Kindergarten for my Little one

Hey I am looking for a good bilingual kindergarten for my daughter in Huizhou  any Ideas please

How old?

3 years turning 4 in June

I taught in kindergarten from 2012 Februbary to 2015 August.
Still miss the days with kids, everyday is happy day even thougth sometimes I was very very tired playing with them.
Not because I am not love kids anymore, my sweetheart went to primary school, my contract with them was ended too.
Now I want to seek but it's far from my daughter's primary school.

It's important for a kid when she's going into kindergarten. especially the first 2 weeks. no matter what parents should go to take her early everyday. when be back home, no talk to your kid about kindergarten anymore. she's enough! open your arms to her when you meet her, tell your kid your miss and love them nomatter where they are...