Women incite to living in Ecuador a lone.
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Hi Ladies!
I am a 59yr young divorced woman planing to move in 2 yrs to Cuenca. My youngest son is finishing University in 2yrs then it is my turn @ a new life. I will be traveling to EC Nov 4th - Dec 11th to see if it is really what I want to do.
I was wondering how other single/Divorce/alone women feel about their move to EC. The honest pros & cons to moving as a woman alone, who have made the move. I do speak Spanish fluently & hope this will make a difference.
Any input is greatly appreciated. I can be reached, if you prefer at xxx
Thank you in advance ladies. Martha.
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I can't speak to life in Cuenca as I do not live there, although I have visited.
The only thing that would be first on my mind, for a single woman in Ecuador, and should not be of much shock, is the fact that as a woman, things will be different as opposed to being a man.
I am all for equality and feel that women are even better suited for some things than men. However, I am American, sorry from the U.S... Unfortunately in many Latin American countries, women are looked upon as much less than equal. Things like sexual assault and domestic violence are not handled any where close to the way they are in the U.S.
From first account incidents I have been a party to, it seems pretty clear that the woman has the full burden of proof. With that a conviction is very hard to obtain. Due to this type of support, or lack of. Many incidents are not even reported, which makes the handling of the cases that are reported, even more frustrating.
Being fluent in Spanish is a definite plus, as many Expats are not even close, nor do they have any compulsion to be. You just need to be cognizant of the fact that you will be very far away from "Kansas".
Being aware of the fact that you are in a foreign culture, and making good decisions where personal safety is concerned, I think you should do fine. After you establish a circle of friends, especially locals you should be in good shape.
In my opinion, to be a good Expat, one should assimilate into the culture. Having said that, being aware and keeping your wits about you always, should allow you to be comfortable and confident.
I of course can't rationalize things as a woman might, but from my perspective I think you will be fine. The fact that you are asking the question, indicates that you do not live in a bubble.
Welcome aboard, and good luck.
Thank you for your input. I hope to be able to assimilate in the culture asap. I am aware that no, not in Kansas and I am glad! If I want Kansas I should stay in Kansas, that is my motto. I hope to meet expats with similar views. In the blogs I see both. I do how ever see lots of people that are involved in the community and befriending locals. I have in my travels seen that we are getting away from being the ugly America. Not a pretty sight! Again thanks
One thing I have been curious about is the fact that, as far as I know the largest concentration of Expats is in Cuenca. I wonder if this has driven up property values etc. Not to mention that if many homes, lots are bought by Expats with more resources, is this causing anger among the locals who can now no longer afford to by the properties?
Just curious, and yes
Hi Martha. I'm a 45 year old woman living in Cuenca for a year to teach English. I've been here for three months so far and really enjoy it. It's a lovely place to live. Speaking Spanish definitely helps! My level is intermediate.
I was nervous at first about coming to South America by myself. It definitely pays to take precautions. I live in El Centro and feel pretty comfortable walking around by myself during the day. I usually take taxis at night instead of walking, unless I'm in a group. While nothing has happened to me, I have spoken with quite a few expats here in Cuenca who have been robbed. For the most part, their hindsight was that they shouldn't have been walking on a deserted street at night, although some incidences have happened in broad daylight, even in the morning. For that reason, I usually only take the amount of money I need for any given outing and don't always take my phone with me. I also spread me my money out in to different pockets, putting the largest amount in my bra. That way if I get held up I can give them the three dollars in my pocket while my $20 bill is safe. :-)
Hi again, Martha. I just thought of one other thing. The general wisdom I've heard is not to "flash your wealth". For that reason I try not to use my cell phone too much in public. I know a woman who was walking by the river talking on the phone to her son at 11:00am in the morning when a man walked up holding a knife and took her phone. I've also heard of gold jewelry being grabbed off of people's necks and an iPad being grabbed out of someone's hands as they were taking photos in Parque Calderon. I guess my feedback is more safety tips, but in general as long as I follow those, life has been really great here!
Thank you for your insight it is helpful. You sound like a commonsense person in any new place.
How sad! Why would you live in a place were you think all neighbors & most locals are thieves? How terrible for you to live here with your thoughts. You might be happier back in the states, I think. We don't have much crime, just murders.
