There was also vlogger back in the day and his sole purpose was to address the problem with foreigner in Thailand, He would go around with a GoPro and record guys walking around with little boys/girls and he'd approach them and flat out ask them. Is this your child ? Then post it on YouTube

It is very very embarrassing when I am with my daughter and Filipinos look at us and ask in Tagalog to my daughter : "Is he your boyfriend ?" Very embarrassing for both of us ! One time I told a lady who was queuing with us in the supermarket :"Its none of your business !!!" . She felt so embarrassed and I was happy for that
geolefrench wrote:It is very very embarrassing when I am with my daughter and Filipinos look at us and ask in Tagalog to my daughter : "Is he your boyfriend ?"
Very embarrassing for both of us ! One time I told a lady who was queuing with us in the supermarket :"Its none of your business !!!" . She felt so embarrassed and I was happy for that
If you're a looker your a looker...can't take away that from you
...anyways as you say NON of their business & yet some have the 'cheek' to ask your daughter directly?

Yep unknown people ! Generally I go always to the same cashier who knows that I am the father (because she asked me several years ago !) and she is the one who will answer to the insistent queries of some women who are so "chismosa"
It's hard to rationally comment on this thread without stepping on somebody's toes. These May/December arrangements are much more common in the Philippines than in the States.
It seems both partners in this arrangement want something from the other. Maybe Expats were lacking something that put them at a disadvantage back home, but is not a disadvantage here in the Philippines.
Some Expats could be trying to fulfill a fantasy of being a poor mans Hugh Hefner or Jeffrey Epstein. Now I'm not trying to link the morality of the Expat with those of Hefner or Epstein. But, what better way to be successful than in a third world country full of beautiful women? Ah, a fulfillment of every school boys fantasy.
But an Expats money talks, the Dollar, Euro or any currency of a first world nation does a lot of talking in a country like the Philippines compared to a first world country.
Also in the Philippines May/December it is more accepted because it started way back when, after World War Two and has been going on for generations so it has become the with norm with Expats.
Now in a first world country there is only one reason for May/December and it mostly happens to rich men. In comparison how many old Filipino men have wives or girlfriends 20, 30 or 40 years younger?
Concretely, to me , I always considered raisonnable to have a wife close to our age , the mind of génération Is involved In the relationship .... It seam's to me a man 70" who will marry a girl In is 20" , It's not quite normal .... That's my own opinion .
He's a snag!! Snagged for the family!! The best name for foreigners is Toothfairy!!
Stick your wallet beneath your Filipina's pillow and life is easy! Me I established boundries right off the bat! The first time my wifes mother visited without calling first I dragged her out the door and made dang sure she wouldn't do that again! After that her relatives knew I would be hardball player and things are smooth as silk!
I'm counting on the fact you all know silk has many snags LOL!!!
Articles to help you in your expat project in the Philippines
- Lifestyle in the Philippines
About to move to the Philippines? Wondering how you're going to adapt to your new environment and lifestyle? ...
- Getting married in the Philippines
Getting married in the Philippines provides a backdrop of immense beauty through stunning beaches, tropical ...
- Dating in the Philippines
The beauty of the Philippines, with its dramatic modern and old Spanish architecture, plus the golden sands and ...
- Obtaining a Philippines driving licence
Whether you are converting your existing foreign driving license or applying as a first-timer for a Philippines ...
- Leisure activities in the Philippines
Consisting of more than 7,000 islands, the Philippines is a real treasure that you can explore during your stay ...
- Choosing your neighbourhood in Manila
Choosing a neighborhood is one of the most critical decisions that expats need to make when moving to Manila. Each ...
- Accommodation in Manila
There are lots of renting options to choose from when relocating to Manila. Most expats in the Philippines live in ...
- Diversity and inclusion in the Philippines
The culture of the Philippines is very diverse. This is due to the large mix of different nations in this country, ...
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