
Divorce in egypt, Orfi or legal

Last activity 03 December 2019 by CRUZ Habebe

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Fady fawzy

I would like to hear some problems regarding marriage, divorce and inheritance,banned to leave egypt cause. Of your husband?,need to be divorced by court?,kids ability to leave the country with there  mam?
How to obtain inheritance incase couples are musleman?how to prove that the Christian wife ha e a property on her name away from inheritance law?
Certificate of Islam?
Testimony?  to  gararentee kids. Future away from egypt inheritance law?
Registering your property? Even if non resident,? Working permit?.bank loans car registry even with tourist Viza?
Pension feom country of origin to egypt?
Protection from violent husband?

I'll be glad to hear from you
Fady fawzy taha.
International lawyer.

Fady fawzy

Offcourse I'd u need to know about Viza new laws and renewals.
How to get a resident Viza on a property.?


i don't know if ur able to give me a bit of advise with u being a lawyer.
i live in egypt for the past 10yrs. i'm English catholic .
now i plan to marry after knowing someone for 6yrs in cairo .
the English embassy say i need divorce papers which are 20yrs old  notarised legized n a cni all in England .
the Egyptian embassy don't say anything .but the english embassy in cairo tell me i have to go back to England get all paperwork done .but the cni takes 31 days. iv got no where to stay in England n don't really want to back
my husband to be says i don't need to do anything as can get it all done in Egypt
iv looked on internet promable a bad idea coz people are saying all sorts of different information
i don't know where to go from here.
i hope it was ok to email u in that u might know. the answer
no worrys if u can't.but thought it was worth a try since ur on here

Fady fawzy

England embassy should assist with documentations.
Than u go out their or u make an authorization to someone in England.
For the moment u can make ur marriage docs here, Orfi and register it at court.
If u need help please let me know.

tarnyaellan wrote:

hi  ...
the English embassy say i need divorce papers which are 20yrs old  notarised legized n a cni all in England .
the Egyptian embassy don't say anything .but the english embassy in cairo tell me i have to go back to England get all paperwork done .but the cni takes 31 days. iv got no where to stay in England n don't really want to back ....

Really, I didn t know Egypt has an Embassy in Egypt.... roll.png

Fady fawzy



they don't have embassy it's consulate sorry my mistake ..  i'm sure people know what i meant


I am planning to buy vacation flat in Hurghada.
My question is what would happend with the flat if i divorce my egyptian husband some day in future?

Thank you


Hai , Hello.

I am from Indonesia, and my fiance is from Egypt. He is Egyptian. But We are not living in Egypt. We are going to do merriage in Egypt, legal law.

Can you please help me, and tell me the details? Can you also help us , what kind of documents we need and where have to go?

Please reply this or send me emails,

Fady fawzy

if its bought by your name , your husband wont take it,
in case of inheritance if you have different religion
you wont inherit from each other


if contract is in ur name u should be ok u sell though a lawyer but get a good one n won't take u for ur money or through a agent .
but it could take up to 1/2 to get a divorce   thou it does depend if was through the courts in cairo or ofi .
hope that helps
ps i'm trying still to sell me house but because it wasn't finished half built 6yrs now n still not getting very far.


Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for your time to reply.
We married in ministry of justice in Cairo and i am planning to buy it on my name, just in case something goes wrong one day. Yes, we have different religion, i am christian ortodox and he is muslim.


if ur not divorced yet  be careful buying coz he can claim half ur house
this is why i'm having trouble with mine x


Thank you


I was wanting to know if you could give me some advice.

