Crime in Belize
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Hi All,
I guess it is a common practice to sugar-coat all the material promoting the benefits of living in a certain place. But Google also revealed some ugly crime stories and statistics. What are the experiences of those who have made the move, and what are the best places to consider to at least try to avoid these situations?
Belize is not crime-free. However, outside of particular areas in and around Belize City, I feel Belize is a fairly safe place. It is a fairly 'poor' developing nation, and there appears to be a lot of property theft and other 'petty' crimes, but overall, I haven't ever felt unsafe in Belize. I am always aware of my surroundings and my situation, but have never felt concern. I read the Belize newspapers online as often as I can, in order to keep up with this, and other aspects of life in Belize. Certainly the more rural areas are safer than the urban areas, as with anywhere else. One caveat to that is be careful who you befriend in Belize. Try to develop relationships/friendships through people you trust, so you don't end up involved in a situation with unintended consequences. Do your research before you make any decisions.
The vast majority of homicides occur by the drug gangs in the south side of belize city. There is petty theft so you dont leave stuff laying out. People also mistake cultural norms for theft. There is a whats yours is mine communal aspect in some areas specially Mayan.
While safety is a personal feeling I would totally agree with the two previous comments. In my opinion complacency is the worst enemy of expats. We tend to move here after doing our research knowing that although bad things happen to good people from time to time anywhere in the world (especially if you interact with the wrong type people), petty crime and crimes of opportunity are more prevalent.
We move to Belize knowing that security systems such as Burglar bars and well lit properties reduce our risk of being robbed considerably (no different then electronic systems back in Canada and the US). We come knowing that you don't show off your bling if you don't want to be a target for robbery on the street, you don't leave your stuff unattended or it will probably go missing, and if you invite strangers to your home or return home for several months and leave your home here unattended, it will probably be robbed.
Unfortunately what happens is after several months of following the personal security rules and feeling safe, people begin to feel confident that crime is not as bad as reported and become complacent and drop their guard. It is important to remain diligent and know that if you provide easy opportunity, then you will be affected by the petty crimes of opportunity. However if you continue to do your due diligence there is a high chance that you will not experience crime personally and will feel and be quite safe.
My opinion based on personal experience. Hope it helps.
I left Belize after living there 18 months. This was after my purse was ripped off my shoulder and there were six unsuccessful attempted breakins at my house. My friend
Lynne was stabbed to death. My friends husband John was macheted to death. Nathaniel was beaten so severely he lost an eye. My friends 24 year old cousin was stabbed to death last month.
A friend wrote. "Belize. There are SO many good people there. BUT, the violence is out of control. I've had three friends murdered in my lifetime and all of them were living in Belize and all of them were brutal stabbings."
And so, I live in Mexico. Not far from Belize, but far enough for me. To all my friends who are living in Belize and happy there, Bless you! Be safe. Be careful. Be happy. Hugs.
I'm terribly sorry about your experiences. Where in Belize did you live and where in Mexico are you living now?
Lived on Corozal. Moved 14 miles away to Chetumal. A world of difference!
Where exactly in Corozal did you live?
elize, Read This before you Decide to Visit or Retire There
Hello, I am David Dorenzo. I am still in recovery from what happened to my lovely girl friend, Patricia Nichiporowich, in Consejo Shores, Corozal, Belize in October 2013. October 29, 2015 marked the second anniversary of her brutal murder in what appeared to be a home invasion and theft. However since nothing was stolen, except by the Corozal Police, no one knows why she was murdered.
As part of the crime scene investigation the police publicly announced that it appeared nothing was stolen as valuable electronic equipment was left in plain sight when they arrived. As evidence during its Crime Scene Investigation the Corozal Police took all this equipment including but not limited to 2 Apple lap top computers, an Apple Ipod, an apple tablet, a hard drive, and a phone system with 3 receptacles. None of this valuable electronic equipment is listed on a belated police inventory, which the police department finally sent to the US embassy more than 6 months after the crime. The Police claim that the investigation is still ongoing and will be holding all the valuables indefinitely!! I believe that there was never any investigation and the valuables taken at the CSI have been sold or reside in the homes of the police. Please note that more than 1 year ago “Que Pasa Corozal” the internet newspaper reported that an investigation of the Corozal police Dept. was initiated as there were reports that the Dept. was stealing valuables from crime scenes. I never read anything about the results of that investigation. Understand that in my mind it would not be farfetched to conclude that the police would be complicit in crimes against Ex-Pats.
I would love to know that there is an investigation. The Corozal Police will not talk to me, although I offered. Their prerequisite for any discussion with me is that I fly back to Corozal, Belize and present myself to them at the Police station. Something I will never do.
Belize has the 3rd highest murder rate in the world. Many of the victims have been North American Ex Pats. How many, that statistic is not kept and will never be revealed. It is a poor country and comparable Ex-Pat affluence makes us a target, prey. If you decide to visit or retire there understand that you put yourself in peril. FYI a Canadian TV producer and a Chicago journalist have been murdered there in the past 60 days.
