Would like to meet other expat families with kids

Hi! My family moved to Cheras in August and we would love to meet some other families with kids around the same ages. My daughter is 9 (will be 10 in Jan.) and my son is 7 1/2. They love to play with other kids and have sleepovers!

We're from Ohio, U.S.



Hello Charles and family.  Our move to KL will not be until after the first of the year, but good to see other America families there.  My wife, Jo, is from Jakarta and Pontianak and we spent all of 2008 in Indonesia.  She has a large family and enjoyed them while there.  We discovered Malaysia while in Indonesia as we had to leave and go to Kutching every two months while staying with her family in Jakarta and Pontianak.  We all fell in love with Kutching and when we came back to the US in 2009 we decided to move back, but to Malaysia.
Have two children Amethyst age 7 and Winston age 4.  What part of Ohio are you from?  I am retired from the Navy and spent some time in Manchester with a friend of mine while on leave.  When Jo came to America in 2003 I picked her up at Detroit and drove down thru Ohio on the way to Charleston, South Carolina and once toured the Hi-Lo factory in Butler, Ohio.
Anyway, nice to know there are other America families around KL and hope to get up with you and family once we get settled in.
Lloyd, Jo, Amy and Winston

PS, Do you Facebook? lloydroy1960@yahoo.com


My name isn't Charles, it's Sue! I was saying in my post that we live in the area called Cheras. I think that's where you got confused.

Anyway, please let me know when you arrive in Malaysia, although if you're going to live in Kuching, that's quite far from KL.

I'm from Cleveland, Ohio but also lived in Columbus for 17 years.

Take care!


Actually we are going to be living near Kuala Lumpur.  I've been thru Columbus several times.  Spent some time at the supply depot base in the temp quarters.  Small world isn't it! 

Hi Sue,

I stumble upon your site and maybe you should check out the "ibu resource group" (ibufamily.org). I've worked with their group before and although they concentrate with younger kids, the group consist mainly family expatriates which organizes family activities and gatherings. Here is their contact for your ease reference, 03 2094 2234 / ibu@ibufamily.org (email).

Hope this info is useful for you. Have a good day.

Thank you Mariasven!

Hi Sue,
We are moving out to KL in 2 weeks with our daughter age 6. We are from the Uk not US but if you fancy a chat then PM me.