I was married to an Egyptian through the British embassy in the ministery of justice. After a while I left him and went back to the uk. I asked him for a divorce and he told me he got one and sent me a copy of the divorce paper but said they would not give him my copy and I was no present when he divorced me. I was pregnant and had my child in he uk. I am now back, living in Cairo, and I am going to remarry my ex husband. I have asked him to do it the same way through the embassy and he has said no. That we should go to a lawyer and get married in the ministry of justice and what I want to know is if this will be legal as my country does not know I'm divorced.


no it's not legal a ofi marriage is more what is known in egypt as a sex paper .  u have no rights with this paper   i also expect if ur not marryed he won't have to pay for ur child,maybe he didt really divorce it ist cheap n can take 1/2yrs but be careful coz once ur child reaches a certain age n u decide it's not working n want to go back to england he might not let u or tell u to go n keep the child  n ur child becomes a muslim also with this ofi paper he can rip it up or keep go on to the next women or the next with marriage papers in cairo he can't do that. though he can have 4 egyptian wife's,he can only have 1english if marryed the right way so i found out
hope this helps 
what have other say hope everything goes well for u


Thank you for the information I knew most of this but I never knew if you marry someone from the uk you can't have four wives and I did not know a orfi  could be done with a lawyer in the ministery of justice. My kids are not egyptian so he can't hold them in Egpyt


he can't have 4 english wife's only one  liigaly  i found that one out.when i found out what a offi marriage was  but he can have 4 egyptian wife's   
a offi marriage is done with a lawyer 2 pieces of paper signed n witnessed  £30 n that's it they don't check divorce papers ask any questions  u can only get marryed legally in cairo no where else. no court will do a ofi marriage n if u remarry the right way as u did b4 ur need ur divorce papers medical this time round. so check what kind of marriage he going to give u
u didt say is the child his or not
i'm only saying coz this happened to my friend
meet this wonderful egyptian man got marryed legally in pregnant soon after.then it was all about the child as she give him a son they seem to treat boys differently special) n it was like he changed over nyt. after a few wks she  told her husband that she wanted to go home  to show her family their son.n to get him christianed n he refused  took her passport money turned out that the child is automatly muslim ( ur in their country.) my friend was /is a very strong catholic n beliefs (she didt have to convete as egyptian men can marry whatever religion. anyroad one night he took the child or maybe a uncle no one knows for sure. n in the morning she was told stay or leave but without ur son. she is now back in England as he throw her out in the street not quite sure what happened my friend has changed n don't spk to anyone not even me but  2yrs now she been fighting to get her son back through the british embassy.but not given much hope unless one day he has a change of heart n comes to England with their son but that is unlikely
u should watch not without my daughter  give u an idea what some family's are like. don't get me wrong ur could be a angel. my first one turned out to be pure evil,lier n a cheat.but my second husband is the complete opp.
anyroad u take care of urself n i wish u the best


Thank you and yes my daughter is his born in the uk but is not registered in Egypt so does not have egyptian birth certificate I will marry a second time with a lawyer in the ministery of justice just not with my uk embassy stamp this is what I want to know will it be legal in my country.


if u register it.  u know u can't remarry till u been  divorced over 3mths

Fady fawzy

no it wont

Fady fawzy


its ok since you are living here , u can remarry your husband here in justice office.
about your country of origin  its np cause they didint know you are divorced

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I married in Cairo in 2010. I do not have a copy of my marriage certificate. I live in England. I am separated from my husband. He said he would be going back to Egypt and he would divorce me.  I have no idea if he's done this - I can not contact him. Now I just want a divorce. What is the best way to do this? I do not want to come to Egypt.

Fady fawzy

we can obtain a copy of your marriage through the city hall and ministry of justice and obtain a copy of documents and even when u came to Egypt and u left since u came first time
then we can open a divorce case on your behalf and court will give you divorce certificate so u can get married again .
u can start all process from uk and all what you need is to make an authorization for me or any lawyer you choose and he will start in procedures.even if your husband didn't want to cooperate or asked for money to give u divorce.
this procedures are not very cost but it needs first authorization  and legalization here from foreign affairs that will cost any lawyer around 1000 pounds Egyptian
it needs translation and legalization of marriage contract will cost around 1000 Egyptian pounds
to apply at city hall or registry of ministry of justice for a copy will cost around 700 Egyptian pounds
after all to open a divorce case will cost around 12000 Egyptian pounds and may last from 3 months to 2 years.
then divorce sentence needs to be legalized and stamped by foreign affairs then to your embassy then to you.
these are the procedures and approx. cost away from lawyer fees that is not less than 10000 to 12000 Egyptian pounds in cluding transportaion and daily fees for an english speaking lawyer
in english pound it may reach about 1200 english pounds
you may find cheaper but not really honest or smart enough ,or u may find smart enough but not an english speaker, you may find a procedure lawyer that can open a divorce case but he will not be fighting for it in front of the egyptian local husband

