Just arrive 2 days ago

need some contacts , to chill and hang out ,

Welcome on board tacki ;)

Err, I guess a short presentation would be awesome ;)

hi tacki!

welcome to Expat.com :D

so how are you finding Kuala Lumpur so far? I haven't been back in a while and I miss the people and aah, the food!!!

Well, take care!


Hi Yud ... do you know how can we chat?

Yud wrote:

Welcome on board tacki ;)

Err, I guess a short presentation would be awesome ;)

are you in malaysia now?

Hi amirexpat,

You can't chat on Expat.com for the time being (However, I am considering this request - keep on checking, we are constantly adding new features on the site ;)) but you can post your messages on the forum so that other members can participate!


hi guys if anyone want to know little about me can go my profile .
@ Haf ,KL is damn dead on social life , till now dont have anyone to chill out , 2morow 26 feb will be out in club called 21 but alone ,have been to ZOUK but so borring,just wanna meet normal people ...



Hi anybody there online?