Thank you for your reply. I prefer to think differently, or else why come at all? Maybe a different neighborhood or better jet a different country might be more to your liking? Good luck
Hi Davinna. Thanks for your post. You sound like a common seance person in a new country. Some Americans here sound just a bit extreme at best in their opinions. So far I have found the local people here to be quite polite and helpful. My motto is treat people with respect and you get it back. I am also by Parque Calderon, I love it.
As I originated this post, I was simply responding to your post. You are right we dont all have to agree and I am most appreciative of all input. We just disagree. Thanks
Nataly Elena 1,
It is my opinion that you have over exaggerated the situation, when it comes to "Handy Men". Firstly, not ALL workers are "Out to get you", yes you can find some who will get all they can, just as you can anywhere in the world.
I have yet to see a worker show up in a suit of any kind..... AS I do my own work I have little need for a Handy Man, but when I have advised other family members who use one here I always ask up front, what he intends to do, what materials it will take, and how long the job will last.
They will commonly bring you a list of materials needed with the cost, and they will get the materials. You also need to pay them for their time, just as you would any other person performing a service.
To make such a bold statement portraying all workers as evil doers, is not only unrealistic but irresponsible. You are instilling fear in people for no good reason. Of course a person needs to perform their due diligence in any situation, but your opinions cast a bad light on the people of Ecuador and could cause unnecessary fear and anxiety in people who are both here and plan to come here.
You like all others are entitled to their opinions, and I am in no way attacking you, so there is no need to "Run tell the teacher". But, as the intention of this site is to share experience and offer assistance to Expats both here and planning to come here, it is best to keep things on a factual slant.
Overthink Huh?
I have NEVER been accused of that before..... No, I am not a woman, but I have traveled to almost every nasty little whole on this planet. I have been in harms way more times than I can count. You perceive women as weak? Natural targets?
I is fairly well documented that "Women", are in fact just as intelligent if not more so than many men. It has been my experience that any intelligent person can keep them selves out of, just as much trouble as they can find their way into. It's all about situational awareness, and preparedness, both of which have been addressed at length on this site.
This response was not intended for you per se, but more for the benefit of other female readers.
@ Nataly Elena 1 and GMC(SW) > We are not here to argue with each other but to help the initiator to find some constructive information about women living in Ecuador alone. Thank you !
@ All > If there are other women living alone in Ecuador, please feel free to participate and to help Martha .
Thank you Priscilla. I do agree with MGS(SW) that the post depicting all neighbors and workers, really all Ecuadorians as thieves was nasty and unfair to the people of Ecuador PERIOD. If I had not all ready privately had contact with Natalie and realized what I perceived as Unfair and nasty remarks of Ecuadorian people in genera, I would have had some serious fears of this place.
I understand that every one has their own opinions but scaring women against this beautiful welcoming country is not only unfair but is also uncalled for. To all the women here in Ecuador that have a more realistic and kind view of their new found home. I will again ask for your personal experience. I would love to here the other side. Please do speak up & let us know your experience. I believe other women and my self included would prefer to have a more realistic view of the situation here in Ecuador. For the lady's not here in Ecuador. I have only been here since
Nov 4th. But would like to go on record and say having MANY ? as I had never been here, All I have found are kind, gentle,helpful people that have made my experience so far FANTASTIC. I am sure there are nasty people here as in ANY place in the world, including the US but I have found none, other than a not so good encounter with a nasty American. Can you believe? Really it is wonderful here. We just need to use see our God given common sense. Good luck to all. Com-on down.
Please note I have nothing to sell & l and have NO ulterior motives than to see people realize their dreams. Martha
You are so right about the Cuenca expat community. Tonight I am going to a gala the expat community is sponsoring for local orphans and the elderly. I would have never known if it were not for the peoples forum. Thank you
You might want to check out cccmedia in Quito he was a great source of factual information. Good luck in Quito.
It is a beautiful city with much to do and see.
A message to single women, who are or have a desire to be an Expat in Ecuador.
There are MANY sites/forums on the web that offer all there is to know about Ecuador. The truth of the matter is that many of these sites/forums are nothing more than opinion or profit based arbitrary sounding boards.
