
Canadians in Belize

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Yes, Belize City on the south side of the Cannel has a high murder rate. As a policeman for many years in Canada I got to see that real stats for cities, and parts of a city. Stats are reported on a per/capita basis. Since Belize City is small, a bad area of the town skews that stats, and certainly does the same for the whole country.

If I were to pick a few bad areas of Edmonton Alberta, or any other larger city in Canada or the USA I could get huge numbers of murder rates.

Just because you read of murders in the newspapers does not mean it is a dangerous place. Read your local papers in Canada, or USA if you live in a city. You will read of murders, stabbing, serious assaults. Most people just ignore them because they feel safe for what they are doing. For 15 years I walked to and from work in the highest crime rate area in Edmonton. This was at all hours of the day/night. There was at least one serious assault if not stabbing / murder every day.

Remember that most serious assaults occur against people that know each other. In today's society that often means gangs fighting each other. Stay out of their way in Belize you will likely be fine.

In Central and South America there is a problem with theft of property. You can't leave your property laying around - it will be gone. It is common in all areas to have bars on the window, and high fences. Dogs to deter people, but the best thing is to have someone there watching over the property.

I have not come across expat that lives in Belize (or Costa Rica) telling me that the crime is so bad. Certainly we have never felt unsafe night or day in Belize.


Thank you.  I've read this from many expats also.  It's not a concern with me.  Don't really plan on living in the City, nor joining a gang!  Thanks for the info!


if people do not feel unsafe walking around in Belize City at nite, they are living in a fantasy world. It is nothing like Edmonton. The Only people I know in Belize are life time residents, and believe me, it is not the newspapers I am going on.


If it is so bad, then why are you moving to Belize?


I agree.  I wouldn't move anywhere where I wouldn't feel safe.  Have no intention of living in the City, and I can't ever see the need to go into the City in the evening, anyway.  As in any large place, behave yourself, keep good friends and enjoy!


high murder rates.......????   bar/knife fights??   what???    I assure you this is not hapening in Corozal  the grapevine here is active and if we were having expats murdered, We WOULD KNOW.


Am making my plans to get down there beginning of February.  Very excited!

corozal dave

I've never felt unsafe anywhere in Belize at any time.  I do choose to avoid some area's at night in Belize City, but I am very rarely there at night.
As for Corozal, I have no fears going anywhere at any time.


Am looking at coming in on January 31 for a week with husband, sister, friend, son and his friend (both 25).  Would this be a suitable house?  If so, will you please give me info.  Thank you


I choose to live in Belize. I concur I have never felt unsafe in Belize.



Believe as you will. Having been a policeman, and doing stats on crime I know more about it than channel 5 news. I would far rather live in Belize, or even Belize city than many places in North America. I have seen it, I have stopped it, I have investigated it, I have done that stats on it, and I have talked with the people, and looked after their kids. Very few people in Canada or the USA understand crime in their own communities. Our society likes to paint a picture of peace in our cities.

Brigitte B

I happen to like Belize City. Always have. It kind of grows on you. But it helps to know your way around the city, know where things are located, and to know people or have friends there.
When we are in Belize, we are usually in the city once a week during the day. We've gone to evening functions or to dinners and have not felt unsafe driving through the city to get either onto the Western or Northern Highway to get home. Certain areas we don't go to, day or night. But there are areas in Calgary I would not go to, day or night. Give Belize City a chance - you may just be very pleasantly surprised!

Donna Domitrek


We live in Niagara Falls and will be retiring to Belize in August 2014.

In July we spent a month in Belize touring around the country and made a decision to settle in Placencia, which is on the peninsula.

English is the official language and widely spoken along with Spanish and about four other local dialects.

Belize City is NOT a place I would recommend as the crime rate is very high in the city,somewhat like the crime rate in Detroit. That being said... crime is everywhere! While touring around the country this past summer, we travelled as the locals do... by bus and I have to say we never once felt unsafe or unwelcome.

As for buying property it is very easy, but I highly recommend that if you decide to move to any country that you rent for at least the first year before buying. As I said, is easy to buy... but not always to sell if you find you have bought in an area your find out you are not suited for.


We live in the suburbs just north of Toronto. We fell in love with Belize several years ago. This summer we purchased land at the southern end of Belize in an expat community that is being developed. We will be building there and more down in the next couple of years. Check out Sanctuary Belize for more information. Or send me your personal contact information and I would be glad to speak with you.


