Generally, you need the following before you go to the Office of Foreigner Marriage Registration at Ministry of Justice, Lazoghly Square, Downtown:
1- Family fund stamp, costs 50 EGP, sold at any Egypt Post office.
2- Medical check from any public hospital, free of charge, requires ID/Passport Copy + 2 personal photos.
3- For those who converted to Islam (were not born Muslims), you need a certificate of conversion to Islam, obtainable from Al-Azhar grand mosque, free of charge, requires Passport copy + Personal photo.
4- For the foreign party, you need your embassy's certificate of non-impediment (a.k.a Approval to marry). Requirements vary greatly from embassy to embassy in terms of documents, conditions and fees.
Check ahead of arrival with your embassy in Cairo for the embassy's requirements to avoid unnecessary delays.
5- For the foreign party, if your embassy's approval does not state your religion, you need a document from the appropriate religious authority (refer to #3 for Muslims, for Christians you need a certificate of baptism from your local church here whether it's Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Anglican ...etc.)
6- You need to stamp your embassy's approval from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notary Office . Costs 11 Pounds and is served immediately.
7- You need original and copy of both parties' ID (Egyptian) and Passport (Foreign), 5 personal photos each (4x6 cm, white background), Copy of foreign party's entry stamp and visa.
8- You need two known male witnesses, and they need to bring their ID/passport and copies of which.
9- If the wife-to-be is divorced, she needs to bring her divorce, which needs to be final and 3 months must have elapsed since then. If she's a widow, 4 months and 10 days must elapse.
Divorce must be final (i.e.: agreed upon and the waiting period elapsed, OR the court order is a FINAL one after all appeals have been exhausted OR window for appeal passed without appeal).
All divorce documents must be EITHER issued by an Egyptian authority OR translated, stamped and notarized by the country's embassy AND subsequently the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or by the Egyptian Embassy in that country).
10- For most nationalities you need your visa to be valid and to get a stamp of touristic residence (available at Tahrir Complex Office of Immigration for free, served immediately (just ask for registration stamp).
11- For females from the following nationalities, she needs first to have a 6-months (or more) non-touristic residence visa
1- Philippines
2- Thailand
3- Malaysia
4- Srilanka
5- Bangladesh
6- India
7- Pakistan
8- All ex-USSR countries
9- Israel (also males)
If the applicant already has a visa (dependent, through a relative, work, student ...etc.) she can go ahead, otherwise there is a workaround I will state at the end of the conditions.
12- If the difference in age between the couple is more than 25 years, approval from the Office of Minister of Justice must be obtained.
For point #11, if the wife-to-be does not have any means to get such visa (must be non-touristic), the following workaround can be done:
1- Obtain embassy approval per point #4 above. stamp it per point #6.
2- Get an Urfi marriage (common-law marriage) contract at a lawyer's office, costs around 500 EGP, must be stamped by the lawyer's office stamp.
3- Prepare the following : two copies of husband's ID card, wife's passport, wife's current visa, wife's entry stamp, embassy's approval, Urfi contract.
4- Proceed to Tahrir Complex - Office of Immigration, apply for a 6 month non-touristic residence visa using above documents.
5- After one week, couple will be interviewed by the Immigration Investigative services at the same place in Tahrir Complex. After that the documents will be sent to National Security for a background check.
6- After ~2 weeks, once visa is approved you can get the visa and pay the fees, after which you can proceed to get legally married.