What are the plans for new year 2010

Hey Expats

Friends any new plans for this new year ................

well for the actual new years, I'm goin to bahrain, as for my resolutions I havent come up with any yet :D

Just Hanging a round with friends

will stay wide awake to meet 2011.. :D

Hmmm, thats a tricky one...
For the New Year's Eve definitely nothing. If not working, will go to the roof painfuly sober to see some fireworks.
In 2011 find a great apartment, get a boxer puppy to have someone inteligent to talk to, find aerobic classes and hopefully end of year get the hell out of here!:lol:

as of now nuthing yet, but if it works out....its Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys lets plan to do something nice in beginning of 2011.

lara_q8 wrote:

Hmmm, thats a tricky one...
For the New Year's Eve definitely nothing. If not working, will go to the roof painfuly sober to see some fireworks.
In 2011 find a great apartment, get a boxer puppy to have someone inteligent to talk to, find aerobic classes and hopefully end of year get the hell out of here!:lol:

instead of puppy find some good friend,

hehe:) thanks for your advice. But dog is man's best friend, don't you know that?

but if you hoping to get hell out what about the pup???

I'll take him with me. Turkish airline accept dogs in the cabin as per my research. But guess we are off the original topic.:)

finding new friends,learning keyboard,mind building!

"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win ..."

hey guys. I thought I drop a line on some events happening on the New Year Eve.

Well this sounds like the most happening place
31 Dec 2010: Boat Party – The New Year's Cruise with DJ Ghosh!

Chilly_Willy wrote:

well for the actual new years, I'm goin to bahrain, as for my resolutions I havent come up with any yet :D

Lucky you! enjoy!

@lara, "painfuly sober"...same for me!
Still trying to find smthg interesting to do...two days left!


a boat party,,

sounds strangely like "Boat trip",

Hope that excesive drinking is of juice or such like mate

NOT haha enjoy

Classic song and oh to have some gin, whisky, wine, larger and the list just keeps on comming

4 me I have filled my notice board with some goals which I haven't achieved last year …but am tryin 2 work on it this year.

Remember! This year is still virgin  :)
