Gd restaurants

Hi all, could u plz recommend any gd restaurants in dammam?? im a new comer and i know no1 here!!! thank you,,,

Welcome to Expat-blog, ballak1984 :)

The Saudi Arabia forum is a highly active one, members would soon give you a list of restaurants, of that i.m convinced.


Not sure about Dammam but AlKhobar, just 20 minutes away, has a whole lost of eating places that would drive anyone hungry...

Anyone for French food?  Lets get together for dinner at Gaston's Place! 

We are avail on the Tuesday the 9th.  I know its not a Weekend night, but we are headed back out of the country on the 10th...  :D  Any takers???  :):):)

Gaston - your job is to make the food REALLY good and plentiful!  Hubby's biggest complaint about eating 'French' is the quantity!  He feels he's cheated out of a good meal bc there is never much on the plate!  :huh::D:D:D

thnx sheetul,,,,,,,,,, and hope to get that list sometime soon as its been a while since ive had a good meal  lol.

Surf "N" Turf in AlKhobar, King Faisal Road at the Khobar Business Gate, Abdul Karim Khereiji Towers, near the Mövenpick Hotel and Holiday Inn.
Te: 8494001
best food & service in KSA

ballak1984 wrote:

Hi all, could u plz recommend any gd restaurants in dammam?? im a new comer and i know no1 here!!! thank you,,,

Whoop, a bit late to the race. What cuisine do you have in mind?

Jax86 wrote:

Hi all :-)

I'm looking for a nice sushi time in khobar / Dammam ,any experience/recommendation ?  holla back damn its been so long , lol  a black man loves sushi :D:D chris tucker didnt hear me:lol:... waiting !

I'll do you better, I'll give you two.

One is Fushi in Al-Rashid mall, they have terrific food that will no doubt assault your senses. A good plus is that they do make home deliveries.

The other is Soul Kitchen, also in Khobar. It's near the entrance to Al-Khobar, facing Steak House and adjacent to Maxim. It's a posh joint, so they don't do deliveries.

I personally prefer Fushi the best.

Happy munching (:

@Jax : Check out this link in the khobar forums.. Me and a few people have made quite a few trips to different places.

Jax86 wrote:

Just came from Fushi , that's was amazing !

I'm glad you liked it. They DO have amazing food. What did you try out?