Moving to dammam, please advice

am a canadian,40 years old. i got a proposition from a saudi employer as an internal auditor. am chartered accountant.
they are proposing me monthly : 14000 riyal basic salary, 4000 riyal accomodation, 2000 riyal for transportation plus 15000 riyal yearly for ticket. i have 2 girls.
i should come alone at the beginning for about 6 months on VISIT VISA and then they will issue a work visa.
i don't know if i should accept. will it be easy for me to live as a single in dammam, will I have problems when bringing my family over there after the 6 months....
please advice

Hi matine77, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I hope other members will advice you.

I wish you good luck

You ask a lot of questions.. and there are a lot of people who will be willing to answer them for you as well.
Well for starters, I would suggest you to just browse through some of the posts. because most of your concerns are very easily answered there.

and witht eh amount of money that you have mentioned I am pretty sure that you should be able to get a decent compund in Al Khobar which is just a 15 min drive from Dammam.
Something though,  you might want to insist that you want the permanent visa before you get there, Because with a visit visa, you might find a few difficulties with getting som permits and stuff.
But then its ultimately your choice.

Welcome to Expat.coms, and  hope you have a great time in saudi.. :P

thank you so much, it really helps

Hi matine77, welcome on Expat-blog!

1- welcome to Dammam City.
2- you have to know that Dammam & Khobar became as one City, dammam & Khobar it's a nice & beutefull city & in Khobar you will 
You will find in the city parks and residential villas and monthly salary charged with housing allowance and transport allowance is very suitable for you as the expenses are few and cheap goods.

Security and self-sustaining so that you can you get out and walk even fourth morning no problem.

As for the parameters of the city it is easy to identify them

And your daughters will enjoy here there are many internatonal Schools in Dammam & Khobar.

And for any help

My e-mail:

I think you can manage alone. the place is safe .I've been here for 2 years now. My family also used to be left alone for some times and it was ok.Please contact me if you need help.If it's ok drop me a line.
Good luck:)

Hallo,i live in kenya and am supposed to come and work as a teacher for a certain family in dammam.i need advice on this and need friends also because i will be all alone.should i accept the it okay working in dammam or are there any limitations.please advise

HI Vikie, welcome to the blog...
can u please let us know wat exactly do u mean by 'teaching for a certain family'

Hi,thanks for the question.what i meant by a certain family is that there is this family and they have 3kids,2teenagers and a 10year old.they want me2teach their children english.this will be for2-3 hrs after the kids come from might call it extra tuttion.i have my own apartment and other parents can bring their kids to me depending on the fee i will agree on,with now please tell me what the limitations are or if it is okay if i accept this offer.

well, i cant say much about it but i think it is difficult to take tuition at home for a single lady... but i hope others answer this

matine77 wrote:

am a canadian,40 years old. i got a proposition from a saudi employer as an internal auditor. am chartered accountant.
they are proposing me monthly : 14000 riyal basic salary, 4000 riyal accomodation, 2000 riyal for transportation plus 15000 riyal yearly for ticket. i have 2 girls.
i should come alone at the beginning for about 6 months on VISIT VISA and then they will issue a work visa.
i don't know if i should accept. will it be easy for me to live as a single in dammam, will I have problems when bringing my family over there after the 6 months....
please advice

Hi matine, if possible, ask to be put in a compound. There's a lot more people interact with (better Than an apartment) and easier to socialize with others. See if they can give you a permanent visa from the start because you'll have to go back to canada to stamp your passport with the new visa after those 6 months and it can be a hassle... Once you do have the work visa/iqama, it won't be any issue bringing in your family.

It'll be tough as a single lady to live in dammam, especially if you are not in a compound. You will hardly be able to socialize if you do not know anyone and getting around will be tough. Women can't drive here remember!
I'm not saying don't bother, I'm just saying it will take getting used to.

Hope that helped