Lastly, If you are a victim of crime or face other difficulties in this 3rd world country understand that you will receive little assistance from either the US or Canadian embassies there. Neither have been willing or able to provide me with any real update of the investigation nor any assistance in the return of Patricia and my valuables, ignoring my revelation that many of our more valuable personal belongings were missing from the Police inventory.
Crime is an everyday occurrence. They will steal from you while smiling and saying welcome. Foreigners have a target on their back, front, forehead. You will always be an outsider. You will always have more than them. Crime is rarely if ever solved and seldom prosecuted. It all gets swept under the rug. Child rapists are driving taxis in San Pedro. You must live with bars on windows and doors. Don't let your guard down for one minute. A friend just moved to Hopkins, less than three months ago. She is now in her third house and thinking of moving to Guatemala. The first house a man with a knife trying to break in while she was there (and she had two big dogs) terrorized her for almost two hours, even set her porch on fire trying to get her to come outside! They have no regard for human life or compassion. They kill each other and expats over nothing. They pay the police off and no big deal. Cops are not trained and won't help. Government corrupt. Pocket any monies, infrastrcture crumbling, poverty everywhere. Been here almost three years. Seen too much. Leaving soon. You can't go out at night for fear of what might happen to you. Belizeans are just as afraid. There are other Caribbean countries with far more beautiful beaches to immigrate. Visit Belize as a tourist and you should be mostly okay. Living in the midst of it all is quite different.
Wow. I wrote this big long reply to you, and when I tried to insert a special character, the whole email disappeared! I'll try to shorten my response. I don't mean to be curt, only a little less wordy.
1. I also moved here a little over 3 years ago. I live in Consejo in the Corozal district.
2. There has been one theft in that 3 years, and that was 3 weeks ago. The brothers entered the house behind mine and took $25. They will not be back in the community.
3. There was one murder in my neighboring community of Consejo Shores. Thus far it is unsolved. The man the lady (who was murdered) left immediately for the Florida Keys and has not returned. We do not know why. It could be fear it could be guilt.
4. There are no bars on doors and windows in my community (Mayan Seaside.) Thus far we have been ok except for the $25 theft, and we know who did it.
5. On the subject of police, I have never, not once, seen police in this community. I guess they do not travel the 7 miles it takes to get here!
6. We are a neighborhood of Canadians and US. We appear to have no bad apples in the 'hood'.
7. Corozal town and Santa Rita Hts appears to get more petty crime than we do out here. There are few bars on windows there as well, but most yards are fenced.
8. Police are more likely to shake down business owners in Corozal town than they are to investigate crime.
9. I also have a home in Potrerillos, Panama. It has been broken into 3 times now, and one time was done by my next door neighbor who had a refrigerater go bad, so he broke in and used mine instead of repairing his own. He is Panamanian. Norms are different with the Spanish, I have discovered. That home has bars on all windows, and a special lock on the front door. The thief pried off the back door, frame and all! I am in the process of selling that place, although I wish I didn't have to. The soil is wonderful, and the temperature is 72° year round. I just refuse to live around theft. It makes one feel violated.
10. I have lived (and still do) on my little farm in Scappoose, Oregon for over 45 years. I have NEVER had a break in or a theft. Different culture. No bars on any windows, doors are left unlocked when I go to town to get groceries.
There you have it. My experience in 3 different countries. Have a wonderful day!
in Mayan Seaside
I feel sorry about Cathiek's experience in Corozal and it is difficult for me to relate that to the Belize that I know very well and have lived in for almost 30 years.
I have never been attacked, burgled, hassled, robbed, mugged, etc. My house does not have burglar bars and it is not totally fenced. I do have two dogs. I don't have a gun and have never felt the need for one.
Belize does have a very bad homicide record, per capita, but the vast majority of these are young gang members in the South area of Belize City killing each other.
It is true that a Canadian and an American have been recently murdered but this not normal and the whole country is shocked.
I know a lot of ex-pats who live in Belize and they feel very safe here, Many of them comment on the amount of killings and mass shootings in their American cities. Young girls and children can walk around on their own in any part of Belize without fear.
I would advise anybody thinking of moving to Belize not to be put off by the above comments. it is a great place to live and I have no intentions of ever moving anywhere else.
Did you have an issue with my comment?
The OSAC report on Belize... … ?cid=17216
Belize population 330,000. Crime is 121 incidents out of that. That means the total crime rate for last year was .037%. That's pretty low odds, folks. Too, is the crimes created by Belize, or are they folks from Guatemala, Honduras, or Mexico. Mexico would be the least likely, I believe since they are now quite prospteous. The population of Portland, Oregon is 609,426, so ALL of belize equals less than 2 cities the sice of Portland, Oregon put together. Now we are comparing an entire country with one city in the USA.
