Dealing with homesickness in India

Hello everyone,

Being an expat in India can turn out to be a wonderful human, social or professional adventure... with potential moments of nostalgia and homesickness along the way.

What are your personal tips to prevent homesickness?

How do you deal with such feelings?

Are there shops or stores offering products from your home country in India? Or maybe venues with music and ambiance from your homeland?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


Although an Expat, lot of my families are here.  So it is not that much of a problem for me.

Hello priscilla,

Hope you are doing well.

I agree , moving to different country could get overwhelming sometimes.
1.i would suggest you to cook your authentic cuisine,

2.Buy the  flowers which are found in your country.these activities will remind you of home , give you a     sense of familiarity , and make you feel connected to the  new environment.

3.Attend social gatherings which will help you make new friends. :)

Also, go on small trips to unwind and relax. utilise this as an opportunity to explore and do all that you could 'nt back home. sometimes away from family and friends give you new perspective and loads of free time for yourself.

Take care!

just have some hobbies like gardening or going on sght seeing tour to hill places etc so that  a  bot u may not thnk yr home country its just a diversion of mind  lot of cultural programes inany city  and ull get involved thats all.  thanks rajesh