If what you seek is FACTUAL, REAL LIFE vs. Fantasy information and discussion on life in Ecuador by women and men who actually live here, then you will not find a more informative, factual forum than the Quito Expat Forum.
The Quito Forum offers more real time information and factual content than any other site/forum around, I have looked. Many of the other sites/forums have plenty of information based on opinion, and hearsay exacerbated by personal insecurity and anxiety brought over from the posters home country.
On the Quito Forum you will find many, members who have experienced everything from the trials and tribulations of moving to starting a business and dealing with the many hurdles that can be associated with life in Ec. These members have not only successfully adapted to Ecuador but flourished, leaving the stress and anxiety of live elsewhere behind.
Not only can you find a wealth of information on virtually any topic, but a simple query will yield a landslide of information. You will also find many members with specific knowledge in various areas, who are not only willing to share their knowledge but will even provide one on one assistance to others in need. The "Quito" Ecuador Mentor thread, is one example offering assistance to Expats both present and potential.
One member Journeyman Jack, a Quito member, fills his days assisting newly arrived Expats from all points of the globe, in the logistics of moving to, and around Ecuador. I highly recommend his new website.
Cccmedia is another Quito member who can speak to just about all things legal in Ecuador, he has done hours of investigation on topics from; Immigration, local laws, health care, natural disaster, safety and the list goes on. Definitely a good place to start with a question.
Then we have AMDG a Quito member who lives on the Southern Coast and happens to be a Doctor, with experience in various matters. There is JesseKimmerling a Quito member who also resides on the coast and speaks to many topics including small business, local law, and natural disaster to name a few. Yet another contributor to the Quito forum is Quito0819 from Cuenca who shares information on legal issues as well as scooter/motorcycle use and issues in Ec. There are many more knowledgeable men and women out there.
In closing if you have a concern about life in Ec, that has not already been addressed at length on the Quito Forum, then all you need to do is ask. Quito being the capital city means it is the center of the universe for Ec. 98% of Expats will begin their journey here.
Don't take my word for it, do your due diligence, explore the Quito Forum and decide for yourself. Can you find biased opinion, hearsay, fanciful interpretations of life here? Yes, the difference here is that these these types of posts are questioned, and even challenged. Not for the sake of argument, but to ensure accurate, factual information is presented to the readers. Becoming an Expat and moving to Ecuador or anywhere in the world is no light matter.
In order to make the best decisions you need accurate, unbiased information. Otherwise an already stressful and anxiety filled time will become a nightmare. Level heads must prevail, the #1 reason most Expats leave Ecuador within 24 months is because they had unrealistic expectations of what to expect here.
An unrealistic picture of life hear can come from many sources; travel ads, blogs, immigration services etc. Even from Expats who carried with them fears and anxiety and now apply them irresponsibly to their new surroundings.
It is a universal truth, "The Only Stupid Question, Is the One Not Asked".
I am sorry I was not too clear. My boys are wonderful grown men 6'2 & 6'3 tall. I am divorce on my own. The youngest is a way @ University. Two more yrs and he is done. That is why I will move to Cuenca then and not now.
Thank for your article. I agree 100%. This trip is as good as it is, due to the information I got on the Quito forum. From your self and the always on the money ccmedia! I am now in Cuenca but the forum is the source for me. I am extremely grateful for the time that All the contributors have put in to it. Again thank you. Chao Martha
FYI No offence Natalie but I was responding to the Nov 10th post by GMC(SW) It was a really fantastic article. Thanks
Good morning Natalie. I am alone. Traveling with a friend but yes I am single. I am divorced and my kids are in the US. That is why I started this conversation/blog tittle. I am new to blogging and some times I get confused with witch person the response goes to or about. Old age must be creeping in!
Thanks for your posts since you have been here lot longer than me. I am just starting but really in joying all the peoples input.
It is a beautiful day in Cuenca. Hope your weather is good in Quito. Chao
Hi Natalie. Yes when I made the post it was for all women living alone In Ecuador and how they felt about the experience of living in this foreign country. So you are correct on what I intended this particular topic to be, since women do think and have different issues than man do. I thought it would be helpful information for all of us single ladies. Thanks again. Martha
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