If you seriously think there were only 121 crime incidents in Belize, you are seriously delusional! I live here. It is ridiculous. I am moving back to the US. I am sick of being surrounded by crime and poverty. And, I live on Ambergris Caye!!!
Well, I don't suppose having people coming from Minnesota, USA and alledgely attempting to have someone murdered over land, is helping to improve those statistics any.
after 25 yrs.....i wouldnt advise anyone to move to belize, these days....
you are smart to check the belizean media news houses , for the truths.
in belize....expats are being stabbed,raped,robbed. and murdered...more and more each year.
many are leaving before it is too late.
sure.....the bzean people over-all are great but.....might you be next ...?
the government is the epitome, of corruption ...
and the environment is being destroyed daily.
make sure you dont ''buy'' the dream.... [from a crooked real estate agent].
b/c that is just what it is...a dream...a pipe-dream.
living here.... , can become a near nightmare....!
come vacation..and try, to be safe.
[ … _as=public ]
how long have you been there...?
Ha! This must be a joke -
"you are smart to check the belizean media news houses , for the truths".
This murder, from this past September, of a 47 year Old American, John Ross, is seldom reported.
no joke....
reading a travel brochure...doesnt tell all that is going on... .rather.... the glossy side....!
they have crime sections in their papers....[not hard to find ]
Good for Corozal info.
Hi Cathiek
We are also interested in living in Mexico, thank you for the info on Belize, Woild you be willing to share where you live in Mexico and give some insight. Thank you Stef
Hey. Sure. I live only 14 miles away. Yet a world away. I live in Chetumal, Mexico. If you want any info feel free to send me an email at xxx
It was a good decision for me!
Reason : Please exchange contact details via private messaging.
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I agree Jacott, and we've been here six years. If you are going to move here learn the culture and how to live within it. Most of the problems are related to who you associate with or befriend.
I am still trying to digest some of what I have read here in reference to these horrific crimes taking place in Belize as well as the level of police corruption. Admittedly , I've only visited Belize on diving trips to Ambergris Caye but I have been looking at real estate continually for a few a few years now. I have lived much of my life as an American outside of the U.S. in both Europe and Africa so I do understand a bit about other cultures but this genuinely concerns me. I also realize that Belize is growing rapidly in terms of real estate purchases from Europeans , Canadians and Americans and there is a full fledged campaign by realtors and international investors to sell property to foreigners. This path of progress ( depending on how one defines progress ) always has it's downside and that usually involves stealing from those who are coming into that path with money and valuables. That's a given regardless of the country. However, brutal and violent crimes is something quite different. I have lived in the bush in Africa where certainly lawlessness prevails and one must realize how vulnerable one might be. Could anyone direct me to some statistics or articles that show a serious increase in crime against foreigners , especially since the outset of this real estate explosion?
My decision to purchase property is based on being close to a great dive destination that is affordable so I am looking at areas in Mexico as well. I appreciate any information.
marcie........mexico doesnt have the 2nd largest barrier if your move, is diving based...mexico may not be the best , of the two, choice.
safety.........learn a couple of martial arts..carry a gun...and have fun.
I just looked at QuePasaCorozal and for the most recent single issue three of the five articles were about apparent criminal activity, including a car with bullet holes. Not very comforting. Maybe I will be thinking more about Chetumal or someplace in Mexico like Cancun.
Wow, really?? The 2nd largest reef is in Belize! ....and Mexico doesn't have great diving
...can you tell me more about diving there sounds like you have an awful lot of diving knowledge.......even though that wasn't my request ... thanks for your input and when you've logged over 3,000 dives we can swap dive stories, but make sure they have a PROP GUARD!!...
Clark- yep , I just finished reading several articles on crime both on Ambergris and the Cayo is a bit alarming but equally disturbing is the "manufactured" luxury resort that is moving forward with the promise of protecting the environment..right! ...realtors are using DiCaprios' project as a huge marketing tool for unsuspecting buyers ..well there's no stopping the inevitable path of progress of the $$$......
There are any kinds of people in Belize. … ority.html
leo ,the new blackadore caye heading one...
travolta the other.
you seem to not comprehend my comment.
As I understand it, this is a forum pertaining to crime in Belize and much of what I have read is quite an eye opener and has prompted me to do additional research on specific locations. As for you SBMQQQQse, I have no interest in any further dialogue with you as I find your comments adversarial and condescending and if you would like to advice on where to buy real estate or attempt to identify good diving spots - I would suggest you open a forum on those subjects.
I'm sorry to hear about your negative experiences on Ambergris Caye as I've only visited as a tourist and most of my time was spent underwater. In these short trips, I found the Belizian people to be quite friendly and accommodating but I do plan to come down and rent for a while to get a true feel for the area. Are there areas on Ambergris Caye you would recommend one avoid?
''no interest in any further dialogue with you ''....thats great...i appriciate may many others.
i certainly understand your feelings.... 100%.
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