Not there yet but thought i'd start early! :)

Evening All!

I've stumbled across this website several times and thought it was time to sign up!
My name is Vicky and i will be coming over at the beginning of March with my partner Lee.
Im 24 and Lee is 28.

We are coming over and staying in a hotel until we meet up with a contact/friend/business associate Lee knows and he is going to help us in our search for a rental property.

I've been reading through here all day(in work...hey its ok they let us! :)) and tbh all over the internet and i can not find anything out about horses or anything i can is race/racing related or very basic information - i wonder if any of you can help me?

Due to selling all my worldy goods back in the UK - my horse/car/everything - i will have the same budget for a nice horse if not better.
Does anyone have any information on maybe contacts you can approach to find the private sector of the "horsey" world?

I've been on Maltapark and seen some on there but again minimal information and what i can make of it my Maltease to English translator has non of it! lol :(

Any ideas...or am i going to have to be patient and wait until i'm there? :(

Hi and welcome - I'm not really sure what you're after and I'm not 'horsey' but I'll give it a shot at giving you some general information:

There's a riding school in Maghtab that we've passed frequently. There's another one near the Golden Bay Radisson resort.
You'll see horses and buggies everywhere outside the built-up or touristy areas.
Horse racing takes place at the horse racing circuit in Marsa.

At my workplace someone has a poster up for horse riding lessons - sounds like you're beyond learning though.

Not sure where you would be able to buy a horse though.

Be prepared, Horsemeat is on the menu at several restaurants.

Good luck

I've already heard about horsemeat being on the menu - aslong as i dont see them being slaughtered ill be not too squeamish!

Thanks for your info - still trawling the internet but looks like it will be one of those where i will have to wait until i am there to get some contacts etc

Don't know how I remembered this, but the main horsey place in Malta seems to be in Bidnija. There website is below, don't know if it's what you're looking for, but hope it helps.

Ah, that's the one I meant when I said "There's a riding school in Maghtab"...silly me - it's in Bidnija.
