Options to obtain a car for a non-EU driver in Malta

I've been trying to sort out what to do in Malta without a EU license. It is a little bit confusing. so I need your help to sort it out please...

You can drive up to 12 months with a non-EU license, then you have to get a Maltese/EU driving license. And you cannot apply for a Maltese license before you spend 185 days in Malta as a resident. So it is obvious that you will use your existing one for at least 6 months before you have a right to obtain a Maltese one. 

It is not advised to buy a car without a Maltese licence since the insurance companies may not accept your non-EU driving license. On the other hand it is not cheap to have a lease for 6-12 months since they want you to lease it for +3 years.  And it becomes ridiculously expensive to rent a car for 12 months and then buy one....

So is there an economical and logical way for a non-EU driver to have a car in Malta?

I would go to an insurance broker and ask them to try and find an insurer who is willing to accept a driver with a non-EU license.  I dont think it's impossible. I would get a second hand car of up to 10k euros and insure it on a third party, fire and theft basis.

Hi my friend,

I'm with the same problem.

Did you solve it? How ?

Can someone help us?

Thank you!

Why don't you just buy a second hand car? My husband is a non EU citizen and that is what he did. Second hand car prices are cheap. He had a problem getting insurance from one company because of his license but he went to another one and they accepted it.

it´s a second hand car... tell me please what is the insurance company that your husband managed to do it...

Thank you so much!

Mapfre Malta in Gzira

Thank you so much!!

I will try!!

We are still trying, nobody from Mapfre picked up today. We are asking car dealers' help. I will update the post whenever we solve the issue.

UPDATE: On phone Mapfre said they cannot, we assume that it is about finding the right agency not the agency maybe... @charmender Do you have a contact name?

There are quite a few Car Insurance agents.

SimCityAT, we are in an out of ordinary situation here since we don't have an EU driving license. We still couldn't find an agent who would be willing to insure a car on anything other than an EU driving license.

It could be because you just called on the phone.y husband went in person and he doesn't remember the name of the person but he said they really didn't make an issue about him not having an eu license. Maybe try in person they might be more helpful or as you said it could be due to the agent

Thank you!

Have you had a read on Driving in Malta?

Hi all,

I´m still trying to find a agent/company but I think it´s impossible.
And I need to wait for 185 days (from my entrance here) to get a maltese driving licence.

If you find any agent, please, post here.

Thank you!

You could always take another driving test if you are so desperate to drive?

SimCityAT wrote:

You could always take another driving test if you are so desperate to drive?

You can only do that after 1/2 year here

SimCityAT, I don't think anyone here is really "desperate to drive" - we are all obliged to do so to survive on the island and commute to our jobs on daily basis. Everyone here is genuinely interested in obtaining information how to make their lives easier on the island and any help is appreciated. So sending Google search links on 'Car Insurance Malta' comes off as pretty offensive considering that we live in 2017 and this forum was created way after Google.com; while on top being off topic as we have expressed our difficult non-EU position with insurance companies in the first post. The rules state that you cannot take any license related driving tests or exams before 6 months pass, so being desperate or not really doesn't make a difference in pretty much no one's situation on this forum. Now you have this information, so feel free to use it instead of Google search.

Thanks to everyone else who was helpful. We are still searching and we will let you know if anyone reaches back to us.

Offensive?? A list of Insurances brokers that you can phone up or maybe visit. Everyone has different circumstances or are from different countries.

Have you actually telephoned the Transport department to ask what your options are? I guess that will be a no.

Well, I guess 6 months using public transport is your only option if you just expect everyone else to do the homework for you.

Perhaps the OP could consider international insurance.
I read the OP and tested the theory before posting this - took me about 5 minutes to get a quote for insurance valid in Malta.
Who mentioned google?

Thanks, Fred. I will visit a few insurance offices today since calling on the phone automatically means 'NO'. I guess face-to-face some agents may insure without asking for an EU license. Worth a shot at this point.

Who mentioned google?

One of the links - Car Insurance - in the posts above leads to a Google search "car insurance Malta".

Hi all,

I found no solution until now... but I keep searching...

If you can have a No Claims History Report for the past five years and your license is valid internationally, try again! We got ours at last :) Or you can start all processes to get a local driving license and then wait for your 185 days to be over to obtain your new driving license. Early application saves some time, you do not need to wait 185 days to start the processes. And never rent a car from G...CAR, they are evil!