No matter where you go in this world there is crime. I have been to Belize twice and love it. I will definitely be back. Eventually I may buy property there, probably in Hopkins. While in Hopkins this year I did have my camera stolen. I thought it was someone local from a bar I was at but now it turns out it may have been an American who was staying with the friend I was staying with. Turns out there were problems although don't know the details. Having my camera stolen was maddening but it won't stop me from going back. I had three bikes stolen in a month in my home town of Burlington, Ont. this summer and I am not going to give up my home. As for pirates, I sailed from Hopkins to Rio Dulce in Guatemala with no sign of pirates. While I'm not suggesting people don't use common sense, living in fear is no way to live.

Donna Domitrek

Thanks for that, I know of Sanctuary Belize and while it is a beautiful area... I have to say that I really have no desire to live in an "Expat Community".

Please understand that I think it is great if that's what you feel is good for you, however I truly would like to blend in with the local community. The one pet peeve I have here in Canada are people who immigrate to Canada, but are not willing to integrate themselves into a Canadian way of life. I do not want to be that person in Belize.

While we were there this past July we became acquainted with many wonderful locals & expats alike.

I guess everyone has a different view, and that's just what works best for us.


[Moderated: Off topic.]


Hello Hindy
email address is
Currently living in Georgetown, and since you are from just north of Toronto, I'm sure you know where this is.

Will check out site Sanctuary Belize.




Where did you rent and would you rent in that area again?  We have just spent the last month in Puerto Vallarta and really enjoyed ourselves.  We haven't committed to coming back next year as we want to travel around and try different places first.




We are in the process of purchasing a lot in north Ambergris Caye and should close next week. It was a very easy process. We are planning to build in 10-15 years but understand the area where we purchased is all subdivided lots but there are no services or roads in the area.

Does anyone know of land owners in a Palm Bay on Ambergris Caye who may be looking at a similar timeline?


kristinanadreau wrote:

colette shirt     I have friends with a fine 2 br/2ba house near the ocean.   so when you get here plz contact me and I will give you their number.   They are from the USA

Could I please get that contact information.  We are wanting to come down to look for a 3 bedroom place to rent but maybe we would fit in the 2 bedroom depending on beds.  We have 3 kids and a dog.
thanks Krystal


Congratulations on your purchase. It's my understanding that the real estate agents in Belize operate the same way in Canada and that is that the seller pays.  How were you as buyers able to save? Do you feel that the seller offered a lower price.  Kindly explain I'm very curious and I'm looking at buying.  I was planning to use an agent and have been doing a lot of checking for a good one.  If there's some information I may be missing let me know please.  Thanks so much in advance.


I enjoyed reading all the posts above.  We also looked at Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras though that was over 15 years ago!  Even by then, neither were to our liking, but Belize was refreshingly different.  We have had an amazing time here and would be happy to answer any questions etc anyone has on the country. 

I would also like to confirm that you should enlist an attorney to assist in the process and to ensure you get good title to the land,and can therefore buy from a private owner, or through a realtor.  Either way it is important you get correct title.  Other than that the process  is very straightforward and is in ENGLISH so you can understand it if you are from Canada etc.  We found this was important to us and would not be the case in C.Rica etc.  Good luck!


We did go through a real estate agent and a lawyer and  now have clear  deed and title to the property. The experience was quite easy. The agent we dealt with was Robert Colon from ReMax in San Oedro Ambergris Caye.

Can't wait to come down there and make some connections with the people in the area!


We are looking to relocate to Belize.....Our daughter and son have both left the province so our job is done and its time to retire into a new adventure....I think the best way to do this is to rent down there for a few months to a year before buying property....we would prefer to live in a gated community with lots of activities with other retiries like ourselves.....We need to get advice from people who have been there for a wife is a retired nurse who is more than willing to work in her field if there is a need for her services.....I am a musician (hobbyist) who would like to stay involved in music to some degree..If you could give us your feedback on this email that would be great...

Glenn and Lynne Brown


Hi Jay , my name is Glenn Brown and my wifes name is Lynne...We are both ready to make a move from Canada to a location due South......Hopefully Belize fits the bill....We have decided that Belize might be a good spot to retire and were thinking of renting for a period of time before deciding on a purchase....Are you still relocating in Aug/14....Is there a link or a name we can contact about rentals? any info
you can provide would be appreciated....Thanks in advance...

Glenn and Lynne


I live in Whitby and is from Belize originally. if i can help let me know.


You sure can help me.....thanks....BTW why did you move to Canada and how long have you been here....


