Looking for work - April 2011 onwards

Hi There

I am looking to move to La Marina in April and I am looking for work. I have experience in the Travel and Tourism sector, Bar work, Shop work, Transfer rep and holiday rep. I have a wealth of knowledge and great references. Ime 40 now so not looking to "Party all night", but I am a very out going and bubbly person.

I am re-locating overseas for a healthier lifestyle but don't want to make the move without guaranteed employment!!

If you are on Facebook, Live in La Marina and want to add me then it's Sheridan Whippey.

Look Forward to hearing from you soon!!!!!

Welcome on Expat.com sheri6970,

I will suggest you to browse through the articles in the Work in Spain guide. It contains lot of useful information & links that might help you in your employment search.

Good luck

Great. Thank you!!!!