Hairspray Auditions@KLT

Hey guys,

Auditions for the awesome musical 'Hairspray' are taking place Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th of January from 7-9pm, and on Saturday 22nd of Jan from 2-5pm and the Kuwait Little Theatre.

For more information check out the website or search us on Facebook.  It's going to be a great show and we would love to see some new faces!  Even if you don't want to be on stage, we always need people to help out so contact us via the website.

Hope to see you there!

not much of a actor but i love to watch the play

Well we are also looking for musicians and backstage crew if you want to be involved in some way.  We are always looking for people for the chorus, which won't necessarily involve a speaking role, you would normally just be required to dance and be able to hold a tune. 

If I haven't convinced you to take part, then just by coming along to see the show (in May) you are still supporting the Kuwait Little Theatre, which has played a big part in many expats's lives over the last 50 years, which we really appreciate!


i want to sing, & dance!

Well come down to the auditions!  Check the website for details