Hello Corozal Dave!!!   This is off topic however I wanted to connect with you and get your thoughts.  My business partner and I are wanting to move to Belize to start an automotive repair shop.  He is a mechanic with his own shop here in Ontario and enjoys what he does.  However we are so tired of the fast-paced, big-box-stores,  technology driven environment that we have here!  Also the long, cold winters really suck!  So Belize sounds like the place we should be.  Do you think Corozal would be a good area to open a repair shop that offers A1 service and current diagnostic tools?  We're not looking to get rich but want to know that we'll get enough business to be able to support our daily needs.

Thanks for your thoughts!!

~ Ginger


Hello Kim Carlsson.  I just returned from 16 days in Belize and did love it.  I checked out Sanctuary Belize.  The project will be fantastic once its done, but it is a long way from that. If you're not in a rush to enjoy the  property and what it says it will offer then it may be a good fit.  There are three additional gated community sites in the Hopkins Sittee River area. Two of which are also struggling and one which is selling lots but I'm not sure if you build your own. Belize is definitely not for everyone. If you are a person that really enjoys the conveniences that we may take for granted here in Canada and you like to have smooth paved roads, air conditioned grocery stores, with full lighting, lots of shopping and malls, air conditioned restaurants. If you enjoy a lot of entertainment, movies, theatre etc you may find Belize is not a good match.  If you are eager to live the simple life and don't have a lot of materialistic demands it's brilliant! Land and property is abundant and you could buy and build for less than 100,000 or you can spend a million.   You can build a home to suit your personal standards. Myself I like to have air conditioning (at 38+ degrees with humidity on top) I like to keep it on when I sleep.  I can have all of my appliances and a western style home. But I do not need entertainment other than a nice walk in nature, time with friends etc. I'll bring my electronics with me and take a trip every few months when I need a fix of western life.  We loved it so much we are buying land and will be setting up shop there eventually.  Do not buy anything from the internet.  Take a few weeks and discover the country for yourself... good luck!

corozal dave

Kim Carlsson wrote:

Hello Corozal Dave!!!   This is off topic however I wanted to connect with you and get your thoughts.  My business partner and I are wanting to move to Belize to start an automotive repair shop.  He is a mechanic with his own shop here in Ontario and enjoys what he does.  However we are so tired of the fast-paced, big-box-stores,  technology driven environment that we have here!  Also the long, cold winters really suck!  So Belize sounds like the place we should be.  Do you think Corozal would be a good area to open a repair shop that offers A1 service and current diagnostic tools?  We're not looking to get rich but want to know that we'll get enough business to be able to support our daily needs.

Thanks for your thoughts!!

~ Ginger

Hi Ginger, I have to say the Belize has a shortage of real train and qualified service technicians.  Having said this you'll have to understand the environment for auto mechanics in Belize.  For the most part they have no formal training, they've learned on the job from someone else who was trained the same way on the job.  Problem is they are being trained by unskilled people so you end up with a lot of unqualified mechanics. So definitely there is a need for fully trained mechanics.  My son is a master mechanic with Acura and he too thought the same way as you have, until he came down and investigated what he thought was the opportunity.
The problem for him was he realized people are not willing to pay for a professional mechanic. He saw me have my car towed to my local mechanic (my son had no tools with him) and saw me pay $600.00 BZD or $300.00 usd to have my my engine taken a part and all new valve put in.  My son was flabbergasted, he said he couldn't even get the parts for that let alone the labor.  Now that is him, if you feel you could get by on charging a little more than the local rates then go for it.  There is a definite need to be filled and you would have a lot of customers in the expat community, so be sure to live in an area with lots of expats, like Corozal.


I have to agree with the posts about renting. I guess it all depends on where you are in life and what you want. I personally would not be comfortable with buying in a foreign place without living there first but that's just me. Having said that, which is the best way to go about finding a place to rent? Is it best to go through a realtor or a website like Homeaway or Air B&B?


Could you provide the names of a reputable lawyer and real estate agent  in Belize.




which area
where are you now


Is their such a thing?


what is a "thing"


Reputable Lawyer!


belize law is british
not flipping a coin like the spanish


I would recommend Tania Moody at Barrow & Williams, Belize City. She handled my closing for property in toledo district


Hello everyone.  We are Canadians living in Calgary area.  We are looking at buying a building lot in the consejo shores subdivision north of Corozal.  I assume that the norm would be to hire a lawyer to look after our real estate interests. Does anyone have a good experience with a lawyer there and what should fees be. Appreciate your info.

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