
Recherche de famille pour fille au pair

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Bonjour, je me suis inscrite sur un réseau de fille au pair pour les USA mais ça a pris du temps alors je me demandais si vous connaissiez une famille aux États-Unis, Los Angeles ou ailleurs hein, qui cherche une fille au pair. J'ai beaucoup d'expérience avec les enfants et j'adorerai vivre là-bas. Pour mes futures études l'Anglais est primordial. Ce serait vraiment top si je pouvais trouver une famille pour Juin/ Juillet sinon je ne partirai pas :(
Merci d'avance et j'espère que vous aurez une famille en or à me proposer !

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Stephane Lagrange

Bonjour, la meilleure solution est de t'inscrire auprès de plusieurs organismes. Cela te rassurera toi et aussi la famille d'accueil. De plus, je ne sais pas si ce n'est pas obligatoire pour engager une jeune fille au pair. Sinon, tu as raison de ne pas cibler uniquement LA.

The 15 Agencies Designated by the United States Department
The au pair program is a cultural and educational exchange program with a childcare component. Au pairs provide up to 45 hours of childcare per week for their host family while attending college or university studies.  Au pairs can participate in the program from 12 months - 24 months.

The 15 sponsoring agencies in the U.S. have the responsibility to administer the au pair programs according to the regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of State (US-DOS).

What do the sponsoring agencies do?
They carry out the day-to-day operation of the au pair program.  They recruit, screen, select and match au pairs with host families. They must ensure all au pairs are given a criminal background check and undergo psychological testing.  They must also ensure the au pairs speak and understand English.  Host families must be interviewed also and they are required to speak and understand English and meet all the requirements of hosting an international visitor.  Sponsoring agencies are required to train the au pairs according to US-DOS regulations and they must provide monthly contact with both au pair and host family.

What does Department of State designation mean?
The au pair program was established by the U.S. Government in 1986 as an educational and cultural exchange program with a strong childcare component. Au pairs may enter the United States for 12 months to care for the children of their American host family. At the same time, au pairs are required to complete an education component of six semester hours of academic credit. At the end of one year, au pairs may extend their stay for another year or return to their home country.

As designated sponsors, these 15 au pair agencies must operate their programs in accordance with all of the US-DOS program regulations. The government has set working hours, admission criteria, establishes the au pair weekly stipend and stipulates other important guidelines to ensure a positive experience for all parties.

These are the U.S. Department of State designated agencies that have been authorized to administer au pair programs legally in this country:

  1. Agent Au Pair (

  2. American Cultural Exchange (

  3. American Institute for Foreign Study (

  4. Au Pair Foundation, Inc. (

  5. Au Pair International, Inc. (

  6. American Professional Exchange (LLC dba,

  7. AuPairCare, Inc. (

  8. Cultural Care, Inc. (

  9. Cultural Homestay International (

10. EurAuPair Intercultural Child Care Programs  (

11. Expert Group International Inc. (

12. InterExchange Au Pair (

13. USAuPair, Inc. (


Merci beaucoup :)


Impossible d'être Au Pair aux USA sans passer par une agence. Et c'est l'agence qui trouvera ta famille !

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