Hi. Can you please tell me which insurance company he manged to get insurance from. I am battling to find one. my email is ***. I would really appreciate knowing who gave insurance. Thanks

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please tell me who you got insurance with?

Same here, any answer? I have Eu Citizenship but only NON-EU Driver License.
Any advice?

Please please can you give me the name of the insurance or broker your husband used. I have tried around 15 so far and no one has helped. My email is *** I would be extremely grateful as I have bought a car and can't get 3rd party insurance. Thanks

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Hello I am in the same situation, I am European but with a non eu drivers license.  Did you manage to find an insurance company to help you? I have also already purchased the car :(

Hello, a friend told me to try Atlas Insurance.
Im not sure, but you can try

Yes. If you take your Maltese id and your driver's license and the logbook for the car and actually go into the brokers office they should help you. They are likely to decline if you email or phone but face to face you should get someone willing to help

Hi all.  I managed to get insurance quite easily with Atlas.

What does not work: just phoning or emailing.
What might work:
-Get a quote for the vehicle you want preferably from a recognized dealer;
-Get copy of the vehicle logbook;
-Obtain your claim history for the last 5 years from your previous ensurer (This may be scrutinized quite carefully and the issue and / or discount heavily depends on this);
-You must have a valid drivers license issued by a competent authority if from a third country;
-Passport copy. Residence permit will be even better;
-Sufficient funds to pay for a full year up front, this could be anything from 600 - 1500 E;
-Try an identify insurers who have an online chat feature as it helps to start a structured dialog.  Alternatively you can phone and obtain a name and email address to whom you can address an email with your details. Some might respond willing to proceed. Phoning will almost always result in further assistance being declined.
- Even if you emailed an insurer and there has been positive feedback, it is best to visit the insurer at their offices and follow up on the email. Alternatively if you have not emailed them, visit their offices, present your information and wait there until they have reviewed the information.

Good luck

Some other notes:
The holder of a drivers license issued by a competent authority from a third country may drive in Malta for a period not exceeding 12 months (S.L 65.18 Part 1 (5)) so there are no regulations preventing insurers from insuring anyone in this period.  it seems to be a practice amongst the insurers, but as described above, if your claim record is good they are quite happy to insure you with discount.

The 185 days only applies to to those with licenses issued in a member state, Switzerland, Austria and countries listed in the 14th schedule of the Subsidiary Legislation 65.18 (Australia only)  wishing to exchange their license for a Maltese license.   Insurers will happily insure you with an EU license.

Anyone with a residence permit can apply for a Maltese drivers license at any time going through the normal motions as described in this link: https://www.gov.mt/en/Life Events/Getting a Driving Licence/Pages/Getting-a-Driving-Licence-in-Malta.aspx

One issue I encountered with my first attempt at obtaining insurance (Citadel)
was my NCD.
When we got within a 3 months of leaving the UK I sold our car and cancelled my insurance, asking for a NCD confirmation letter, which they duly sent.
So some 4 months later I find that this gap in insurance cover meant I could never gain insurance from the above mentioned insurer. Elmo didn't even ask for it and they got my business.
So if planning to move it may be best to not cancel any car insurances till you move.


I am in the same situation. Please, can u tell me how you solved out?
I have my argentine license, and international license, and yet have not find a insurance company accepting it.

Thank you very much.

antodada wrote:


I am in the same situation. Please, can u tell me how you solved out?
I have my argentine license, and international license, and yet have not find a insurance company accepting it.

Thank you very much.

Do you have your residence card?

I'm in the same situation,
I have EU Citizenship, but my driver license is from Brazil.

I have residence card.
I tried some insurance companies (atlas, middlesea, ...) and they refused without EU Driver License.

Any thoughts?


Hi, can you please confirm - did you manage to get insurance with non EU license. In my case it is in international license issued by non eu state, i am here only 2 months and just got ID  - can I insure it or not? Simultaneously, I guess, i will apply for Maltese process taking it slowly..

As I see it, the best, and possibly the only, way is to apply for a Maltese licence by taking the normal test. You will need to be resident here continuously for about 185-190 days , not sure exactly which, before you can do this. The best proof of this is the date on your e-residency card. Regardless of what their website says, lease agreements are no longer acceptable.

Atlas takes foreigners from some countries for 1 year while you get your Maltese one.