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Fady fawzy

Well I have same cases this days.
Getting married at the lawyer as a orfi marriage gives rights as living together .
But if he divorced you legally then you have to marry him legally again in Egypt.
And since your country don't recognise marriage .
Then he is looking to get married to you in England and Obtain a British Residency based on child birth certificate.anyway cases differs depending on partners ideas or level of relationship.

Fady fawzy

Well in casekf divorce it depends on he contract written and agreed on both partners.
Better to have your property o. Your own name and be able to get residency on it .


Unfortunately my dear, as you've likely found out alrwady, that is in fact the case, and it's not information easily obtained (the Egyptian ministry of Justice website was not updated with this new requirement which started in late 2015, and it wasn't until I had arrived in Cairo from Minneapolis USA to marry my fiance wth ALL (or so we were told) necessary paperwork that we were told (at the moment we were supposed to be married legally) that my original copy of divorce decree was not sufficient and I'd have to return to usa to have it notarized and legalized from the Egyptian embassy in Chicago USA!! Given my husband too is an attorney of immigration and family law and he still consulted our family attorney as well prior and STILL rec'd the outdated information, I feel for you my girl. I hope inshallah you were able to accommodate the pain in the yiu know what process and get married after all!! You and I were far from the only victims of this policy change 🤣 I still saw people being turned away when we DID tie the knot two months after originally planned and my heart truly went out to those couples. Being divorced from my abusive husband I was none too happy to find out the hold up on my new marriage was none other than those damned divorce papers lol


I have an Egyptian boyfriend and every time I visit him (every 2 to 3 months) I book into a hotel and he rents a flat which he pays lots of money for because the owner knows we don't have papers. I stay in the hotel during the day while he's at work and he picks of up after work and we stay together in the flat and he drops me back at the hotel next morning.
My question is
If we get these orfi papers would we be able to walk out together and would he be able to stay in a flat with me that I book from home maybe through airbnb or booking .com. without getting into trouble with the police.
Thank you in advance for your reply


U should of got a offi paper from the start as he knows he's not surpose to sleep with u without them.Thats why they call ofi papers the shagging  paper.
Many hotels won't let u stay together.even with papers especially in luxor.n a lot of places in cairo most of the people that rate their flats out require u to have the proper papers which means u both have to go cairo n get the marriage papers n takes about a wk I know because iv been there.tried airbnb n home n away  all wanted marriage certificate. Not ofi
He shouldn't be paying much for his flat for them it's really cheap between £30/ £50 per mth.n he don't need to show papers if he's on his own.but when he brings a English lady then yes he has to have papers.hope ur not parting with any off ur money to pay
All the best


Thank you for the reply. No I aren't parting with my money. Like I said to him I've had to say for my flights and hotel. The owner of the flat he uses knows I go there with him after work. He just said he charges him a lot of money because we haven't got the papers. Would we be able to get an apartment or a villa with the papers


U can try money under the table if u know what i mean.  But hotels n private expats no.   Not being nosy but what part of Egypt u going too.

Fady fawzy

legalizing an ofri marriage contract at police station and stated at a lawyer  and even if needed to be registered at court then you  smile.png
can stay together legally in  a flat and many other resorts in red sea area .
its totally equal in rights ,just you cant obtain a residency through.


Thank you for your reply. I don't wish to have residency I just want to be able to stay in one place when I visit and feel safe. Also be able to walk round together and go shopping, to a bar, the beach or sight seeing etc. If all I need to do this is get orfi papers than I will be more than happy.
Now I would just like to know how we go about getting them and if I need to take any paperwork with me. Yes I know people are going to tell me he should know but I would like to know the process myself before I go


Are there orfi papers still allowed. If so where would we go to get them please


From a lawyer he should know some cost about £20 no more. He must find 2 male witness  bring ur passport  u sign paper n that's it.  A few wks la8er u get a green copy that u keep.unfortunly I don't any in Hurghada.


