
Guide Dogs in Fiji

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Hi, My colleague may be working in Fiji later this year. He is profoundly deaf and has a fully accredited Hearing Dog that has all the access rights that Guide Dogs for those who are blind have. He has identified that his dog can travel with him in the cabin of the plane to Suva (he has done this lots of times with his dog on interstate trips in Australia) and he is fully briefed on all the import/biosecurity requirements for rentering Australia.
What my colleague has been unable to establish is whether Fiji has people with either Guide Dogs or Hearing Dogs AND whether his Hearing Dog will have the same access rights (eg. entering public buildings etc.) that is legislated for here in Australia. Equally, he will need to rent a house in Suva and he was concerned that landlords may not like a dog being inside which needs to occur so she can alert him to sounds such as door knocks/smoke alarms etc.
I would be very grateful for any advice here and potentially a name or association to discuss this situation.
Kind regards, Narni.


Hello Narni
I myself have never seen a guide dog in Fiji (that doesn't mean they don't exist there) but they aren't common.

Most landlords won't worry about dogs inside (unless it is a fancy type apartment).  I have found the rental rules to be very lax and not as strict as Australia.

I can imagine that a guide dog will raise questions when heading into buildings/shops etc, as if the guard on the door doesn't know about 'guide dogs' they are unlikely to spend the time to educate and then allow.  Things are pretty black and white in Fiji, I think, and they stick to rules given to them.

I will ask some friends if they've seen guide dogs in Suva, and write back here soon.

Somer  xxx

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Thank you so much Somer. Your reply has been very helpful. I appreciate you making further enquiries as well. All the very best, Narni.  😊🐕🐾


Hi Narni
My apologies for the long delay...  I heard back from my friend in Biosecurity in Fiji.  His opinion is that he hasn't seen/heard of any guide dogs in Fiji.  This makes me feel like it may be a struggle for people to come to an understanding of the importance  of this animal to your friend.  I hate to be a 'negative nancy' but I think he will find it difficult (at least at first) in getting the animal in and out of shops, businesses, buildings etc.  I think if he has to do it, his best option would be to employ a local (for the first few weeks) to go along with him everywhere to explain in the local language about the use of the service dog.  By then, the regular security on doors will come to know and understand.
Hope this helps!
Somer x


Hi Somer,

How wonderful are you to do all of this investigation! Thank you so much for this great 'detective' work! That's very interesting and I really like your suggestions as to how to manage the situation.
Once more, thanks for your terrific support - it shows what a caring person you are😊! It is difficult enough for people with disabilities so it's really encouraging to know that there are people like you in the world.
My very warmest regards, Narni. 😘