
Some info on getting to Libya

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Hello everyone,
my name is Ani from Bulgaria. I have a friend in Libya and I wanna move there. Recently my friend told me I can enter Libya just with my passport through the Egyptian border. Does anyone know if it is ok, as I read eveywhere that you need a visa to enter Libya? Also I would like to ask if there is a way for me to get a work permit once I'm in Libya, without going back to my country. Thank you!

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NO. you need a visa. you need a job and business visa BEFORE you enter the country. else, for a tourist visa, you either have to be with a tour group or have a friend sponsor you. tourist visas are for 1 month.


Don't enter without a visa .... or you might find yourself in trouble. It's illegal to enter any country without a proper visa .. I'm sure you know that.


You'd only get a work permit by having a job before you got here, then the employer would have to apply for your visa & residency for you.


Thank u all for your answers. I wanna ask also what is the procedure for acquiring tourist visa. My friend is a libyan citizen, can i go as her guest? How long it takes for such a visa to be ready and what i need to do to get one?


Tourist visa needs few days to be ready and u can get it through any travel agancy in Libya, as u need to send just copy of ur passport to ur friend, then she will send u a number of ur visa so u can pick it up from the libyan embassy there or u can get it in the airport once u arrive


Thank u for the info,
couple of more questions.If my friend sponsors the tourist visa, she should still go to a travel agency or she has to go to some state institution? Also, if I wanna extend the visa, which is better, if I come through an agency or if my friend sends invitation.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Libya

All of Libya's guide articles