Sorry to sound rude but someone has messaged and said the police don't allow these papers anymore.
I do hope they are wrong.
So if I go to hurghada next month and we take our 2 witnesses and my passport to a solicitor we can get the papers. Do the male witnesses have to be Egyptian


Hi iv never heard of that.   Ur bf will have to  find a lawyer  I take it this is where he comes from get too males  yes they have to be Egyptian with their ID cards they don't have to be his friends. as witnesses. Take ur passport n pay. u get a white paper in arabic. U can not stay together without the paper.  Two wks later he goes back to lawyer n get green copy.if u want it to be lligal  marriage u have to go  cairo takes about a wk lot of work going from place to place n if ur divorced u have to bring thougs papers as well n pay a lot more money.   Many of the big hotels tell Hilton ect want except him even with papers n some others will put he have to pay double what u pay so try airbnb ect first.


I'm Caribbean British born passport. Last month November 2017. I married an Egyptian businessman  via Orfi marriage in Hurghada. We travelled to Luxor and was required to show orfi contract and passports at every police checkpoint. My husband rented a flat and was charged more because they knew I was British. Quite understandable given its a tourist driven economy.

I was thinking of going the official route registering in Cairo, now assessing whether the hassle is worth it. I've been divorced in the UK for over 10 years. If I buy property in Hurghada, I know now, it will be in my name, but with residency restrictions and constant renewal of visas, despite owning property in Egypt, I'm considering whether its even worth buying property there. Thinking now Just rent longterm with my husband. I know there are laws in place for Egyptian residents, which caps rent increases. Wondering if it applies for foreigners. My husband would organise it, im just very aware of how things change, particularly the price, the moment they realise, I'm British.

My point is, with no property or children together, my husband has, a good-business in Egypt, with no intention of living in the UK etc. He's Muslim I'm "spiritual" and do not want to be obliged to pick a religion just for marriage contract purposes.... is it really necessary to make our marriage official beyond Orfi?

(Yes I know major hotels do not recognise orfi marriage).


First of to be ligal marryed in cario u have to be catholic or Jewish.sorry don't mean to sound rude but what is a spiritualist having a ofi marriage is ok it stops the police hassling u so much but ur not entitled to if he left u and u had a house he would claim it n all ur money.
As ur divorced u will have to show ur divorce papers which have to be stamped back in England u used to be able to do them here at the embassy in Cairo but not anymore. 7 passport photos medical. Takes a lot of going from buildings to building waiting around.about £200  he has to get a stamp from the post office.   U still will expect to pay extra for hotels checkpoints.ect
Regarding land. If u don't want to pay English prices which will be very high  ur have to get ur husband to do them thou the contract will be in his name n it's very hard to get it into ur name ( took me 7 yrs.  if when u builting ur house everything has to be paid upfront. Workers are very slow  u employ one company that does everything from building to finishing tiles ect.  I wanted to do my own painting n wasn't allowed too they don't even do nice colours n there paint is a lot different to ours.   U can buy some nice furniture but again we pay will over,even Egyptian furniture hubby will have to do everything n will have to keep out of sight.when I was building mine I decided to visit to see how it was going to plan. The layout was changed things added that shouldn't off been ect. But someone that lived nearby saw me informed the builders I was English even though my hubby was  sorting stuff out n the next day they wanted more money n the prices of bricks ect went sky high

I wish u the best of luck what ever way u go.  U could find some nice places to rate n pay the higher amount be careful though as a lot of web sites n even shops advertising flat ect to rate n buy that don't even sit or selling n don't belong to the person   I found that one out.I loved  my time in Egypt n would love to go back one day  Hurghada is lovely
Will u want to stay there or move somewhere else.
Take care


Thank you. Very informative, things for me to consider when making plans.

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